I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. (I will exalt You Father) I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. // Jesus Your are good God, I will forever follow You, there is nothing He cannot do I will forever follow You.
Heavenly Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You we give You Praise adoration to Your Holy Name, heaven and earth are full of Your glory, hosanna in the highest, blessed are they who come in the Name of the Lord.
Lord we bow down and worship Yahweh, Lord we bow down and worship Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord we bow down and worship Yahweh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heavenly Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You Ancient One, be though exalted O Lord for the grace for a brand new week, a brand new day which You have made and said we should rejoice and be glad in it. Glorious how Wonderful, how Precious are You Lord! Thank You for yet another opportunity to learn at Your feet. Help us Father to be all that you have made us to be, be Thou glorify in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, is a brand new week, truly we have not gone through this way before. It will be easy by the grace of God upon our lives therefore let us humble ourselves before our Father and ask for His grace to pull through unhurt. Yes! Unhurt in Jesus Name.
Today by God’s grace we will be looking at important topic that is so dear to our heavenly Father, a ticket for us to enter into the Presence of God after here on earth, you must be “born again.”
Beloved, are you born again or you are living your life as you wish? Without letting your old nature to go, it will be impossible to please God because our canal man cannot please God, except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God! (Jn 3:3).
Beloved, are you born again? Are you born of the incorruptible seed which is the nature of Christ imputed to everyone belonging to him? you must be born again beloveth else we will not please God.
Being born again means leaving everything that pleases your flesh behind and inclining on everything that please the Spirit. You must not be in the balance, you must not be neutral, we must either stand for Christ or against Him and when you stand against Him, you are will not make it to eternity. Praise the Lord!
That is why Apostle Peter admonishes us to align ourselves with God, leaving the world and it corruptions behind and clinging to power that is raised Christ from death.
Beloveth, a born again child of God has life expected of him/her. And that is exactly what Apostle Peter is teaching us in the first chapter of his book. I think the reading of the whole chapter is recommended so that we have the full understanding of what the Apostle is saying.
There is a life style worthy of a child, we are not to live as the world do; we must live as Christ live. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciple practical Christian living when He taught them to serve one another (Jn 13:12-15). Again Apostle Paul taught us about modest living (Php 4:5).
Beloved, let us learn from this teaching and apply same to our life as we all know that the end of everything is sure at hand and we must give an account about how we live our life. may God help us all in Jesus Name.
Come let us read more below:
“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible.” 1 Peter 1:23
Peter most earnestly exhorted the scattered saints to love each other “with a pure heart fervently” and he wisely fetched his argument, not from the law, from nature, or from philosophy, but from that high and divine nature which God hath implanted in His people.
Just as some judicious tutor of princes might labour to beget and foster in them a kingly spirit and dignified behaviour, finding arguments in their position and descent, so, looking upon God’s people as heirs of glory, princes of the blood royal, descendants of the King of kings, earth’s truest and oldest aristocracy, Peter saith to them, “See that ye love one another, because of your noble birth, being born of incorruptible seed; because of your pedigree, being descended from God, the Creator of all things; and because of your immortal destiny, for you shall never pass away, though the glory of the flesh shall fade, and even its existence shall cease.”
It would be well if, in the spirit of humility, we recognized the true dignity of our regenerated nature, and lived up to it. What is a Christian? If you compare him with a king, he adds priestly sanctity to royal dignity. The king’s royalty often lieth only in his crown, but with a Christian it is infused into his inmost nature. He is as much above his fellows through his new birth, as a man is above the beast that perisheth.
Surely he ought to carry himself, in all his dealings, as one who is not of the multitude, but chosen out of the world, distinguished by sovereign grace, written among “the peculiar people” and who therefore cannot grovel in the dust as others, nor live after the manner of the world’s citizens.
Let the dignity of your nature, and the brightness of your prospects, O believers in Christ, constrain you to cleave unto holiness, and to avoid the very appearance of evil.
Beloved, great is the mercy of God upon our lives, I beseech us therefore not to make that grace in vain, may we always ask the Holy Spirit to help us where we are failing and may the Spirit of God lift us up and higher above all the corruption that is in this world in Jesus Name.
On this note dearly beloved we declare this week open and we trust sincerely in God that the end we will have course to celebrate in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.