Come see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. // Take glory Father, take glory Son, take glory Holy Ghost now and forever more. Alleluia

Our Precious Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we exalt You, we give You Praise, adoration and honour, we adore You we magnify You, we offer ourselves to You be Thou glorify in Jesus Name. Come let Praise the Lord all yea servants of the Lord, who stands by night in the house of the Lord lift up your hands to the Holy place and Praise the Lord, and Praise the Lord.

Receive our worship Lord and may Your Name be Praise forever more. Have your way again today and be Thou magnify in Jesus Name.

Beloved, thank God is Friday!! Are you happy? If you then join me to sing- I am rejoicing that Jesus conquered satan, I am rejoicing, I am rejoicing, I am rejoicing that Jesus conquered satan I am rejoicing Praise the Lord.// How excellent is Thy Name O Lord, how excellent is Thy Name O! Lord, how excellent is Thy Name, how excellent is Thy Name, how excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! mighty Jehovah, How excellent is Thy Name, how wonderful are Lord, how excellent is Thy Name O Lord!// Father we lift your Name higher, we lift Your Name higher, O Lord we lift Your Name higher, we lift Your Name higher, shout alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, shout alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

O God our Lord may our sacrifices come up to You as a living sacrifice, Holy and accepted unto Thee in Jesus Name. We worship and Praise Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Arise O! God and be God indeed unto Thee, let Your Name alone be Praise again and again in Jesus Name.

Beloved, hope you have enjoined this week teachings, the Lord has been gracious unto us, Praise the Lord. We are highly privileged to be taught about the Third Person in Trinity whose aim and mission is to help us to finish this race in a more better and noble way. He cautions us and also encourages us when the need arise. He is our greatest mentor and our defender too.

In today’s PLC session we will once again have a practical lesson about our self by having an honest look about ourselves. Different people have different opinion about these but by His grace we will be having a proper and balance of considering the topic before us and you will be highly thankful to God that you are counted worthy to be among those who shall know truth and be set free from the blinded folded of satan and thereafter bring forth fruit unto God and the Lord will rejoice over you to do you good (Rom 7:4Neh 8:10, Jer 32:41). Amen

Job 30:9-31:40, Psalm 106:1-12, Proverbs 22:1-2, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

An Honest Look

So a man should examine himself.—1 Corinthians 11:28

An important step in bringing about a more perfect coordination between heart and mind is to take an honest, straightforward look at what is going on beneath the surface of your life.

I have often invited my readers to spend a few days taking an honest look at themselves. The reactions I have gotten to this suggestion have been quite interesting. Some Christians hear in my words a call to self-preoccupation and become concerned that I am pushing them toward becoming engrossed with their aches and pains.

One of my readers put it like this: “What people need is to forget about themselves and concentrate on reaching out to others; then their personal problems will quickly be forgotten.” Others have taken an opposite position and said, “We need more of this, for our hearts are so self-deceived that unless we are constantly challenged in this way, we will never get through to a close relationship with God.” I am unhappy about both those reactions, for both are unbalanced positions.

The first one fears that taking a look beneath the surface of our lives leads to unhealthy self-preoccupation. And the second opinion assumes that constant self-examination is the only way forward. But I believe an occasional, honest, straightforward look at what is going on beneath the surface of our lives contributes greatly to our spiritual progress, providing it is done in a proper and balanced way.


O God, help me to see that in inviting me to examine myself, You are not seeking to demean me but to develop me; not to take away from my spiritual stature but to add to it. Make me an honest person—with You, with myself, with others. Amen.

Further Study

Lk 8:1-15; Ps 15:1-2; 51:1-6; Rm 8:27

Where does God require truth?

What must we allow God to do?

Beloved, do you know that the long suffering of God is to bring salvation to us? (2Pet 3:15) Yes that is why we should follow the dictates of the Holy Spirit daily so that the project given to us while we are here on earth will not fail but prosper, even if we will not complete it by Divine design, we will have something worthy to hand over to those coming behind us while we join the cloud of witnesses and cheer them on. Praise the Lord.

We must have an honest look at ourselves not seeking to be self righteous but to make us a better person in relationship with God and fellow men.

Help us Holy Spirit to carry out this function to please God in Jesus Name. Take away from us self-pity, and often time lackadaisical attitude that befall us as we run this race. May God help us in Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, hope we are truly blessed by this teaching? Are you resolved to examine yourself in a healthy way? Bearing in mind that this attitude if well develop and carried out will make us better children of God and there will be no surprise at the heavenly gate (Matt 25:41). May Holy Spirit help always to look at our life in a very critical way and be honest to ourselves in Jesus Name.

Have a blissful weekend and see you next week if Jesus tarries. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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