I will Praise Your Name, I will Praise Your Name, I will Praise Your Name, I will Praise Your Name, if nobody will Praise Your Name I will Praise Your Name, if nobody will Praise Your Name, I will Praise Your Name.// Brethren, come and join sing alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well. Come and join me sing alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well.
Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign. Yes Lord! You are greatly to be Praise. Forever You will be the lamb upon the Throne, I gladly bow my knees to worship You my Lord. What more can we give unto You that is more worthy and acceptable to You. Faithful is Your Name. You are more than what we call you. You are high than highest, bigger than the biggest, You are taller than the tallest. How wonderful and how great is Your Name. Arise O God and be God indeed unto us Father, we give You all adoration forever more.
Beloved, wow! you will agree with me that this week was among the best of the weeks. We indeed had a good time right from Monday up until now. Our God has not stop being faithful to us. All the teachings were profound and enriching.
Beloved, when it come from above it always come with refreshing power and pure. It rejuvenate the spirit, soul and body. All targeted our Spirit man for salvation and honour God.
Do you love the Lord with all heart, Spirit, soul and body? Beloved this is a command from above if we want to be blessed by Him.
What happen to a heart that love God? How do we know if we truly love God? Oftentimes what we count as loving God is far from what God wants from us, but today you will know what God desires from thee and demand from you as you live daily.
Do you want the best from Lord, then let you heart burn with fire for him. Do not misconstrue service to obedience. The heart that is pleasing to God is a broken and contrite heart not sacrifice of bulls and doves.
Come along to discover more:
For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice,
the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.—Hosea 6:6
No amount of activity for God will ever take the place of a heart that is right with Him. Through the ages God’s people have been persuaded that they could please Him through their service and their offerings, regardless of their heart condition. King Saul offered generous sacrifices, hoping God would overlook his disobedience (1 Sam. 15:22–23). David may have assumed that after all he had done on God’s behalf, God would overlook his sin (2 Sam. 12:7–15). Ananias and Sapphira thought that their generous gift to the church would compensate for their deceitfulness (Acts 5:1–11).
Paul was certainly one who had thought his zealousness would please God. After his conversion, however, he concluded that even if he had faith to remove mountains, gave all he had to feed the poor, and offered his body to be burned for the sake of God, and yet had a heart that was not right, it would all be for nothing (1 Cor. 13:1–3).
We are susceptible to the same misunderstanding as all of these people were. We can be deceived into assuming God is more interested in our activity for Him than He is in the condition of our heart. God has consistently made it clear that He will not be pacified by even the most generous offerings and zealous service if our hearts are not right with Him (Mic. 6:6–8).
No matter how much we do in God’s service, regardless of how active we are in our church, no matter how honorable our reputation in the Christian community, He will not overlook a sinful heart. His desire is that we devote ourselves to knowing Him and loving Him with all of our hearts.
Beloved, a heart full of sin cannot attract God’s glory. We must at this time purge from our heart every impurities. When Paul was converted after encountering Jesus. Paul became a different man. He became an instrument in God’s Hand. He worked more his contemporary and he has the testimony below to give with respect to his transformation.
Paul said he became all things to all men that he may win their soul. Are you doing same? are you becoming all things to all men just for the salvation of their soul. The truth about this is not easy. But if you know the mission you have set out to accomplish and the impeding dangers then you will be wise as instructed us by our Lord Jesus (Matt 10:16, 1Cor 4:13, Phil 2:15, Col 3:12, col 3:13).
Our Lord Jesus our perfect example exhibited same when He was being persecuted -Isa 53:7. Let discover more:
“I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” 1Corinthians 9:22
Paul’s great object was not merely to instruct and to improve, but to save. Anything short of this would have disappointed him; he would have men renewed in heart, forgiven, sanctified, in fact, saved. Have our Christian labours been aimed at anything below this great point? Then let us amend our ways, for of what avail will it be at the last great day to have taught and moralized men if they appear before God unsaved?
Blood-red will our skirts be if through life we have sought inferior objects, and forgotten that men needed to be saved. Paul knew the ruin of man’s natural state, and did not try to educate him, but to save him; he saw men sinking to hell, and did not talk of refining them, but of saving from the wrath to come.
To compass their salvation, he gave himself up with untiring zeal to telling abroad the gospel, to warning and beseeching men to be reconciled to God. His prayers were importunate and his labours incessant. To save souls was his consuming passion, his ambition, his calling. He became a servant to all men, toiling for his race, feeling a woe within him if he preached not the gospel.
He laid aside his preferences to prevent prejudice; he submitted his will in things indifferent, and if men would but receive the gospel, he raised no questions about forms or ceremonies: the gospel was the one all-important business with him. If he might save some he would be content. This was the crown for which he strove, the sole and sufficient reward of all his labours and self-denials.
Dear reader, have you and I lived to win souls at this noble rate? Are we possessed with the same all-absorbing desire? If not, why not? Jesus died for sinners, cannot we live for them? Where is our tenderness? Where our love to Christ, if we seek not His honour in the salvation of men? O that the Lord would saturate us through and through with an undying zeal for the souls of men.
Is someone making same appeal to heaven? Are being touch with same desire? This is a season we must endeavour to show love to those around us especially those that are perishing and on their way to hell.
Beloved let us care for souls, so that we will have souls to present to God at then of our living here on earth. Praise the Lord!
Jesus is our Lord, let us carry on the mission He sent us. Praise God! Assuredly the Lord has promised us cover and protection therefore we have nothing to fear.
Have a blessed week, see you on Monday by His special grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.