What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve, heaven and earth adore Him, angels bow before Him what a Mighty God we serve// Glory, glory, alleluia; glory glory praise the Lord. Glory glory alleluia; glory glory praise the Lord.
Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name. We worship You, we give You praise, we adore Your Holy Name, be Thou exalted forever more. Who is like unto Thee merciful Jehovah, there is none to be compared unto Thee. Thank You for manifold blessings upon us. Great are You Lord; You are greatly to be praise. Have Your way again in our midst, do that which only You can do in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing? How thankful have been lately? Remember that after praying, we follow up with thanksgiving believing that we shall receive that which we trust God for. Sometime it may difficult especially when the need is staring you at the face but when we come to the point where we look beyond our need and look up to the Mightiness of our God then we are in the right direction – the faith way/
Beloved, I am glad to welcome you faith clinic, where we hold on until Jesus come. Even when He tarries, we still believe that surely that He will come and He has never disappointed us, even in the eleventh hour, He still show up. Yes He shows up. Wow! Alleluia
Beloved, one way of evangelizing our Lord Jesus is through “testimonies.” It builds up our faith and level out every doubt brewing in our head. It draws soul to kingdom. There are instances in the bible where those healed by Jesus will about testifying about their healing even when the scribes and the Pharisees will command them to keep quite.
So the easiest way to evangelizing is by telling others what Jesus did in your life lately. So if you must continual draw souls to the kingdom of God your life must be a testimony, praise the Lord. so if you are not contagion then check your life because Christianity is not merely a conception but a contagion, but when the contagion is lost, the possibility of multiplying the kingdom of God will be difficulty, “For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power” (1 Cor 4:20).
Join me as we discover more below:
Leviticus 14:15-15:12, Psalm 27:7-14, Proverbs 6:23-26, Mark 5:1-20
“Anyone Saved Lately?”
He told him, “Go back home to your own people, and report to them how much the Lord has done for you and how He has had mercy on you.”—Mark 5:19
Christianity is not merely a conception but a contagion. And when the contagion is lost, the possibility is that the conception may also be lost.
An American pastor, an old friend of mine, says: “Christianity is catching, and if people are not catching it from us, then perhaps it’s because we do not have a sufficiently virulent case of it.” Once when he was in England, we visited Westminster Abbey. He looked around and asked in loud tones: “Has anyone been saved here lately?” I said I was not sure, to which he replied: “If a church is not evangelistic, then it is not evangelical.” He was right, but that didn’t stop me from getting him outside as quickly as possible!
“Nothing is really ours,” said C. S. Lewis, “until we share it.” The moment someone else shares our experience of Christ, then the faith means something more to us. The Amplified Bible translates Philippians 1:5 thus: “I thank my God for your fellowship—your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership—in advancing the good news, the Gospel, from the first day you heard it until now.” From the very first day they stepped into the kingdom of God, they began to contribute to it—to spread it. It was not something they learned; it was instinctive. It was as natural as a baby’s cry at birth. Sharing Christ with others is not something we can take or leave; it is something which, if we don’t take, we can easily lose. For the expression of the faith is the essence of the faith.
O Father, help us to be like the converts in the church at Philippi who, from the moment they saw You, wanted to share You. We ask in Christ’s precious and powerful name. Amen.
Further Study
What did Jesus tell the man to do?
What was Paul’s admonition to Timothy?
Beloved did you read that, that “nothing is really ours, until we share it.” So don’t hide or keep it to self rather spread it round and you will see how people follow to know your God. (Matt 9:8, 27-33).
In Matthew 11 verse 25, we read about Jesus thanking God for hiding these things from the wise and the prudent and revealed it to babes. Beloved are a babe before God then you are in for greater things.
Don’t forget to share your testimonies when next you evangelizing, I think you can testify same of me. So we are waiting to hear what God is doing in your life. praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.