You are the Lord that healeth me… You are the Lord my healer…You sent You Word and You healed my disease… You are the Lord my Healer… You sent Your and You healed my diseases; You are the Lord my Healer….// (The Blood of Jesus) The Blood of Jesus set me free from sins and sorrow; the Blood of Jesus set me free… The Blood Jesus…. The Blood of Jesus set me free…. from sins and sorrow the Blood of Jesus set me free…

Yes on the Cross of Calvary Jesus went for me and you, His Blood was shed, His Blood sets me free from sins and sorrow, His Blood made me whole…

Who is on the Lord sides… I want to know… I am on the Lord sides… who is on the Lord sides I want to know!!! I am on the Lord side… I am on the Lord sides and Jesus is on my side… as long as I live, as long I stay… I am on the Lord side…

Father thank You for the privilege of making me a partake of God’s grace…. Mercy spoke for me.… The Blood of Jesus pleaded my case… and today I am made bold to say “It pays to be on the side of the Lord”… I can also say… “It pays to serve Jesus… Him and Him alone”… Alleluia to the King of kings, The Lord of lords… The Ancient One…be Thou glorify in heaven and as well as in heaven in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!

Beloveth, I don’t know where to start but I think I can start where I am right now to say the Word of God is truly Yea and Amen! You don’t need to fully understand it… but is so important that you believe in it…and gradually the Lord will take you by the hand and make everything simple … you will see the amazing wonders embedded in His Word…. No wonder when the angel announced to Mary God’s plan for her life… her response was simple… “Be it done unto me according to Thy Word…. Why… because she had understanding of the God of her Fathers… Who simply did not speak because He wants to speak or because He wants demonstrate power… He speaks because His plan for you and I are good and not evil… therefore He wants to fulfill destinies….. He wants to give purpose and meaning to the lives He created…. Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, the theme of this month found expression in my life…what about you? In every facets of my life I saw it manifesting…. God is a Good God indeed…and my soul is gladden… alleluia somebody…

Join us to sing this song… I am so glad I belong to Jesus… I belong to Jesus…I belong to my God… I am glad I belong to Jesus, I belong to Jesus, I belong to my God…

Beloveth everything works together for good to them that love God…(Rom.8:28). Join us to sing again….

(Song) His Name is higher far above other names, He Name is Jesus… His Name is God… His Name is higher far above other names… His Name is Jesus … His Name is God…

I accomplished so much with ease through Jesus… I simple lean on His understanding and He saw me through… I partnered every inch of my journey with Him and the end result is fantastic… more of Wonders beloveth … Yes it is indeed marvelous…. Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!

Our last topic for this month is “ A defeated Enemy.” Who is the defeated enemy beloveth?

Beloveth if you catch the Spirit behind the teaching of today… you will live a victorious life… you will reign on earth as God intended you to… You will manifest God’s glory everywhere you go… Praise the Name of the Lord!!!

Sincerely God made us gods… after His own likeness from the beginning… at fall God sent His Son Jesus to redeem us by His Blood… and that settles it…. but what happens … satan takes the back door.. through uncertainty, troubles, challenges, sickness, failures … he takes all these woes and betide God’s own children.. So we run in circles trying free ourselves… from the freedom we have already been given…

Beloveth … apostle Paul said to the Galatians- O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? (Gal.3:1-4).

Sincerely same can be said our generation… satan has succeed in planting fear, Discouragements, Failure, Panic attacks, Shame, name it into our lives… yes… he calls everything God calls good in our lives evil.… he makes us believe that God does not love us as He said… he makes us doubt every sincerely move of God in our individual lives… he makes us disobedient to the very Word of life- Jesus….

Beloveth… Jesus had accomplished for us on the Cross, so we need not worry or get disturb of what is going on around us… we need to know that from the foundation of the World God has spoken your life into being… and just as He put everything in place before creating man in the Eden…

Let us not be carried away with the events of this life… let us rather live a surrendered life expected of us from God  Heb.4:14-16

Join us to discover more below:                                                                                                               

He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; He triumphed over them by Him.—Colossians 2:15

Christians are not called to defeat Satan. God has already done that in Christ! Nor is it our mandate to “bind” Satan. Jesus has already set limits on the extent and duration of Satan’s freedom. Satan, “our ancient foe,” was decisively and completely defeated by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and in His resurrection. With regard to Satan, our assignment is to trust in the victory that Christ already achieved and daily resist him with the truth of his defeat, as Jesus did.

Satan is the father of lies and a master deceiver (John 8:44). If he can convince you that God has not defeated him, then you will not experience Jesus’ victory. You will find yourself fighting battles that Christ has already won! You will fear Satan though he has already been utterly and humiliatingly defeated.

Your responsibility is to resist Satan, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). When you resist him, you are acknowledging that Jesus has defeated him and given you victory over his influence. God has provided you with spiritual armor that is more than sufficient to withstand any assault by Satan (Eph. 6:10–20).

Christians can become preoccupied with battling Satan. This deceives them to invest their time and energy attempting to do something that Christ has already done for them. If Satan can divert you to wage a warfare that has already ended in surrender, he will have eliminated your effectiveness where God wants you.

Fearing Satan is fearing a prisoner of war. You have no need or calling to defeat Satan, you need only to apply Christ’s victory in every area of your life and to live the victorious Christian life. As you go about sharing the gospel message with others, Satan and his forces face the reality of their defeat in each life that is claimed by the kingdom of God (Luke 10:17–20).

How can you fear a prisoner of war dearly beloved… is time for us to rise up and declare Jesus as our Lord and personal Saviour… alleluia… In Him alone is our victory… Through Him we will accomplish all that God planned for us in this life; so we must stand firm on God’s Word and mediate therein so that we will be rooted and be able to yield fruit in due seasons in Jesus Name…

Father we thank You again as we made it through the end of this month… Is been an awesome moment in Your Presence… learning and getting established in Your Word… Partaking in kingdom’s assignments and living the truth by His grace alone… alleluia!

So as we bid the month of October bye; we implore you to join us in prayer as the Holy Spirit ushers us into the new month – the month of November… Let God speak to expressly like never before… Let us have auction to delivery God’s Word with power and authority… Amen…. Beloveth Is promising to be another atmosphere of Great doings of our God … Indeed we will testify in Jesus Name…

Have a blessed weekend and if Jesus tarry, see you again on Monday in Jesus Name Amen!!!

Further Reading:- Eph.1:18-23, Rom.8:14, Matt.24:13, Jas 5:8, Jer 17:10, Tit 3:2-9, Prov 18:10, Rev 3:21

Join us as we sing to the glory of God and say good-bye this month with this song

Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)

Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)

Your love is kind
Your love is patient
You fill my heart
With so much peace and joy
You’re amazing
You make my life feel brand new
All your promises are yeah and amen
You’re not a man you never lie

Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)

Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)

Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)

Jesus you love me too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Too much (Oh)
Excess love (Oh)

Too much (Oh)

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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