Jesus Jesus You are the Lord of my soul, Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the Lord of my soul O Jesus You are the Lord soul, sweet Jesus You are the Lord of my soul.// Thank You thank You Lord, thank You Lord thank You Lord for everything You have done in my life thank You thank You Lord, Father thank you Lord thank You Lord for everything You have done.
Yes you have to special thank the Lord for every He has done for you. He is loving and caring blessing that we cannot count he showers on us daily, fight our secret battles, providing for our daily needs whispering love and comfort to our souls. Father we thank indeed for everything You have done. Receive all glory, all honour, all adoration in the Name of Jesus.
Beloved, God is doing something special for you today. Always remember that you are an integral of a whole. Today’s ministration is going to reveal this secret to us though to some others is a remainder of what they know or have heard.
Are you a part of God’s plan? Join as you discover how best to be in case you have not started.
Beloved, are you of a double standard. Are you calling on God and mammon at the same time? God is God and cannot share His glory with any man. Is an abominable thing to bow to God and Baal at the same time. Is either God or God. not more; nothing less
Then He continued, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.—Exodus 3:6
God always speaks to you in the context of what He has done in the lives of those who have gone before you. When God encountered Moses, He did not give him an assignment independent of what He had done through those who had preceded him. God had made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob hundreds of years earlier, and He was now going to involve Moses in His ongoing activity to fulfill the covenant He had made with Moses’ forefathers.
The God who led Moses, who worked through Elijah, who directed Paul, who guided each man and woman of God through the centuries, is the same God who approaches you to become involved in His work. Do you sense the significance of that? You are a vital part of something much bigger than yourself!
We tend to think only of the present. We want immediate results and lack a sense of eternity. We often act as if God had not been working at all where we are before He approached us. We expect that anything God does through us will be completed while we can see the results. We become impatient if God intends to complete what He began in us through another person or even another generation.
Moses came to understand that his involvement in God’s work was in the context of hundreds of years of divine activity. When Moses came face to face with the same God who had guided his forefathers, he was deeply humbled. Do you sense that your life is a part of God’s eternal purposes?
Beloved, why are you afraid of the outcome is likely to be? If that I your case from the beginning, then your orientation have to change going forward. And if you are feeling indispensable this is caution to you. God will always have people who will carry on His plan from one generation to another.
Our God is a jealous God. Do you call on God and mammon? God frowns at such. join me to discover more.
“I will cut off them that worship and that swear by the Lord, and that swear by Malcham.” Zephaniah 1:5
Such persons thought themselves safe because they were with both parties: they went with the followers of Jehovah, and bowed at the same time to Malcham. But duplicity is abominable with God, and hypocrisy His soul hateth. The idolater who distinctly gives himself to his false god, has one sin less than he who brings his polluted and detestable sacrifice unto the temple of the Lord, while his heart is with the world and the sins thereof.
To hold with the hare and run with the hounds, is a dastard’s policy. In the common matters of daily life, a double- minded man is despised, but in religion he is loathsome to the last degree. The penalty pronounced in the verse before us is terrible, but it is well deserved; for how should divine justice spare the sinner, who knows the right, approves it, and professes to follow it, and all the while loves the evil, and gives it dominion in his heart?
My soul, search thyself this morning, and see whether thou art guilty of double-dealing. Thou professest to be a follower of Jesus—dost thou truly love Him? Is thy heart right with God? Art thou of the family of old Father Honest, or art thou a relative of Mr. By-ends? A name to live is of little value if I be indeed dead in trespasses and sins. To have one foot on the land of truth, and another on the sea of falsehood, will involve a terrible fall and a total ruin.
Christ will be all or nothing. God fills the whole universe, and hence there is no room for another god; if, then, He reigns in my heart, there will be no space for another reigning power. Do I rest alone on Jesus crucified, and live alone for Him? Is it my desire to do so? Is my heart set upon so doing? If so, blessed be the mighty grace which has led me to salvation; and if not so, O Lord, pardon my sad offence, and unite my heart to fear Thy name.
Help us O Lord to worship you alone with our heart and substance. Keep far from us every form of idolatry. Make our whole in service of you. Father this is our heart desire, grant it O Lord in Jesus Name. Do not let our desire destroy lead us to destruction in Jesus Name. Help us to be part of your plan O Lord!
Remain blessed in the Lord.