Everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah, You are so good, everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good. Let everything that has breathe Praise the Lord, and let the living rejoice, let everything that has breathe Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!// Alleluia Praise the Lord, alleluia Praise the Lord, alleluia the Lord for Jesus conquer satan alleluia Praise the Lord.

Glorious Father we thank You we blessed Your Holy Name. what we say unto the Lord, all we have to say, is thank You Lord. Thank You for Your goodness, thank You for Your mercies, Thank You for your undying love, glory be to Your Name on high. Faithful Father, thank You for the month of May, our season of New Songs and rejoicing, thank You for Your mercies that saw us to the end of it and we will Praise You forever and ever.

Beloved, rise up and Praise the Lord for all He has done and will yet do in the remaining months ahead, appreciate Him and worship Him, for it can only be Him that will lift up our head, and bless us without counting cost. He is our Redeemer, our Provider, Our defender, Our Healer, Our Helper, the Ancient One, and The Everlasting Rock.

Clap and celebrate the One Who is and is Yet to come. This month has been a glorious one, the Hand of God did marvelous things in our lives, He move in a way that is too difficult for our enemies to understand, He destroy their crafty so that it they cannot perform their enterprise. He shut the lion’s mouth and open the fountains from on high upon His children, what a wonderful God wwe serve, Praise be to Him on high.

I don’t know what you may be going through at the moment and your heart is heavy instead of a marrying heart, hear me it does not matter what satan is doing but what matters is what your reward will be “afterward.” Satan assaults cannot equate God’s glory which you will receive “afterward.” I will not let what am seeing today  deprive me of my crown that awaits me at the end.

I chose to go with Christ no matter the cost, the power of God will defend me and make victorious at the end in Jesus Name. the Hand of God gave me so many reason to rejoice and be glad, satan is beating its chest to pull me down but it is not about me but about what God wants to do through me. Therefore I look up to Christ the Author and finisher of my faith.

Thanking Him for many deliverance all this month and a resounding victories all around. May His Name alone be praised forever. I believe someone is also glorifying God along with me, come and see what the Lord have for after our struggles here on here on earth and be encourage:

Afterward.” Hebrews 12:11

How happy are tried Christians, afterwards. No calm more deep than that which succeeds a storm. Who has not rejoiced in clear shinings after rain? Victorious banquets are for well-exercised soldiers. After killing the lion we eat the honey; after climbing the Hill Difficulty, we sit down in the arbour to rest; after traversing the Valley of Humiliation, after fighting with Apollyon, the shining one appears, with the healing branch from the tree of life.

Our sorrows, like the passing keels of the vessels upon the sea, leave a silver line of holy light behind them “afterwards.” It is peace, sweet, deep peace, which follows the horrible turmoil which once reigned in our tormented, guilty souls. See, then, the happy estate of a Christian! He has his best things last, and he therefore in this world receives his worst things first.

But even his worst things are “afterward” good things, harsh ploughings yielding joyful harvests. Even now he grows rich by his losses, he rises by his falls, he lives by dying, and becomes full by being emptied; if, then, his grievous afflictions yield him so much peaceable fruit in this life, what shall be the full vintage of joy “afterwards” in heaven?

If his dark nights are as bright as the world’s days, what shall his days be? If even his starlight is more splendid than the sun, what must his sunlight be? If he can sing in a dungeon, how sweetly will he sing in heaven! If he can praise the Lord in the fires, how will he extol Him before the eternal throne! If evil be good to him now, what will the overflowing goodness of God be to him then?

Oh, blessed “afterward!” Who would not be a Christian? Who would not bear the present cross for the crown which cometh afterwards? But herein is work for patience, for the rest is not for to-day, nor the triumph for the present, but “afterward.” Wait, O soul, and let patience have her perfect work. And “afterward” thy will be blessed.

Satan cannot stop what God has plan for you, he can try but will never succeed for truly whom He justifies; He will also glorify, more below:

“Whom He justified, them He also glorified.” Romans 8:30

Here is a precious truth for thee, believer. Thou mayest be poor, or in suffering, or unknown, but for thine encouragement take a review of thy “calling” and the consequences that flow from it, and especially that blessed result here spoken of. As surely as thou art God’s child today, so surely shall all thy trials soon be at an end, and thou shalt be rich to all the intents of bliss.

Wait awhile, and that weary head shall wear the crown of glory, and that hand of labour shall grasp the palm-branch of victory. Lament not thy troubles, but rather rejoice that ere long thou wilt be where “there shall be neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.” The chariots of fire are at thy door, and a moment will suffice to bear thee to the glorified. The everlasting song is almost on thy lip. The portals of heaven stand open for thee.

Think not that thou canst fail of entering into rest. If He hath called thee, nothing can divide thee from His love. Distress cannot sever the bond; the fire of persecution cannot burn the link; the hammer of hell cannot break the chain. Thou art secure; that voice which called thee at first, shall call thee yet again from earth to heaven, from death’s dark gloom to immortality’s unuttered splendours.

Rest assured, the heart of Him who has justified thee beats with infinite love towards thee. Thou shalt soon be with the glorified, where thy portion is; thou art only waiting here to be made meet for the inheritance, and that done, the wings of angels shall waft thee far away, to the mount of peace, and joy, and blessedness, where,

“Far from a world of grief and sin,
With God eternally shut in,”

thou shalt rest for ever and ever.

That is our hope and our faith will see us through in Jesus Name. keep trusting the Name of the Lord and the Lord will honour you at the end in Jesus Name.

Let us Praise God who led us to end of this month, He will also make the ‘New Month’ a reality in our lives. Praise His Name forever and ever. See you in the new month as we savor together the delicacy prepared by the Lord Himself. Praise the Lord!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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