I will sing all glory to the Lord forever I will sing, I will sing2x, I will sing all glory to the Lord forever I will sing all the glory to the Lord, with my heart where I may go, Thy faithfulness (Thy faithfulness) with my heart where I may go Thy faithfulness to all generations. (Repeat).
Great is thy faithfulness 2x morning by morning new mercies I see all that I needed Thy hands have provided. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee.
Blessed Redeemer Thank You for the gift of another week, the gift of another day in the land of the living. Thank You for upholding all that You have made. We are grateful for Who You are, Thank You for in You is our strength and dominion. Be thou exalted forever and ever. Thank You Lord for the gift of Trinity – the third Person in Trinity- the, Holy Ghost, Who You sent us to continue the work of Your Son Jesus Christ in Whom You are well please.
Come into our life and make us whole as at the day of Pentecost.
Beloved, the feast of Pentecost was widely celebrated in most churches yesterday. Do you remember the promise of Jesus to His disciple when He was about going to the cross and was repeated before He ascended into heaven. Firstly He promised to send to them a comforter (Jn 14:16). Secondly, He also instructed them to wait until they are endued with power (Act 1:4-8).
So they waited as were instructed and when the Holy Ghost descent upon them. They spoke in diverse tongues and those from other tribes could hear them speaks their languages and were surprised. Is possible you know this story before now and too familiar with it also.
We will not be dwelling so much on how it happened in the days of the apostles in out teaching for today rather we will be considering aftermath of the Pentecost.
But permit me to recount a little from the past. Before now, we saw the apostles hiding in the upper room having their meetings behind closed doors for fear of the Jews. We also saw Peter once forswearing before a maid if ever he knew Jesus, the same Peter at a time got disenchanted and decided to go fishing and we saw other disciples joining him in that quest.
However, after the Holy Ghost come upon them, something significant happened (Acts 2:14-36). These group of unlearned men spoke with such boldness that sent fear to the rulers of their days. We saw great number turnaround from their ungodly ways and gave their life to our Saviour Jesus Christ Who they preached (Acts 2:37-41).
There was a notable difference in their lives and ministries. Now back to us, I believe that when we got born again, we receive the Holy Spirit. Not that the Holy Spirit was not there but you now have empowered Him to reign and rule over the affairs of your life therefore He began to superintend over the affairs of your life.
Beloved, having been born again and you received the ordinances such as water baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Holy Communion depending which denomination you belong to. The question for you now is this. What can be said of you having repented and disciple for Christ. Are you drawing others to the kingdom? Or are just there waiting for rapture? Or when you will be call to glory?
It was not so with the disciples of Jesus. After they have been disciple by Christ and they received power from above, they went into action by talking and teaching others about Christ.
However, there is a caution to note here, by the grace of God, He will enable us to bring again some teachings on discipleship. The caution here is that one who is to disciple another must have been undergo discipleship class else we have “the blind leading the blind.” When confronted with a little challenge we will deny Christ.
That is also we have so many unbelievable things happening in the body of Christ.
However, we are centering majorly today on what must be seen in the lives of those who have been endue with power. Come with me as we examine what must be seen in us and the things we must look out for even in the lives of those who we believed have receive the Holy Spirit.
Or are we going to be display indifferent to the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Must our heart continue to be harden and we display imprudent towards God’s work.
Let’s go digging:
When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and knew that they had been with Jesus.—Acts 4:13
There is no mistaking a life transformed by God! The disciples had been vain and fearful when Jesus enlisted them. James and John sought to outmaneuver their fellow disciples in order to gain the places of greatest honor next to Jesus (Mark 10:37). Over and over the disciples’ actions showed that they did not truly understand who Jesus was (John 6:7–9; Mark 6:49). Even after three years with Jesus, Peter was afraid to confess Christ before a young servant girl (Matt. 26:69–75).
Anyone who knew these men would realize they were not the kind of people on which you build a worldwide kingdom. Yet something happened to them as they were with Jesus. The Holy Spirit transformed them, giving them new boldness and wisdom. Now they could perform miracles and preach fearlessly and persuasively to multitudes. Even their enemies noticed in their changed lives the same power they had witnessed in Jesus.
Sometimes we desperately want others to believe that we have changed, that we are more godly, more devoted, more Spirit-controlled. It is not necessary, however, for those who have been truly transformed by Christ to convince others of the difference; the change will be obvious.
Don’t become too introspective, always focusing on yourself and the small changes you see happening over time. As you walk with Jesus daily, let the witness of the changes taking place in you come from others and not from you. If you have to prove to someone that God has really changed you, He has not. Those around you will surely notice when your life has been transformed by your relationship with Jesus.
Beloved, may not remain unchanged after receiving the touch of the Holy Spirit. You are not only bring disgrace to the household of Christ You are making the work of the cross in vain. Lets keep going:
“All the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted.” Ezekiel 3:7
Are there no exceptions? No, not one. Even the favoured race are thus described. Are the best so bad?—then what must the worst be? Come, my heart, consider how far thou hast a share in this universal accusation, and while considering, be ready to take shame unto thyself herein thou mayst have been guilty.
The first charge is impudence, or hardness of forehead, a want of holy shame, an unhallowed boldness in evil. Before my conversion, I could sin and feel no compunction, hear of my guilt and yet remain unhumbled, and even confess my iniquity and manifest no inward humiliation on account of it. For a sinner to go to God’s house and pretend to pray to Him and praise Him argues a brazen-facedness of the worst kind!
Alas! since the day of my new birth I have doubted my Lord to His face, murmured unblushingly in His presence, worshipped before Him in a slovenly manner, and sinned without bewailing myself concerning it. If my forehead were not as an adamant, harder than flint, I should have far more holy fear, and a far deeper contrition of spirit. Woe is me, I am one of the impudent house of Israel.
The second charge is hardheartedness, and I must not venture to plead innocent here. Once I had nothing but a heart of stone, and although through grace I now have a new and fleshy heart, much of my former obduracy remains. I am not affected by the death of Jesus as I ought to be; neither am I moved by the ruin of my fellow men, the wickedness of the times, the chastisement of my heavenly Father, and my own failures, as I should be.
O that my heart would melt at the recital of my Saviour’s sufferings and death. Would to God I were rid of this nether millstone within me, this hateful body of death. Blessed be the name of the Lord, the disease is not incurable, the Saviour’s precious blood is the universal solvent, and me, even me, it will effectually soften, till my heart melts as wax before the fire.
Holy Spirit of Go , the third Person of the Trinity, come down in Your glory, come down in Your power. Breathe on us afresh, make us instrument of honour as the day of Your appearing draws near, help us Lord we pray Thee. Come as fire, come as wind, come as that Still voice that whisper in our hearts, come and comfort those that are weary, those that are hurting, and those who are despair. Come and turn the backsliders back to the Lord, and bring the lost back home. Remove every hardness of heart from us and give us the heart of flesh. Teach us to know the Word more and make us obedient to the commands of the Lord in the Name of Jesus we pray Thee. Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.