Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!!// I lift Your Name high; I will lift up Your Name high. I will lift up Your Name; I will lift up Your Name. I will lift up Your Name above every other Name.

Our Father we thank You and we honour Your Holy Name! Thank You for the gift of life, a new day and a new week. Thank You for the Great and Mighty things You are doing for us. Thank You for the preservation of lives and property, hallow be Thy Name forever in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, good morning, how are doing today? Thank God for a glorious weekend, thank God for keeping and making us part of today activities in good health and peace of mind, glory be to His Name forever and ever Amen!

He is alive amen! He is alive Jesus is alive forever, He is alive amen!

Yes! Jesus is alive and so we are to God’s glory, our prayer today is that God will help us and make us walk in the Beauty of His holiness in Jesus Name.

Thank God for this privileged to see another brand new day to be everything He has created us to be. Beloveth today we will be considering how we can do exploits for the Lord. yes what can we give in return to a Father Whose thought towards us are for good and not evil. the God Who fights our battles, Who protects and secure us from the workers of darkness if not to surrender everything back to Him worship.

Surrender our entirely being to the kingdom work, reach out to men and woman, boys and girls who are yet to discover how sweet the Name of Jesus sounds. Join me to sing this song:

How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds, In a believer’s ear! It soothes his sorrow, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear.

  1. It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; ‘Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest.

 Beloveth, that is the glimpse of what our Jesus is to us. Since we were saved to saved others, please make a duty to take Jesus along as you go about your daily activities. Don’t keep it only to talk or hear about Him only ob Sundays but make a duty to take along with you daily as you set out your daily activities.

That man down the street, that woman that you buy confectionaries from, that young girl that serve your tea and that young boy that washes your car, have you tell them about Jesus? Have they heard from you the wonders He can do?

The song we just sang said “He smoothen the sorrow, heals the wounds, and drives away fear. Beloveth it does not end there, the wounded Spirit is made whole, it clams the trouble breast, beloveth its manna to the hungry soul and to the weary it gives peace. Praise the living Jesus!

Can you see the much the Name of Jesus can do, so what are waiting for to spread it around?

In my local church where I belong, the ministering pastors said something interesting “Gossip Jesus around” (Are you laughing)? Is very simply to gossip Jesus around, the woman at the Well did (Jn 4:28-31), so you can also do the same.

Beloveth, gossip Jesus around. Ask that you neighbor has he/she heard about Jesus? Ask him/her if he/she also have seen want He did for you or any member of your family or anybody you can remember?

Beloved you must be zealous for the kingdom so that God will be happy with you and you are also setting your remembrance in view or your quickening His visitation.

As soon the Lord made this pronouncement, on the second day He did wonders in my life, affliction of over 5 years disappeared.

Beloveth, when God says a thing He meant it; except you don’t believe Him. On the first day of this month, we sited two cases of those who God did remember in spite of their unbelief. Praise the Lord!

Our God is still in business of doing good; you are the next in line If you believe and surrender your life to Him. He will surely do you good.

Come along for an eye opener:

“Be zealous.” Revelation 3:19

If you would see souls converted, if you would hear the cry that “the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord”; if you would place crowns upon the head of the Saviour, and His throne lifted high, then be filled with zeal.

For, under God, the way of the world’s conversion must be by the zeal of the church. Every grace shall do exploits, but this shall be first; prudence, knowledge, patience, and courage will follow in their places, but zeal must lead the van. It is not the extent of your knowledge, though that is useful; it is not the extent of your talent, though that is not to be despised; it is your zeal that shall do great exploits.

This zeal is the fruit of the Holy Spirit: it draws its vital force from the continued operations of the Holy Ghost in the soul. If our inner life dwindles, if our heart beats slowly before God, we shall not know zeal; but if all be strong and vigorous within, then we cannot but feel a loving anxiety to see the kingdom of Christ come, and His will done on earth, even as it is in heaven.

A deep sense of gratitude will nourish Christian zeal. Looking to the hole of the pit whence we were digged, we find abundant reason why we should spend and be spent for God. And zeal is also stimulated by the thought of the eternal future. It looks with tearful eyes down to the flames of hell, and it cannot slumber: it looks up with anxious gaze to the glories of heaven, and it cannot but bestir itself.

It feels that time is short compared with the work to be done, and therefore it devotes all that it has to the cause of its Lord. And it is ever strengthened by the remembrance of Christ’s example. He was clothed with zeal as with a cloak. How swift the chariot-wheels of duty went with Him! He knew no loitering by the way.

Let us prove that we are His disciples by manifesting the same spirit of zeal.

Did you read that? Let us manifest same spirit of zeal in our Father’s work.

I pray for somebody who desires to take the gospel of our Lord Jesus along but satan hinder him/her, by the reason of what God is set to do through your “going”, you are declared heal and whole in Jesus Name.

That burden is lifted. Beloveth, your sorrow is smoothed and your fear driven away in Jesus Name.

Beloveth remember you zeal must be base on the leading of the Holy Spirit not only on knowledge and talent. Praise the Living Jesus.

On this note beloveth, we declare this week blessed and we shall return with greater testimonies at the end of this week in Jesus Name.

Let us complete the song we start earlier:

  1. Dear Name, the rock on which I build,
    My shield and hiding place,
    My never failing treasury, filled
    With boundless stores of grace!
  2. By Thee, my prayers acceptance gain,
    Although with sin defiled;
    Satan accuses me in vain,
    And I am owned a child.
  3. Jesus, my Shepherd, Brother, Friend,
    My Prophet, Priest, and King,
    My Lord, my life, my way, my end,
    Accept the praise I bring.
  4. Weak is the effort of my heart,
    And cold my warmest thought;
    But when I see Thee as Thou art,
    I’ll praise Thee as I ought.
  5. ‘Til then I would Thy love proclaim
    With every fleeting breath,
    And may the music of Thy name
    Refresh my soul in death.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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