I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love.// Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord, among the gods Who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name! we magnify we give You Praise, our alleluia belongs to You. Ancient of Days as Old as You! Thank You and Thank You forever more! Thank You for Your special love for us and Kindness throughout this week You are Bigger than the Biggest, You are Larger than the largest, You are Greater than the greatest, alleluia to Your Holy Name! receive our Praise Father, receive our honour, thank You and thank You and thank You forever more in Jesus Name!
Beloved, good to be here with you, how have you been? hope you are good? Our God is good to us! Yes! He is a Great God! To Him be all the praises, all adoration in Jesus Name!
Our topic today is a must read for all believer’s in God the Father, God the Son- Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit as it will not strengthen your mind as you journey along to eternity. It will take away fear and give the needed boldness for the tasks ahead. Praise the Name of Jesus.
Beloveth, the Lord keep you secured in Him, no power from hell can take you down, make sure you keep your part of the bargain and the Lord will definitely keep His own. Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come along with us for more discovery:
“A spring shut up, a fountain sealed.” Song 4:12
In this metaphor, which has reference to the inner life of a believer, we have very plainly the idea of secrecy. It is a spring shut up: just as there were springs in the East, over which an edifice was built, so that none could reach them save those who knew the secret entrance; so is the heart of a believer when it is renewed by grace: there is a mysterious life within which no human skill can touch.
It is a secret which no other man knoweth; nay, which the very man who is the possessor of it cannot tell to his neighbour. The text includes not only secrecy, but separation. It is not the common spring, of which every passer-by may drink, it is one kept and preserved from all others; it is a fountain bearing a particular mark—a king’s royal seal, so that all can perceive that it is not a common fountain, but a fountain owned by a proprietor, and placed specially by itself alone.
So is it with the spiritual life. The chosen of God were separated in the eternal decree; they were separated by God in the day of redemption; and they are separated by the possession of a life which others have not; and it is impossible for them to feel at home with the world, or to delight in its pleasures.
There is also the idea of sacredness. The spring shut up is preserved for the use of some special person: and such is the Christian’s heart. It is a spring kept for Jesus. Every Christian should feel that he has God’s seal upon him—and he should be able to say with Paul, “From henceforth let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.”
Another idea is prominent—it is that of security. Oh! how sure and safe is the inner life of the believer! If all the powers of earth and hell could combine against it, that immortal principle must still exist, for He who gave it pledged His life for its preservation. And who “is He that shall harm you,” when God is your protector?
Beloveth, did you see how the secured you are with God on your side? Col 3:3 says “my life is hidden in Christ and Christ in God.” since you died you are not suppose to fear death again. and verse 4 says “ when Christ who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with in glory.”
Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! join us to adore our loving Father:
I am rejoicing that Jesus conquered satan, I am rejoicing, I am rejoicing, I am rejoicing that Jesus conquered satan, I am rejoicing Praise the Lord!
I am thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done for me, I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba.
Receive all the glory Lord, receive all the honour Lord, receive all the glory Lord! alleluia Amen! Father, Receive all the glory Lord, receive all the honour Lord, receive all the glory Lord! alleluia Amen!
What an assurance in our God, beloveth, He is not only having our back guided, but we are engraved on His palm. May we by His mercy stand right before our Maker and May His grace continual sustain and preserve us in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, have a wonderful weekend, see on Monday by His grace.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.