Cast your burden unto Jesus for He cares for you. Beloved, cast your burden unto Jesus for He cares for You.// all over the world the Spirit is moving, all over the world as the prophet says it should be, all over the world, there is a mighty revelation as the glory of the Lord as the water cover sea. Here in our midst, the Spirit is moving, here in our midst as the prophet say it should be, here in our midst there is a mighty revelation as the glory of the Lord as the water cover the sea.

All glory belong to You Lord, thank You for Who You are, glorious Redeemer, how excellent are You Lord. thank You for Your love and faithfulness. Thank You for Your love that have no end. thank You for counting us worthy to be part of this end time army who is maintaining their rank to fight the last battle. Glory, honour, adoration to You alone Who is worthy to be Praise.

We, Your children have gathered again today not in any other Name but the Name that is above every other Name, the Name of Jesus to cast down our crown before your through of mercies, arise O Lord! come down in Your glory and fill this place, like the days of old we want to see your glory fill the temple, our heart that we can no longer see our problems, our challenges, our limitation, our care but we will see You, only You Lord, only You Father, be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, good morning and how are you doing? Is a prayer time, are You ready to pray? are you ready to lift up your voice and exalt the Name of the Lord above all? Are you humbly enough to admit that without Jesus you can do nothing? Are you happy that you are before God’s presence to behold again His Awesome presence and exalted Him like never before.

O! our God is good, He is good to all that worship Him. Praise be to His Name Alleluia, Amen!!!!!!

Beloved, this is a call to cast our care on Jesus. I don’t want to insult your intelligent but do understand what you are call to do? Jesus is telling you that believeth in Him to come with all your problem and leave it with Him. You are not meant to take it along when you are going out or after you have finish speaking with Him. His instruction to you is to leave it with Him for He will take care of it. Yes, He will cure that long standing illness. That challenges are getting solution. You will not go the same way you came, therefore that infertility is over, you will be fruitful in your body as well as your hands. O someone shout a big alleluia.

You are gaining admission to study your desirable course! Yes the Lord is perfecting that perverse way to be Holy and acceptable to Him. Jesus is a living sacrifice, come and cast your burden unto Him now for He will sustain you and He shall never suffer the righteous of which is the fold you belong to be move.

Now, if you are saying that prayer and believe in your heart that you shall not He  move join as the Spirit of God is here to lighten your burden and give you wholeness in Jesus Name, please come along:

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee; he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Ps. 55:22


It is a heavy burden, roll it on Omnipotence. It is thy burden now, and it crushes thee; but when the Lord takes it, He will make nothing of it. If thou art called still to bear it, “he will sustain thee.” It will be on Him, and not on thee. Thou wilt be so upheld under it that the burden will be a blessing. Bring the Lord into the matter and thou wilt stand upright under that which in itself would bow thee down.

Our worst fear is lest our trial should drive us from the path of duty; but this the Lord will never suffer. If we are righteous before Him, He will not endure that our affliction should move us from our standing. In Jesus He accepts us as righteous, and in Jesus He will keep us so.

What about the present moment? Art thou going forth to this day’s trial alone? Are thy poor shoulders again to be galled with the oppressive load? Be not so foolish. Tell the Lord all about thy grief, and leave it with Him. Don’t cast your burden down, and then take it up again; but roll it on the Lord, and leave it there. Then shalt thou walk at large, a joyful and unburdened believer, singing the praises of thy great Burden-bearer.

Take your burden to Jesus, tell Him that you love and cast it His feet. Yes! cast it at His feet. He is our burden bearer, He maketh intercession for us before the throne of mercy and He makes a way where their seems to be no way. Praise the Lord!

Behold the mountain will break into singing, beloved isn’t that beautiful? That your challenges is turning around to sing praises to God instead being a burden to you, it is singing to the glory of God! Can I hear a thunder breaking alleluia!!!!!!!!!

Yes! the Lord bring your captivity to captive and you will yet rejoice for the glory of the Lord is coming down and your is lifted up, Praise the Lord, alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.” Isa. 49:13


So sweet are the comforts of the Lord, that not only the saints themselves may sing of them, but even the Heavens and the earth may take up the song. It takes something to make a mountain sing; and yet the prophet summons quite a choir of them. Lebanon, and Sirion, and the high hills of Bashan and Moab, He would set them all singing because of Jehovah’s grace to His own Zion. May we not also make mountains of difficulty, and trial, and mystery, and labor become occasions for praise unto our God? “Break forth into singing, O mountains!”

This word of promise, that our God will have mercy upon His afflicted, has a whole peal of bells connected with it. Hear their music — “Sing!” “Be joyful!” “Break forth into singing.” The Lord would have His people happy because of His unfailing love. He would not have us sad and doubtful; He claims from us the worship of believing hearts. He cannot fail us: why should we sigh or sulk as if He would do so?

Oh for a well-tuned harp! Oh for voices like those of the cherubim before the throne!

Yes for a well tuned harp! Glory be to God, alleluia, we hasten forth make our challenges to Praise God rather than make our focus in Jesus Name. every condition we had found ourselves before now must worship the King  of kings and the Lord of Lord, it will no longer be a barrier to our worship in Jesus Name.

Come, the Lord said, come and cast your burden unto Him now. Come on and don’t delay. Remember, what we were instructed in one of our theme  text for the month, if your obey the voice of the Lord, your land will yield increase praise the Lord!

Arise and do  as you are commanded.

O Lord of mercies, hear your children as the call and none will go back the way he/she comes in Jesus Name.

We bless your Name, alleluia amen! Praise the Lord all Thee that afflicts my life bow before the throne of God now and never to rise again in Jesus Name.

I will exalt you O Lord, for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. Pray as you sing along with me. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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