Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in Holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia!// How excellent is Your Name O! Lord! How excellent is Your Name O! Lord! How Wonderful is Your Name O! Lord! How Wonderful is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Your Name! How Excellent is Your Name, How Excellent is Your Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Your Name! How Wonderful is Your Name! How Excellent is Your Name O! Lord!

O Father we bless Your Holy Name! We adore You King of glory, we exalt and magnify your Holy Name! Thank You for the gift of this week. Thank You for Great and mighty things which Thou has help us to achieve. It can only be You Father, we worship and adore Your Holy Name! Wonderful is Your Name! Blessed be Thy Name forever and ever!

Beloved, how are doing? Is Friday, are you excited? I am always looking forward to it because it gives me a sense of rest but you what that is when work actually begin (laugh). So how is your end? Hope you are keep faith alive? Yea! It helps you to put your foot down and keep going even when it seems as if nothing is happening. But as we have been told God is working behind those darkness, what a faith to lean on!  Praise the Lord!

Early in the week we saw how God is working even in those moments that everything look blank, dead, lifeless, stillness, tough, gloomy, Name it. We were told God is never still nor unconcern in our matters, we discovered that nothing is too difficult for Him to do for us because He made the world and all that is in it, His Spirit brood on the surface of the waters until things fall in place.

I was so excited because our God never sleep nor slumber. I was also happy because that though my eyes cannot see it does not mean that God is asleep or is incapable of doing it rather it means that God is working and He is yet to finish.

Beloved, when God was done speaking light over the darkness that covered the earth, He separated it from darkness (that is the today’s topic). We have two thing to consider here- The life or state of a sinner and the condition/situation of the life a believer.

To sinner, the separation is to save you from eternal destruction, from sickness and wasteful life. To a believer, the Lord is bring to an end to problems, destruction, famine, lack, sickness, poverty, strangers that have invade his/her life. Alleluia! Amen!!!

By the outstretched hand of the Almighty God an end is coming to everything call darkness in our life and situation in Jesus Name!

Beloved, I woke this morning rebuking every stranger that exist in my life to pack his/her/its load and go. And am saying same to you if you in agreement with what God is doing, I want to declare to life that any strangers in life today marks their end in your life and situation in Jesus Name.

Sicknesses are strangers in your body, pack your load and go. Poverty is a stranger, pack your load and go. Every sinful habit in your life today they must go in Jesus Name. Every works of darkness and wickedness in the high places carry your load and begin to go now in Jesus Name.

Beloved, your light is shinning forth, satan is defected. You are moving higher and your glory is radiating in Jesus Name. Don’t ever give up. God is on your side you will not be ashamed in Jesus Name.

“And God divided the light from the darkness.” Genesis 1:4

A believer has two principles at work within him. In his natural estate he was subject to one principle only, which was darkness; now light has entered, and the two principles disagree. Mark the apostle Paul’s words in the seventh chapter of Romans: “I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members.” How is this state of things occasioned? “The Lord divided the light from the darkness.”

Darkness, by itself, is quiet and undisturbed, but when the Lord sends in light, there is a conflict, for the one is in opposition to the other: a conflict which will never cease till the believer is altogether light in the Lord. If there be a division within the individual Christian, there is certain to be a division without.

So soon as the Lord gives to any man light, he proceeds to separate himself from the darkness around; he secedes from a merely worldly religion of outward ceremonial, for nothing short of the gospel of Christ will now satisfy him, and he withdraws himself from worldly society and frivolous amusements, and seeks the company of the saints, for “We know we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.”

The light gathers to itself, and the darkness to itself. What God has divided, let us never try to unite, but as Christ went without the camp, bearing His reproach, so let us come out from the ungodly, and be a peculiar people. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners; and, as He was, so we are to be nonconformists to the world, dissenting from all sin, and distinguished from the rest of mankind by our likeness to our Master.

Beloved, what God has divided no power can gather it together. Every reproach in your life hitherto is coming to end in Jesus Name. That sickness is gone in Jesus Name! Poverty is leaving now in Jesus Name, your locating your life partner now, you are carrying your baby(ies) right now, your life must shine forth because the power of God is commanding your light to show forth. Every sinful habit is dying off now in Jesus Name (Click here to receive Jesus now).

Never bother to reason it out just know that the mouth of God has spoken and so shall it be in Jesus Name.

Have a glorious weekend; see you on Monday by God’s grace. Alleluia somebody!


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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