I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love (I will exalt You Jesus), I will exalt You Father for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love. I will lift up Your Name! I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. I will lift You higher, higher, higher, I will lift up Your Name o! Lord! I will lift up Your Name above every thier Name.// take glory Father, take glory Son, take glory Holy Spirit now and forever more. Take glory Father, take glory Son, take Holy Spirit now forever more!
O! Lord we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name! we exalt You Lord! we give glory, adoration to Your Holy Name! You are God, You are not man! You are God, You are not man! receive our glory, receive all honour adoration to Your Holy Name! blessed be Thy Holy Name in Jesus Name! have Your way again today, do that which only can do! Glory alleluia, Praise the living Jesus now and forever more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, worthy worthy is the Lamb, worthy worthy is the Lamb, worthy worthy is the Lamb, Lamb of God! worthy worthy is the Lamb, worthy worthy is the Lamb, worthy worthy is the Lamb, Lamb of God!
Glory alleluia!!! Blessed be Thy Holy Name in Jesus Name!
It is no longer a story that the children of Israel desired to go back to Egypt after they left but what is news and story is how we are also towing the same lane even after we have tasted and see that the Lord is good.
At salvation we became new creations, old things passed away. We walk past our vomit but when backsliding sets in, you discover that we start being at ease in the face evil, complacency set in and those things we left behind we desire it unknowing because devil will repackage it and re-branded it.
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, do not go back to Egypt to drink the waters of Sihor rather than going to fountain of life to drink, come for more from the text below:
“And now what hast thou to do in the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Sihor?” Jeremiah 2:18
By sundry miracles, by divers mercies, by strange deliverances Jehovah had proved Himself to be worthy of Israel’s trust. Yet they broke down the hedges with which God had enclosed them as a sacred garden; they forsook their own true and living God, and followed after false gods.
Constantly did the Lord reprove them for this infatuation, and our text contains one instance of God’s expostulating with them, “What hast thou to do in the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of the muddy river?”—for so it may be translated. “Why dost thou wander afar and leave thine own cool stream from Lebanon? Why dost thou forsake Jerusalem to turn aside to Noph and to Tahapanes?
Why art thou so strangely set on mischief, that thou canst not be content with the good and healthful, but wouldst follow after that which is evil and deceitful?”
Is there not here a word of expostulation and warning to the Christian? O true believer, called by grace and washed in the precious blood of Jesus, thou hast tasted of better drink than the muddy river of this world’s pleasure can give thee; thou hast had fellowship with Christ; thou hast obtained the joy of seeing Jesus, and leaning thine head upon His bosom.
Do the trifles, the songs, the honours, the merriment of this earth content thee after that? Hast thou eaten the bread of angels, and canst thou live on husks? Good Rutherford once said, “I have tasted of Christ’s own manna, and it hath put my mouth out of taste for the brown bread of this world’s joys.”
Methinks it should be so with thee. If thou art wandering after the waters of Egypt, O return quickly to the one living fountain: the waters of Sihor may be sweet to the Egyptians, but they will prove only bitterness to thee. What hast thou to do with them? Jesus asks thee this question this day—what wilt thou answer Him?
Beloveth, we shall not be contented with the things of this world but we must as a matter of necessity busy ourselves with the things of the God’s Kingdom. Don’t be deceived God knoweth them that trust (love) Him (Nah1:7).
Song- Let the living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind all cares and burden unto Thee I come. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, calling Father, Father, Father, Father, Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We must endeavour to leave behind us everything that does not glorify God, those lifestyle that are not pleasant to the Spirit of God, those actions that are contrary to the instructions and commandments of the God, look intently unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus the fountain that never fail; go, drink and be satisfy.
Remain blessed in the Lord.