I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love. I will exalt You Jesus. I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. // Glory glory alleluia, Glory glory Praise the Lord, glory glory alleluia glory glory Praise the Lord. Glory glory Lord, we give you glory Lord, (we give you glory lord) glory glory Lord You are a Mighty God.
Baba I Praise Your Name for You are worthy of my Praise, thank You Father for Your goodness and tender mercies towards us Your children, thank You for never allowed shame to cover our glory, thank You for manifesting greatly in every situation that comes our way, be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name.
I will glorify Your Name, who is worthy to be Praise, hosanna, blessed be the Lord, honour be the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted. Hosanna, blessed be Thy Lord, honour be the Rock, let the Rock of my salvation be Thou exalted.
Beloved these are my heartfelt songs to the Lord this morning and am sure you are in tune with us to magnify the Name of Jehovah, Who is a Mighty Man in battle, glory be Him alone in Jesus Name. Yes our Jehovah God is a Mighty One in battle indeed and He will always defend and protect us from evil, glory be to God in the highest.
In our faith clinic today, we will be encountering another powerful teaching that will make our step a giant hinge in our way in obtaining the promise of the Lord as we position for Divine Lifting this month.
Oftentimes we encounter thoughts either from our mind or said to us by someone especially when we are going through difficult times to make us doubt God’s faithfulness in our life then we become bitter and our trust in God becomes questionable and doubtful.
Beloved, the answer to such situation is here and the solution to apply is also in the ministration below. The Lord is more than able to do what we can ever think of or ever imagine. His plans towards us are for good and not for evil, to give us an expected end. We must always trust the faithfulness of God. Is so important we know and trust God’s righteousness. Is also important we believe that God’s purpose and destiny in our lives must surely come to past no matter what we might be going through.
I like singing this song because it ministers greatly to my Spirit, – Lord You are so good to me in all circumstance, in all circumstance, in all circumstance. O God You are so good to me in all situation, in all situation. Beloveth, our God is beautiful in all situation and these verses of the Bible confers it Lam 3:25 says that “the Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seekth Him” and Rom 8:28 say also “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them”
I don’t know what you may be passing through, but I know that our God is too faithful to fail you, even though evil occurrences befell you, and you are trusting God to deliver you, beloved I want to assure you that our God will come, He will not delay, He will act and not keep silence, always remember that the long suffering of God wrought repentance and He will perfect all that concerneth you. (Jas 1:12, 2Pet 3:15, Ps 138:8)
I am a living witness for the goodness of God when we keep trusting and believing in His Divine power to deliver us and make us whole, He will surely do that which you are trusted Him to do.
Don’t be cut in that thought that God is unrighteous to let evil to befall you but in everything He comes in at such a time you have exhausted your plan and secondly He comes when His Name will be glorify (Eph 1:19, Phil 4:6).
Satan is a deceiver and have been cunning from the beginning, don’t fall into the pit of His schemes, be wise and keep all your trust and hope in God else you will be cut in a web of running round the circles.
Whatever be it never you spend your time thinking about it rather spend that same time Praising God,, searching the scriptures and building your hope on the Rock –our Lord Jesus and keep reminding God that He overcame this challenge before the foundation of the world was laid, all you want to do is to enter into that victory, and before long you will.
Because if you do otherwise, before long you will come down with sickness that will not have a medical history or solution and that is the plan of satan for you, so don’t you ever spent any time or thought enumerating on anything that is not projecting God to be in control (2Cor 10:5-6, Ps 11:1) because the end will never be good. The end will be against God promise in Rom 8:28.
Come along with us for more:
Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:10,Psalm 107:33-38, Proverbs 22:20-21, 2 Corinthians 1:23-3:3
Blasphemous Thoughts
For we are not ignorant of [Satan’s] schemes.—2 Corinthians 2:11
The form of satanic attack that is probably the most difficult of all to endure is having blasphemous thoughts. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said on this: “The devil has often plagued some of the noblest saints with blasphemous thoughts—blasphemous thoughts about God, blasphemous thoughts about the Lord Jesus Christ, and blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit.”
How horrible and terrifying such thoughts can be. Sometimes the Devil hurls the most awful words and phrases into the mind; but again, it is important to see that these do not arise from within the heart of the believer—they come from the Devil, who is trying to confuse and demoralize you.
How grateful we should be to the saints down the ages who have recorded these satanic attacks, for otherwise we would be tempted when experiencing them to believe that they have never happened to anyone else. Many masters of the spiritual life have described these satanic attacks in great detail—John Bunyan and Martin Luther being the two best examples.
But how do we deal with these “flaming arrows” of Satan? What action must we take to repel these devilish attacks? There is only one answer—we must take and use the shield of faith. Faith alone enables us to meet and overcome this particular type of attack. What we must not do is expose our chests, expecting the breastplate of righteousness to deal with this problem. Each piece of the equipment is designed to deal with a particular attack. And the answer here is—faith.
Heavenly Father, I understand the problem—now show me how to apply the answer. The answer, I see, is faith. But how does it work? How can I apply it? Teach me more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
2Co 10:1-5; Mt 22:37-38; Eph 1:22-23; Jms 4:7-8
In what ways does Satan attack the mind?
What is the scriptural antidote?
Do you believe that God’s plan for you is ever good and not evil? Then you are on your path to triumphant over the evil siege, take along with you all the time your shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, you righteous standing not withstanding as the author wrote above.
Hope you enjoyed this session of our faith clinic, always take the shield and cover your heart so that your trust in God will not fall to the ground. Before long I will share with you the testimony of this teaching in my life. We are positioning for our Divine Lifting, make sure you are making your steps that of a hinge feet. (Ezek 36:26)
Beloved, we serve an Able God; don’t forget and He is forever Faithful; never forget. Don’t ever allow any blasphemous thoughts proceeds from your mouth/mind.
Remain blessed in the Lord