You are the Lord let Your Name be Glorify… You are the Lord let Your Name be Glorify… we give You Glory and Honour… You are the Lord let Your Name be Glorify….// Worthy Worthy is the Lamb… Worthy Worthy is the Lamb… Worthy Worthy is the Lamb… That was slain…. Praise Him alleluia… Praise Him alleluia!!! Praise Him alleluia… Praise the Lord…

I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life…. I am thanking You Lord for Who You are… What You have done… Dan Sakari Baba…

Our Father receive all the Praise… All the honour, all the adoration… All Glory belong to You Father forever more Alleluia…

Thank You for today… because You are not a disappointment…. You are More than what we call You Father… receive our Praises and Worship… Have mercy on us O! Lord… Thank You for proving Yourself strong on our behalf…Glory be to Your Name on high… come and have Your way as we call upon You according to Your word to us… come and show us great and mighty things which we knoweth not… Alleluia to Your Name Father… be Thou glorify… forever and ever Amen!!!

Beloveth… you are welcome in the Name of the Lord… Thank God for His Faithfulness… Our topic today is a popular saying…. Is so common that people use it more often that you wonder what is all about it…

Beloveth… the Bible warned us about everything evil … to keep away from everything called evil, wickedness, wrong, unholy … just name it … it must not be found or name among us…

Beloveth.… can you remember anybody either in the Bible or round you that you can confirm this about… what readily came to my mind is when the children of Israelite where on their to Canaan land and Moses went up the mountain to collect the ten commandment from God… beloveth before he came back… hummmmh they have left the Living God to serve the gods made from gold …. Again when they came to the promised land some of them started worship gods in the high places… for having disobey God by not killing all that were commanded them to kill…(Exo.32)

Beloveth there are more than evil to be reap from disobeying God and keeping bad company… May God help our souls….

Come along with us for more:

Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

George, an upwardly mobile, fast track yuppie – and a professed follower of Christ, made the mistake of becoming the chief operations officer of a company owned by a wheeler-dealer with a reputation around town as a “Slime Ball”. But the six digit income and the numerous perks proved irresistible. Aware of Solomon’s warning, I watched at a distance, wondering if he could survive the association.

My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. If they say, Come along with uslets waylay some harmless soul; we will get all sorts of valuable thingsThrow in your lot with us, and we will share a common purse— my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths.” (Proverbs 1:10, 11a,c, 13a, 14, 15)

At one point, I remember asking, “George, how can you stay clean in that environment?” But he readily assured me that he had it “under control.”

I am reminded of King Rehoboam who rejected the sage advice of his father’s advisors for that of his brash peers. Soon thereafter his career ended in disgrace. (1 Kings 12-14; 2 Chronicles 10:1-11:4)

Or King Jehosophat, who ignored a godly prophet’s counsel, while aligning himself in battle with a godless king. He too experienced ignominious defeat. (1 Kings 22; 2 Chronicles 18:1-34)

Recently I learned that the company owned by the “Slime Ball” had dissolved, leaving scores of investors in crisis. Both George (who had also borrowed heavily to invest in the stock market – which crashed shortly thereafter) and his boss have fled the country to avoid prosecution and angry creditors and investors.

How applicable is Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm“?

To put this issue into perspective, I think it is important for us to understand that we, as Christ’s disciples, are to mix it up with the lost rather than retreat into a monastery. (Matthew 9:10-13; 1 Corinthians 1:5, 9-11) But, we are not to become unequally yoked with them. (1 Corinthians 6:14-18) In other words,


My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.” (John 17:15, 16)

QUESTION: Are you making business alliances with people whose values are not centered in Biblical truth? Do you, like George, believe God need not be taken seriously when He states, “Bad company corrupts good morals“? If so, are you prepared to live with the inevitable consequences?

Father, we thank You for making Name for Yourself in my life… Most Precious Jesus come and help us to live a live worthy of You… Amen!!!

Keep away from us evil men and women… may our spirit-man be made only for Your dwelling in Jesus Name Amen!!!

Thank you Most High God… alleluia… Jesus

Beloveth… pray and cover your soul, spirit, and body with the blood of Jesus… Amen!!!

Further Reading- Ps.37:5, 1Jn.3:2, Heb.12:3, 1Tim.4:14, Ps.100:5, 1Thess.5:8, 1Jn.1:2, Eph.5:4-19, Gal.4:5.

Let us pray beloveth… that we keep our garment pure till the end… Alleluia

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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