Who is on the Lord side, I want to know. I am on the Lord side. Who is on the Lord side, I want to know. I am on the Lord side. I am on the Lord’s side and Jesus is on my side, as long as I lived as long as I stay I am on the Lord’s side. 2x// Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God I bow before Your throne. I bow before Thy throne, I worship at Your feet, I bow before Thy throne you are a glorious God! I bow before the throne, we worship at Your feet, I bow before the throne You are a glorious God.
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Name, we adore Thee! We give You Praise, alleluia to Your Holy Name. Thank You for Your goodness and mercies that has followed us all through this year, faithful are You Lord!
(Song) When we walk with the Lord in the light of his Word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey.
Beloveth, good morning, how are doing today? Trust all is well with you. Praise the Name of Jesus!
It is a joyful thing to always be in the Presence of God; because in God’s presence there is fullness of joy! Yes! In His Presence the Lord fill our cup to overflowing. Praise the Name of Jesus! Our God is good; all the time. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!
I am full of His joy and glory, what about you? When God says a thing to you, believe it, how do you believe it, show it, practice it, before long you will see yourself operating in that realm. You don’t need a smooth-sayer to come tell you that your joy is coming today therefore rejoice. The Word has been sent forth and it must fulfill its purpose in your life if you cooperate with it.
So, whether the devil likes it or not, I will rejoice in the Lord my Savoiur. I will make a joyful noise within my court and outside. It doesn’t matter what is happening around me even at this moment beloveth I chose to rejoice because God says so. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ours is to do the work of evangelism as we can see later in our discussion today. We must not close our mouth; we must speak forth the Word in season and out of season. We must share our testimonies to encourage those around us that are passing through hard time or difficulty moment in their lives. That is why the devil will always put a problem(s) on your way, increase your care, just to keep you busy running around the circle, but henceforth is gonna stop if you gain insight in what I am sharing with you.
Beloveth when you have bills piled up and your health is constantly failing, it might be difficult to testify God’s goodness because you may be ashamed to talk about Jesus because your life is not showing forth His glory. But think of it , if you dare your situation and say to yourself I will speak of Jesus whether it is well with me or not. I will share His goodness to someone else even is mine to share.
I will constantly speak of goodness in spite of it all, then satan must give way, yes! He must pack and go because all his entice to stop the work of God has not materialized and will never be. Praise the Lord somebody! But if cowered in and always blaming and complaining about what is not going right, he will keep you busy with that assignment, God forbid.
Therefore we must always get up and keep going even if the whole world is on halt. Yes take the gospel along as you go, a little smile here a little laughter here a little of His Word that will strengthen the other and you will soon see that people are looking forward to meeting with you again because you gave them hope when there seem to be none anywhere.
In our story Bible today we saw the two disciple’s running back to Jerusalem all the way from Emmaus a journey that took the days to reach, they hasten back to tell other what they have seen and heard. That truly Jesus is risen and He gone ahead of them to … as He told while he was with them.
Beloveth I prophesies into your life today God will do something great and miracles in your life that will you be eager to share along as your go before the end of this month in Jesus Name. Beloveth the Word of God must be fulfill in our lives in Jesus Name. That which you have been unable to do the Lord will perform for you in Jesus Name. That will put rejoicing in your mouth and in your legs in Jesus Name.
What are those things you will like God to do for you, begin now to commit it in His Hand right away. Sometime in march on one of the Wednesday I was ministering on prayer and I have this injury in my leg while in secondary school while playing badminton for school during a competition my leg twisted and since then the nerves has been painful till then, so on this faithful day as I was ministering the nerves pains come again, I simple pointed as it and said you are still here but today marks your end in this body, beloveth as make that declaration the pain cease at that moment and gradually it wanes off, today beloveth is gonna forever and never to come back. It all happen by confession and declaration and believing it is so.
My right big toes cracked last January 2013 last month I receive my healing on it not knowing how it came back, but I noticed that I bend my toes which is usually a common practice if you do that too, and behold the big toe cracked along with the one following it, I said haa, after sometime I did it again and it cracked again and I jump and started praising God.
Beloveth sometimes we pray for healing or need and some time you have prayed and don’t know what to pray again and all of a sudden God shows up and manifest himself over that situation and need and turn it to miracle. Today, before the end of this month God will do a remarkable thing in your life that will put your feet standing talking about God’s goodness, Praise the Living Jesus!
Come let consider the experiences of these two disciples and get prepared because ours will soon be in Jesus Name:
“And they rose up the same hour, and returned Jerusalem… and they told what things were done in the way, and how He was known of them.” Luke 24:33,35
When the two disciples had reached Emmaus, and were refreshing themselves at the evening meal, the mysterious stranger who had so enchanted them upon the road, took bread and brake it, made Himself known to them, and then vanished out of their sight.
They had constrained Him to abide with them, because the day was far spent; but now, although it was much later, their love was a lamp to their feet, yea, wings also; they forgot the darkness, their weariness was all gone, and forthwith they journeyed back the threescore furlongs to tell the gladsome news of a risen Lord, who had appeared to them by the way.
They reached the Christians in Jerusalem, and were received by a burst of joyful news before they could tell their own tale. These early Christians were all on fire to speak of Christ’s resurrection, and to proclaim what they knew of the Lord; they made common property of their experiences.
Today, let their example impress us deeply. We too must bear our witness concerning Jesus. John’s account of the sepulchre needed to be supplemented by Peter; and Mary could speak of something further still; combined, we have a full testimony from which nothing can be spared.
We have each of us peculiar gifts and special manifestations; but the one object God has in view is the perfecting of the whole body of Christ. We must, therefore, bring our spiritual possessions and lay them at the apostle’s feet, and make distribution unto all of what God has given to us.
Keep back no part of the precious truth, but speak what you know, and testify what you have seen. Let not the toil or darkness, or possible unbelief of your friends, weigh one moment in the scale. Up, and be marching to the place of duty, and there tell what great things God has shown to your soul.
Beloveth, did you hear that? Go to your duty post and share what God has done for you, tell it to the world to hear. Someone will be encouraged hearing you. I am sure someone who believes God for some healing and miracles is being encouraged in this messaged knowing that it takes speaking to be healed. Speak to that situation right now and see it dying from the root. It may not appear dead at moment of speaking but it dead already it will only take few days for you to start seeing that the root has withered, the leaves are fallen and the tree will soon fall.
Likewise you can also speak life into those dead situations too. Command that situation to change for good, let that finance turn around. Let your business receive life, let your womb carry baby(ies), let your spouse come forth, move that body, leg, hand right now in Jesus Name. You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you (Phil 3:13), beloveth it is not you but God, so hold on to Him and see your glory deliver, Praise the Living Jesus somebody!!!!
If you have no testimony, then tell someone that you are grateful that you are alive and healthy. You never know the cost of good health until you have health challenge. Breathing is the costliest thing on earth but oftentimes we don’t count it valuable because we think it is our right and not God’s sovereign. Beloveth tell good news on the good health God gave you. a visit to the hospital will encourage more.
Don’t enjoy grace for nothing, go ahead and manifest God awesome and blessings and you will see God showing forth His glory in your life Praise the Lord!
Remain blessed in the Lord.