I will lift up my voice, I will joyful sing, not for what You  have done but for Who You are, You are the song that I sing, melody in my heart, the reason I live is to praise You Lord. He reigns, He reigns, He reign forever more, forever more. // Let the living water flow over my soul. Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind all my cares and burden unto Thee I come. Je–sus Je—sus, J—e—s—u—s. Call Him Father, Fa-ther, Fa–ther,  F-a-t-h-e-r.

Our Father we Thank You for Who You are, Thank for loving and caring for us. Thank You for hiding us under the shadow of Your wings. Blessed be Thy Holy Name. We are grateful for all Your gifting, Your blessings, healings and deliverance. Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever.

Beloveth, another opportunity to press though to heaven is here again and I am convince that you will not miss it. Girdle your loins, take your position as a solider of the cross. Be firm in your resolve to pray until you receive answers to your prayer in Jesus Name.

We have taken time before now to guide us into various promises of God that will help our walk in life. It is the Word of God that we know that we confess when we are face with situations in life. If there is no deep to draw from, it become an issue when trouble come our ways (2Cor 1:20)

We are therefore encourage daily to search the scripture for those words that will help us in our closet when satan come up with all arguments that can mislead you.

In today’s teaching, we see God beckoning on us to call on Him with the assurance that He will hear us and deliver us then you will glorify Him.

I want to zero in at ‘and thou shall glorify me’. Oftentimes the challenge I have seen in us is not we are not being blessed but we are slow to first recognize where the blessings are coming from, especially when God send it through a son or daughter of His.

Secondly, we are not fast in sharing our testimony about the goodness of God in our lives rather the devil will convince us to wait till the miracle is complete. Then, we keep quiet, He will go further to create illusions in our mind that we will begin to bring doubt to the good works God has begun in our lives or answers to our prayers that have started manifesting in the physical.

I believe that after today, as the Lord is blessing you, you will be quick to kneel before him and return His glory back to Him. You will be quick to testify of His goodness even if it is to a smaller group especially those who are partnering with you in prayers. By so doing, you are encouraging another to look up to the Lord for the deliverances (Rev 12:11).

Today, the Lord will answer you as you call on Him. He will deliver you from all your troubles. He will help you in the areas of your needs. Is there any area of your life that you need God’s touch, come immediately to Him and He will exchange your burden with His yoke that is light. What a good transaction deal.

‘Call’ is the order of the day, do not neglect the order, respond immediately and you will be delivered. Go to list of your needs, pick out what you need done and appeal to the highest court and get answers (2Cor 1:20). Praise the Lord.

If you are ready, let us go:

“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” Ps. 50:15


This is a promise indeed!

Here is an urgent occasion — “the day of trouble.” It is dark at noon on such a day, and every hour seems blacker than the one which came before it. Then is this promise in season: it is written for the cloudy day.

Here is condescending advice, “call upon me.” We ought not to need the exhortation: it should be our constant habit all the day and every day. What a mercy to have liberty to call upon God! What wisdom to make good use of it! How foolish to go running about to men! The Lord invites us to lay our case before Him, and surely we will not hesitate to do so.

Here is reassuring encouragement: “I will deliver thee.” Whatever the trouble may be, the Lord makes no exceptions, but promises full, sure, happy deliverance. He will Himself work out our deliverance by His own hand. We believe it, and the Lord honors faith.

Here is an ultimate result: “Thou shalt glorify me. Ah! that we will do most abundantly. When He has delivered us we will loudly praise Him; and as He is sure to do it, let us begin to glorify Him at once.

Did you hear that? Make haste to glorify Him once you see the light of your answer and the devil will not truncate your testimonies in Jesus Name. blanket

Be yea imitators of Christ. One thing any child of God must emulate is to be like Jesus. And the only way to succeed is to leave everything behind you and step in His Steps. Jesus went about doing good. What about you? What is the result of going about? The promotion and net breaking miracles you are received, what are you doing with it? (Jas1:22).

Come let us see what and what He did as He went:

“But as He went.” Luke 8:42

Jesus is passing through the throng to the house of Jairus, to raise the ruler’s dead daughter; but He is so profuse in goodness that He works another miracle while upon the road.

While yet this rod of Aaron bears the blossom of an unaccomplished wonder, it yields the ripe almonds of a perfect work of mercy. It is enough for us, if we have some one purpose, straightway to go and accomplish it; it were imprudent to expend our energies by the way. Hastening to the rescue of a drowning friend, we cannot afford to exhaust our strength upon another in like danger.

It is enough for a tree to yield one sort of fruit, and for a man to fulfil his own peculiar calling. But our Master knows no limit of power or boundary of mission. He is so prolific of grace, that like the sun which shines as it rolls onward in its orbit, His path is radiant with lovingkindness. He is a swift arrow of love, which not only reaches its ordained target, but perfumes the air through which it flies.

Virtue is evermore going out of Jesus, as sweet odours exhale from flowers; and it always will be emanating from Him, as water from a sparkling fountain. What delightful encouragement this truth affords us! If our Lord is so ready to heal the sick and bless the needy, then, my soul, be not thou slow to put thyself in His way, that He may smile on thee.

Be not slack in asking, if He be so abundant in bestowing. Give earnest heed to His word now, and at all times, that Jesus may speak through it to thy heart. Where He is to be found there make thy resort, that thou mayst obtain His blessing. When He is present to heal, may He not heal thee? But surely He is present even now, for He always comes to hearts which need Him.

And dost not thou need Him? Ah, He knows how much! Thou Son of David, turn Thine eye and look upon the distress which is now before Thee, and make Thy suppliant whole.

Beloved, be kind to another, be good to those around you then you will place yourself in roll for His manifold blessings. Praise the Lord.

Let us heed to the instruction of the day, to make an appeal, the Lord promised to answer us. Let us also make haste to stand on the way as the Lord pass through to receive our blessings.

May God answer your petitions today in Jesus Name. Be blessed in Jesus Name, and come forth with your testimonies in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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