I have a very Big God…He is always at my sides… A very big God…by my sides…by my sides…x2 Come let us Praise the Lord! … I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies…Your banner over me is love…. I will exalt You Jesus… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love… I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name… above every other Name… O Lord!

Yes Lord… we lift up Your Name forever and ever… and ever in Jesus Name… Thank You Merciful Father for whom You are…Immortal, Invisible, The Only Wise God… Who can be compared with You …nobody…nobody…

Be magnify Lord! Be magnify Lord… Be magnify O! Lord! Be Magnify in this temple…Be magnify here on earth…Jesus, Jesus, be Thou glorify!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You Father for Who You are … Thank You for miracles.. Thank You for healings, for Deliverances, Safety, Freedom, Provisions, You are A Way Maker, Miracle Worker… Light in the darkness… Thank You O! Lord! Be Thou magnify… in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!

Thank You for gift of this week…it’s been wonderful in Your Presence… O Lord… be magnify O Lord… learning and getting better in our walk with You… Thank You for making a way of escape from bondage of satan… we are grateful Lord… we remain ever grateful in Jesus Name… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloveth… is Friday… is TGIF, Is PCL… somebody shout alleluia!!!. Hope you are in tune with the Holy Spirit … so sorry that we are not online since Wednesday though the message was ready …. We covet your prayers, and we know that God is making us better by day… Praise the Lord.

Yes… do you enjoy this week series beloveth?… We are delivered from every power of sin and its bondage… we walk in dominion… we walk in authority… we walk in power… we walk in victory…. Alleluia somebody….

God delivered us for His Own Pleasure… because we serve a “Jealous God”… Our God cannot share His glory or you with anybody…anything so be careful how you live… be mindful of your actions and inaction… your words… lest it triggers God’s jealousy over you and all that are Amen!!!

When God visited Cain, it was a sorry sight… What about Eli… When God’s anger visited Ahab… his kingdom was taken away from him… King Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, Asa… most of these especially the kings among them not only worshipped the strange gods but they also made their people to serve other gods other than the Living God and in angry god visited them with punishment… Alleluia somebody…

Beloveth… our God cannot stand anyone that goes after or whore after other gods or any graven images…sin is an abomination to Him… you seek no other aside Him… beloveth… do not make God consuming fire come upon you…

God wants you to serve Him and worship Him with your life, Resources (Talents) and Time… are you ready to do that? He made you to serve Him.…in this world and in the world to come… heaven… how about that?

Come along for more…

For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.—Deuteronomy 4:24

Our God is a consuming fire. He is satisfied only when His love totally consumes us. We usually think of a jealous person as someone resentful and suspicious, but the Lord’s jealousy on our behalf is something that should be precious to us! He has the complete right to our lives. He gave us life, and He wants to protect us from anything that could harm us.

That is why He has commanded His children to worship no other gods, allowing nothing to distract us from His consuming love.

The Lord opposes anything that hinders our relationship with Him (Deut. 6:15). He knows the danger of other gods, how they will lure us away, deceive us, and leave us empty. He will tolerate nothing that takes precedence over our love for Him. Our faithfulness to God assures us of the abundant life He wants to give us. If we reject Him, He will pursue us until we return to Him.

We should not resent the fact that God wants to guard our relationship with Him. It should bring us comfort. Our relationship with God should be our top priority. It should dictate how we spend our time, our money, and our energy. If certain people or our possessions separate us from God, we must reexamine our hearts and give our devotion first to Him, as He commands.

God wants each of us to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength (Mark 12:30). Our love for God should extend to every corner of our lives. God loved us so much that He gave us His own Son. Let us respond by giving Him our highest devotion in return.

Yes! our highest devotion that what He requires from us… is that hard to do?

If you think it it just ask the Holy Spirit to help you… He knows what to do… He will reschedule your schedules and make God’s worship a priority… and you will not miss out anything… except those that is not worthy of the kingdom… Alleluia…

Thank you for making it up till today… keep on keeping your faith alive by reading and meditating on God’s Word… God is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him and you are one of them … Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your weekend… See you on Monday by God’ Grace… till then stay safe in His bosom…

Further Reading- Jn 12:26, Heb.3:7-8,14, Rev 16:15,Phil. 2:13.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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