I will sing unto the Lord a joyful song I will Praise His Name for the Lord is good. I will sing unto the Lord a joyful song I will Praise His Name for my Lord is good. Come see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do come and see the Lord is good.

Father we thank You for Your goodness and for Your wondrous work to the children of men. Glory and adoration be unto Thee alone who is worthy of our praise. Almighty Father receive all the glory, we bow to worship You at Your Throne this day be though exalted forever more. Blessed redeemer we bless You for Your Word is Yea and Amen and we receive it in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how excellent, how beautiful is the loving kindness of our God. I want to sing this song together, He is able abundantly able to deliver and to save, He is able, abundantly able to deliver those who trust in Him.

Beloved are you trusting in the Name of the Lord? What are those things that are challenging you daily asking you where is your God? Is your God able to do this? Beloved, I want you to know that there is nothing that is impossible before God. Always remember that though they gather but not in the Name of the Lord, they will scatter and in seven ways they will flee.

God is going to do something great today in our midst. He is the Almighty One in battle. Is there cloud gathering over you or over your home today God is walking in that situation to root it out. Interestingly I know what happens when God walks, do you still remember? Join me to read Ps 114 and Ps 29 in your bible. O God is going to deliver as many as believe in him and in his Son Jesus Christ. Rise your voice to shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today’s faith clinic will be like no other. Yes! The Hand of the Lord will setting many free from the conditions that has held them bound. The power of the most High God is coming down mightily upon us today to do the miraculous in Jesus Name. beloved, are you burden by any situation do you know someone who is, rise up and declare Jesus Lord over that situation and see with your eyes how the Lord will drown every of that situation in the Red Sea now in Jesus Name.

Beloved, after today the Egyptians you are seeing today you shall see no more in Jesus Name. Our God has been stirred up and nothing that is not His nature stands before him therefore after now every tree not planted by Him is hereby uprooted never to grow back again in Jesus Name.

Someone is getting healed now and some will get heal as they go on the way but remember, do not forget to return to give thanks to the One Whose Mighty Hand has done it. Praise the Lord.

Beloved, all things that we need to work out our salvation has been provided from the foundation of the earth. the big question is are we accessing it? Praise the Lord!

Now if we are not accessing it that lies the biggest problem, we blame everyone and everything around us except ourselves. That will cease to be our portion after this ministration. We will begin from now to access all that the Lord have provided for us to live Holy, godly and reign in dominion. Beloved, we will cease to experience down time in our lives in Jesus Name.

From now on someone who believe that what God has said concerning his/her situation is living on the mountain top in Jesus Name. The power of dominion is possessing someone now in Jesus Name.

Ever imaging doing something great for God? I have someone whose desire is do some great for the Lord. The second ministration will help you to know what God desired from you and that will help as you run the race set before you.



For His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.—2 Peter 1:3


As a Christian, you have everything you need to live a holy and abundant life (2 Pet. 1:3–11). Your intelligence, your education, or your family background do not determine the holiness of your life. Everything you need to live a victorious, joyful, and abundant life is found in the Holy Spirit who resides within you (Gal. 5:22–23).

According to Peter, each Christian, by faith, has access to these qualities: goodness, knowledge of God, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. It would be of no use to inherit a fortune if you did not know it was yours. Likewise, it is of no benefit to inherit everything necessary to become like Christ if you do not claim it.

If we continue to lack self-control when God has made it available, we rob ourselves and those around us. If God is willing to instill brotherly kindness into our behavior, but we never display it, people will suffer needlessly as a result.

The key to all that God has made available to us is our faith. We must believe that God wants to build these qualities into our lives. In the Gospels, Jesus related to people according to their faith (Matt. 8:13; 9:29; 15:28). He rewarded genuine faith by granting salvation and healing. If He met unbelief, He did not reward it (Mark 6:5–6).

Review the qualities that Peter said God wants to instill in you. If you lack any of these qualities, ask God to work them into your character, so that you will be more like Christ.

Being more like Christ is the plan of God for every of His children, if that your desire let discover more:


Doing Something Great For God


Most of us would like to do something great for God!

  • Like Billy Graham, or
  • Mother Theresa

We err in our thinking however, by equating “greatness” with bigness or notoriety:

  • Preaching to 100,000 people in a stadium, or
  • Winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Perhaps it is our hope that by doing some great work for God we can quell our sense of inner spiritual hollowness. That somehow a great work for God might help us transcend the mundane sameness of our daily existence. This kind of reasoning is at best, flawed:

God’s work, Jesus reminds us, has nothing to do with bigness or notoriety. Rather,

The work of God (is) that you believe in Him Whom He has sent.” (John 6:29)

THE GREAT WORK OF GOD IS TO BELIEVE GOD: Simple faith that God can be trusted… whatever the circumstances.

  • Into a tough marriage? How’s your faith that God will give you the needed grace?
  • Squeezed in a rough business situation? Are you trusting God for wisdom?
  • Pressured to compromise higher ethical standards to compete? Are you believing God to make up the competitive difference?

It is difficult for us to understand the fact that God simply is not impressed with grandiose Christian activity. What does impress Him is uncomplicated, quiet faith… Faith that stands up amidst the most trying of life’s circumstances. Faith that is evidenced by peace over panic… rest over restlessness.

Want to do a great work for God? Then just believe Him. Trust Him. Rest in Him.


Beloved, did you just read that? That is what desires for you to believe that He is and He is Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. May we grow in the prefect knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Arise and look steady upon Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. Praise Jesus. Tune to heavenly and receive your healing in Jesus Name. Don’t allow the deceiver to engage you in discussion on the issue after this encounter. Don’t allow him to make you insensitive to what the Lord is saying concerning that situation because some miraculous needs instruction so make sure you are paying attention to your Spirit man today. That is hearing the Spirit of God living in you.

Someone is asking how do I know that it is the voice of the Lord speaking, Beloved, the Spirit of God will never tell you to do anything that against the Word. Every written Word of God must not violated the instruction of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t know or understand any other thing please hold on to this- the Spirit of God is God Himself and the Two Person must not contradict each other. There are not also separate from the God the Son (Jn 1:1). Praise God.

Go you are made whole say the Spirit of the Most High God. (1Jn 2:12; Eph 1:15-19)


Remain blessed in the Lord


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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