I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus for Thou lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name…above every other names… O Lord!// Great is Thy Faithfulness! Great is Thy Faithfulness morning by morning New mercies I see.. all that I needed my hands has provided great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto Thee…//
Our Father we thank You, we worship You we give You Praise… Adoration to Your Holy Name… Thank You for the gift of last days in the month of September… Wow! it can only be You… blessed Redeemer hallow be Thy Name… Jesus come and help us here to understand full the love of God…
Jesus though He was God, He learned obedience from the things He suffered. (Heb.5:8). He did not count Himself equal to God but he humble Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross.(Phil.2:8-9).
Beloveth, for our sake God made a huge sacrifice… His Son… for our salvation… man having sin and fall short of the glory of God … nothing could restore him back to the original state rather Blood… the blood of no other than blood of His Son… Praise the Name of the Lord….
Important to note is that Jesus obeyed His Father… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Jesus declared Himself as light of the world… of which darkness cannot comprehend beloveth… do you believe that God did all these for you not to die as a sinner but rather you live eternally, Praise the Name of Jesus….
Sincerely do we always believe this… often times our life tends to believe otherwise because of what may be passing through… while will God allow difficult times in my life. Why will God allows the wicked to prosper…. Why will God let the innocent to suffer….I kept my chastity why should I be childless… I have love and serve God and now am of age yet to be married…I have been trusting God for financial breakthrough and is yet to come to pass…
These and many more questions run through our minds and we can’t even answer them… we doubt God’s love and satan raises questions upon questions and we get tried and don’t even know what to believe again…
Beloveth, we at different times find ourselves in such situation, we feel like giving up… interestingly, is good for us to know that God will not give up on us… even when we fail to be faithful… God will continue to be Faithful……
Why? Because God is love…. Hear what Job got to say in his worst state… “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him: but I will maintain mine own ways before Him.” (Job 13:15).
That is from a man who knows his God … beloveth… may God bring us to the point where we know that He watches over us and will not allow evil comes our way… even when satan attack us through some unpleasant situation… may we steadily look up to Jesus… the Author and Finisher of our faith… He is indeed Our Maker… Praise the Lord….
One chief one God made His love manifest in our lives is through the gift of His Son… (Jn 3:16).
Once you get a glimpse of Who Jesus is, you are faced with a decision. Will you go sell all you have and buy the plot of land? Will you give up the life of a seafarer sent from homeland and instead make a living in this new frontier? Will you cast aside your old familiar life for a new life in unfamiliar and uncharted territory? You doubt God’s love in this new horizon…
Beloveth, it is the question we all face (sometime more than once in a lifetime). It is the question we all have to settle once and for all.
In Hebrew 11, the write says that the great heroes of faith, like Abraham, were looking for a city whose designer and builder was God. they gave their lives in search of it but never experienced it. God said that had they desired to return to the land from which they ccame, He would have given them the opportunity. How sad that would have been.
What was promised to our forefathers of Faith has been made manifest to us through the Blood of Jesus Christ! We have come to the city of the Living God! Will we enter in? This is not a question solely for the newly saved. This is for all of us. some of us may be like the children of Israel wandering in the desert; seeing the Mighty works of God in our midst but still longing for the place that we came from.
Maybe we have been Christian for a long time. Maybe we even grew up in church. Yet we are still wandering on the outskirts. We have not surrendered our lives completely to Christ. He still hasn’t become our “one things”. So the question remains, will we enter in? Can God be Just Enough for you? can you believe in God’s love….
Come along for more:
And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.—1 John 4:16
The greatest truth in all of Scripture is this: God is love. Understanding this in its full dimensions will set you free to enjoy all that is yours as a Christian. But you must accept that God loves you. If you grew up experiencing unconditional love in your family, this may not be difficult for you.
However, if your early years were void of love, this truth may be hard to accept. God loves you, not because you deserve His love, but because His nature is love. The only way He will ever relate to you is in love. His love for you gives you an inherent worth that nothing can diminish.
If you cannot accept the truth that God loves you, you will be limited in how you can relate to Him. When He disciplines you, you will not take it as an expression of His love. Rather, you may resent Him. When God says no to a request that is less than His best for you, you will conclude that He doesn’t care about you.
Without a clear understanding and acceptance of God’s love for you, you will be disoriented to Him and to what He wants to do in your life. If you will accept God’s love, however, you will be able to return love to God as well as to others (1 John 4:19).
Are you experiencing the profound sense of joy and security that comes from knowing you are dearly loved by God? Being assured of God’s love for you sets you free to enjoy the numerous expressions of love He showers upon you each day.
Beloveth… there is no other better ways of starting the week than accepting and confessing God’s love …. No matter what is going on around you… trust in no other than the love of God for when you do …. Lines will begin to fall in pleasant places for you….
On this note we declare this week open…and by God’s grace we will return with huge testimonies in Jesus Name…. Someone is repenting and confessing God’s love…
Further Reading:1Cor.3:23, Rom.10:15, 1Pet.2:6, Neh.8:10, Rom.6:23, Ps 84:11,1 Thess5:17, Jn.3:16, Rom.10:17, Matt. 13:44, Heb.11:8-16, Heb.12:22-29
Remain blessed in the Lord.