Glory glory alleluia, Glory glory Praise the Lord! Glory glory alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord!!! Glory glory Lord (we give you glory) we give You glory Lord, Glory glory Lord, You are a Mighty God! // Come and see what the Lord has done for me, He take away my sorrow now I am free, agam buru alleluia buru, agam para alleluia para because Jesus every day na shakara I dey do, double double heavenly blessings na him I dey I receive ehaha ehhh, Lord Your grace and mercy always dey follow me
Thank You Lord, thank You Lord for everything You have done. Thank You for the miracles of healing, deliverance, mercy and grace that abounds in our life daily, blessed be Thy Holy Name in Jesus Name! Our Father in heaven O! God thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing today? Has God our been faithful to you? Well I am thankful and grateful to God for His faithfulness to me, my family and the ministry at large. He is been a good God. Faithful is His Name! Wonderful is His Name, Excellent is His Name!
I believe of recent we been seen the need to be thankful for the common blessings bestowed unto us. The grace of steeping out of your bed, the grace to pass out your body waste, and the grace to eat our food by ourselves and the many more too numerous to mention here, but in all of it we remain grateful to our Father who is the giver of all things, may His Name be Praise forever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, we are in a very challenging period in our times and we cannot but keep on holding unto God, asking and pleading for His mercies and grace to navigate this stormy terrain in our path and keep on going never looking back ward but forward looking as the Lord is more able to do all that we are asking and trusting Him for Amen!
I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be Praise. I will glorify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise. The Lord reigneth, blessed be they Lord honour to the Lord, let the Rock of our salvation be exalted! The Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, the topic for today is a very interesting one, do you think that the Lord has forsaken you, or you are all alone in all the problems surrounding you. You need be afraid for it is evil to think in such a manner. The Lord Your God will never do a thing, He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you. He promised to give us give us peace even in that storm. He promised you healing in that situation. He also promised restoration to that condition. Look up dearly beloved, and see more of what He has promise you:
“And will manifest myself to him.” John 14:21
The Lord Jesus gives special revelations of Himself to His people. Even if Scripture did not declare this, there are many of the children of God who could testify the truth of it from their own experience. They have had manifestations of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in a peculiar manner, such as no mere reading or hearing could afford.
In the biographies of eminent saints, you will find many instances recorded in which Jesus has been pleased, in a very special manner to speak to their souls, and to unfold the wonders of His person; yea, so have their souls been steeped in happiness that they have thought themselves to be in heaven, whereas they were not there, though they were well nigh on the threshold of it—for when Jesus manifests Himself to His people, it is heaven on earth; it is paradise in embryo; it is bliss begun.
Especial manifestations of Christ exercise a holy influence on the believer’s heart. One effect will be humility. If a man says, “I have had such-and-such spiritual communications, I am a great man,” he has never had any communion with Jesus at all; for “God hath respect unto the lowly: but the proud He knoweth afar off.” He does not need to come near them to know them, and will never give them any visits of love.
Another effect will be happiness; for in God’s presence there are pleasures for evermore. Holiness will be sure to follow. A man who has no holiness has never had this manifestation. Some men profess a great deal; but we must not believe any one unless we see that his deeds answer to what he says. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked.” He will not bestow His favours upon the wicked: for while He will not cast away a perfect man, neither will He respect an evil doer.
Thus there will be three effects of nearness to Jesus—humility, happiness, and holiness. May God give them to thee, Christian!
Beloved, when you are constantly near to Jesus you will manifest the following virtues were listed above. Are you humbly? Do you experience happiness? Are you Holy? Remember yesterday in the chapter we were encouraged to read I Pet. Chapter 1 from verse 13 -16, Apostle Peter called us to a Holy living. Be yea Holy in all manner of conversation. While did he said that “ because God is Holy.
Beloved, you cannot serve God without holiness, because God is Holy, everyone who comes to Him must be Holy. Beloveth, we are promised us of His Great Impartation,” therefore we are on our way to greater glory my dear. At the end of this month we will be having the power of God imparted in our life and we will never remain the same. Yes! The Spirit of God will change our old nature; embolden us to be great instrument in the kingdom work.
As the Lord manifest Himself to us, search out more of where you want Him to build you up, desire and pray for it and His power will manifest strongly on your behalf and make you lots better in Jesus Name.
Remember always of whose child you are and act according. May God help us all in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.