Glory be to God in the highest Alleluia… Glory be to God in the highest Alleluia… for His mercies enduerth forever Amen!!! x2…. Who is like unto Thee… O Lord!!! Who is like unto Thee…O Lord… among the gods… Who is like Thee… You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders! Alleluia!!!
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name…we worship and adore Your Holy Name… Father we Thank You and we are waiting on You to do that which the whole earth will bow at Your Feet…. Receive our worship Father… be thou exalted forever and ever… Thank You for answers to prayers… Jesus we honour, we give You Praise… adoration O God… Thank You for answering our prayers… hosanna in the highest Amen and Amen!!!
Beloveth, how are doing? Is our Faith Clinic day… Are you excited?…..Recently I was speaking with a sister and we dwelt so much on faith… but I reminded her that sometime the word “Faith” looks like an illusion… and so people are not connecting to it very easily…..
However, I pointed out to her that is easy for me to connect with hope than faith…. Why? Someone just raised her eyebrow….(never mind I will explain )
A faith that is not base on knowledge can easily be shaken… but when you are exercising “Faith” based on knowledge is easier to withstand pressures… What I am saying is that you cannot be confessing “Faith without foundation”…. (Col.3:16).
So the best way to hold to your confession of faith is by holding on to the Word of God you read or heard….(Rom.10:17) Or by the way of testimonies you heard or witness… By instant miracle received, experienced or witnessed…these should form the bases of your believing… which is your hope; than you topnotch it with Faith… for instant …. If God remembered Sarah; He will remember me… If God delivered Daniel; He will deliver me too… If it is written that God delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego… I am sure my case will not be different…
Beloveth… You are placing your faith on the Hope of God’s faithfulness that faileth not….You must also have prayed and trust same in God’s Hand… Is not just making confessions that are baseless… Rather you are making a confession based on the Word of God that standeth sure… Alleluia!!!
So let look at the Bible definition of “Faith”
And “Now Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen….” Heb.11:1(KJV).
From the definition above … Your “Hope” is your “Faith”… Christ died for me… and I believe in Christ… therefore my body will not suffer corruptions (Ps.16:10)… Praise the Name of the Lord… Ask and yea shall receive because (Matt.21:22, Phil.4:6, Mk.11:24) made me to know that God will surly answer… Amen!!!
Oftentimes we want to stand on someone testimony to receive ours… what happens here is your faith is risen… you believe since you are a child of God, God is not partial therefore He will also do your own… I must add through prayer and conviction that God hears and do… so when you receive that is the performance of God’s Word in your life too..
Beloveth… what are standing on today believing and trusting God for? Hear this “It must surely come to pass….” God will do it… Just be patient and hope in Him too… Alleluia!!!
What is today’s Topic? Attempting to live on yesterday Home Runs…
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Attempting To Live On Yesterday’s Home Runs
Recently, on a late night T.V. program, a crooner of my teenage era who had lost everything to alcohol and a string of failed marriages, was attempting to resurrect the glory of his withered career, as he labored through forgotten ballads in a voice long in need of retirement. I felt sad for him.
But you know, none of us can live on the “glory” of our past. Like it or not, “yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s ball games.” We need more than that to hold on to.
Most of us, I suppose, have received a few awards along the way, and have experienced the thrill of that momentary applause and recognition. But time passes, memories fade, people change. Life moves on. And those diminished accolades, as Paul so aptly stated, are, in reality no more than a “perishable wreath.” (1 Corinthians 9:25)
Yet many of those wreaths were purchased at great personal price. Recently, a friend of an acquaintance who commanded an enviable position with an international corporation, was abruptly sacked after 27 years of dutiful, sacrificial service which he gladly gave in exchange for “success.” And the cost? The mortgaging of his family.
Hopefully, he is rethinking his definition of “success,” and coming to the realization that there is more to life than clinging to a diminishing prize. Certainly true “success” is more transcendent than that!
Mother Teresa once said, “God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful.” Her faithfulness to God is her success. Is it not to be ours as well?
As I attempted to gain perspective on this issue, I came across 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 20,
“For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.”
Paul understood that one day when he stood before Christ, what would count would not be his earthly “success,” formidable as it was, but the lives of the people in whom he had invested for the sake of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:10-15). Indeed, his maturing flock had become his hope. His joy. His glory. His crown.
QUESTION: By scrutinizing the secret affections of your heart, where in fact does your hope, joy, and glory lie? With a shriveling wreath? Or with the anticipation of an eternal crown?
May God help us as we understand this teaching… our hope lies in Christ therefore we work tirelessly to bring man into kingdom of God who will reward us at the end with eternal life… Prov.11:30
Are you doing that or you are yet to start…beloveth… now is the acceptable time to start your kingdom investment… also note that as you go about doing God work… God is ever faithful to do yours too… Matt.25:45
Put your faith at work… James told us… (Jas.2:14-26).
Further Reading- Jas.2:26, Col.3:16, Rom.10:15, 1Cor.1:23, Jas.5:15, Ps.115:13, Ps.17:8, Heb.13:14, 1Tim.2:5.
Remain blessed in the Lord.