Who is like unto Thee O Lord, Who is like unto Thee, O! Lord! among the gods, who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, doing wonders alleluia. // All glory, glory Alleluia His banner over us is love! All glory, glory Alleluia His banner over us is love! All glory, glory Alleluia His banner over us is love! His banner over us is love!
Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You, we give Praise adoration to Your Holy Name. Raise our praises Lord! Receive all our thanksgiving, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Thank You for another privileged in Your Presence alleluia to Your Name Father, we adore You we Praise You forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing? Glory be to God in the highest, and peace to men of goodwill. Hope you are happy? In case you are have anything clogging your wheel like I do have now, I will encourage you to put it to where it belong- under your feet and put God where He belong Up-above! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listen I want us to know that whatever maybe God is faithful, this month God is speaking to us concerning His love towards us, and He promised us that His favour is with us. You dare to believe it or disbelieve it. I choose to believe it, because God is Bigger, Larger, and Greater than anything in heaven and below here on earth. Praise the Lord!
At the beginner of the month the Lord instructed us to give an offering of thanks-giving to Him. Have you done that? Please do and I believe He has a reason for that. Ours is to obey Him, so that He will perform His part. Alleluia!
Today we are going to do something that draw extra-ordinary favour from God- Praise and worship, are your there with us? Are you ready to give it to the Lord!
Probably you don’t feel like that Praising right now due to circumstance that you are going? or you feel no no evangelist not now or for what? But I want remind you that “only a grateful heart comes before the throne of God,” when you raises your voice in spite of what you are going through. Praises ushers you before the throne of the Almighty God and not before the angels. When you pray, your prayers is attended by an angel but when you Praise you go straight to the throne of the One and only true God, and you have fellowship with Him and you and I will guess what will happen next? Because no one comes into the presence of God and go the same way!
May be we need to go through the ministration below before we come back to Praise room so that we will have fuller understanding why we must Praise at this time in spite of all. Praise the Lord!
Please join us:
“And these are the singers … they were employed in that work day and night.” 1 Chronicles 9:33
Well was it so ordered in the temple that the sacred chant never ceased: for evermore did the singers praise the Lord, whose mercy endureth for ever. As mercy did not cease to rule either by day or by night, so neither did music hush its holy ministry.
My heart, there is a lesson sweetly taught to thee in the ceaseless song of Zion’s temple, thou too art a constant debtor, and see thou to it that thy gratitude, like charity, never faileth. God’s praise is constant in heaven, which is to be thy final dwelling-place, learn thou to practise the eternal hallelujah.
Around the earth as the sun scatters his light, his beams awaken grateful believers to tune their morning hymn, so that by the priesthood of the saints perpetual praise is kept up at all hours, they swathe our globe in a mantle of thanksgiving, and girdle it with a golden belt of song.
The Lord always deserves to be praised for what He is in Himself, for His works of creation and providence, for His goodness towards His creatures, and especially for the transcendent act of redemption, and all the marvellous blessing flowing therefrom.
It is always beneficial to praise the Lord; it cheers the day and brightens the night; it lightens toil and softens sorrow; and over earthly gladness it sheds a sanctifying radiance which makes it less liable to blind us with its glare.
Have we not something to sing about at this moment? Can we not weave a song out of our present joys, or our past deliverances, or our future hopes? Earth yields her summer fruits: the hay is housed, the golden grain invites the sickle, and the sun tarrying long to shine upon a fruitful earth, shortens the interval of shade that we may lengthen the hours of devout worship.
By the love of Jesus, let us be stirred up to close the day with a psalm of sanctified gladness.
Beloveth did you read that “is always beneficial to Praise the Lord” did you see the reason that follows? Can we go ahead now?
Let us worship!!!!!!!!!!
Faithful God O! Faithful God! Faithful God O! Faithful God! only You deserve all glory in my life! Only deserve all glory in my life!
Glory glory alleluia His banner over me is Lord! Glory glory alleluia His banner over me is Lord! His banner over us is love!
Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia! Always doing wonders alleluia!
Who is Wonderful is Jesus! Who is Marvelous is Jesus! Who is Powerful is Jesus! shout alleluia, Alleluia, shout alleluia, Alleluia!!!
I will magnify the Lord! Who is worthy to be Praise, I will glorify the Lord, Who is worthy to be praiseeee, hosanna blessed be Thou Lord! Honour to the Lord let the Rock of my salvation be exalted!!!!! The Lord reigneth, blessed the Lord! honour to the Lord! let the Rock of my salvation be exalted!!!!!!!!!!
Magnify the Lord with me, Praising the Name of Jesus! Magnify the Lord with me Praising the Name of Jesus! O! Magnify the Lord with me Praising the Name of Jesus, O! Magnify the Lord with me, Praising the Name of Jesus!
I will lift up my voice, I will gladly sing not for what You have done but Who You are! You are song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to Praise You Lord! You reign! Jesus reign! Yes He reigns forever more!
All glory, all honour adorations to You! All glory, all honour, adorations to You! Holy Father we worship You, Precious Jesus Saviour, Holy Spirit we wait You, Holy Spirit we wait on You for fire.
You are the reason why I lift my hand, Why I lift my voice, Why I sing to You, You are the reason I’m alive today, I am here to say, It’s all because of You, You are the reason, You are the reason, You are the reason, You are the reason.
It joy unspeakable full of glory, full of glory, full of glory! It joy unspeakable full of glory, full of glory, full of glory! Oh, the half has never yet been told.
Let the power of the Lord comes down! Let the power of the Lord comes down! Let the power of the Lord from heaven comes down! Let the power of the Lord comes down!
Beloved, thank you for singing along! We believe that our praises goes up; our blessings comes down! Just know that your blessings have been activated and will be dropping in as at when needed. Praise the Lord! The favour the Lord is locating you! go in knowledge that God’s Word can never return to void.
Always remember what “praises” did when Jehoshaphat was face in battle with the Moab, Ammon, and the Ammonites. He overcame them with Praises. He did not lift a finger against his enemies, but he engaged in Praise with the children of Israelites, God fought their battle. Likewise beloved, the Lord will fight all your battles and grant you favour as you go through this month and beyond in Jesus Name!
Our Lord is good; all the time! Father we adore Thee, we honour You, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever.
Receive our praises Father, receive all honour, glory alleluia Your Holy Name Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.