Glorious God, beautiful King excellent God we bow before Your throne, O! Lord! Glorious God! Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne. We bow before the throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before the throne, You are a glorious God.// There is none Holy as the Lord, there is none besides Him, neither is there any God as my God, there is none Holy as the Lord.

You are God from beginning to the end there is no place for argument You are God all by Yourself!!!!blessed be the Name of the Lord, Who You are worthy to be Praise and adore, so we lift our hands in one accord, singing blessed be the Lord, blessed be the Lord, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Yes Lord we worship and adore Your Holy Name! thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up with sound health of mind and body, thank You for safety from all evils, thank You for upholding us in Your Right Hand and leading us in the way of righteous living, it can only be You. Almighty King of glory be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, is He worthy of your Praise? Is God worthy of your Praise? To me He is the only reason why I am alive to offer praises to His Holy Name and worship Him in His sanctuary (body and soul). Can same be said of you? can it be said that you are living a life of prayer, breaking forth inn worship and adoration to the Soon coming King. Blessed of the Lord, God along is worthy of our Praise, prayers and offering Praise the Name of Jesus!

Men ought to pray and not faint. Do we have any one faint in his/her spirit in the house this morning? Do we have any that is growing weary and is saying ‘is like God does not answer prayers any longer’ because of the way things are happening around you? Is any in the house whose altar is covered with ashes other than fire?

If you are the one can you just ‘Praise the Lord.’ you need not be discouraged, even the disciples had their ‘down time’ with Jesus still in their midst. Praise the Lord! but your case is different because our Jesus had prayed for you and no temptation has power to overcome you if you run to Him in time of crisis.

Are you being persecuted by the very one you helped, the topic of today is come your way to teach you what you ought to do and if you adhere to it you will not miss it. In the face of such persecution and adversary the psalmist gave Himself up to prayer. He did go complaining, he did not go around weeping, neither did he kept quiet and fold his arms beloveth, he gave himself to prayer.

He called on the Name of Jehovah the man of war to avenge for Him.

Beloveth, the year is still young and I want encourage you to guide your territories with prayers, surround yourself with fire, let the power from on High fall on you that you will radiate glory. Praise the Lord.

Do you that satan can not touch you with the glory upon you? Someone does not understand what I am saying? I said a man carrying glory can never be humiliated by satan and his cohorts. Yes! He/she is above their intimidation because the glory is God power over you and you can overcome everything if you are born of God (1 Jn 5:4, Lk 4:1-13;14-15, Mk 4:39).

Beloveth, we may pray in way it was said in our text today but the pray of Stephen as he was being stoned to death. You know the story, the chief commander Saul was turn from a murderer to a carrier of Goodnews (Act 7:58-60, Acts 9:1-16, 20-22).

Beloveth, let us learn to give ourselves to prayers rather than complaining or folding of arms and proclaiming faith that is not backed-up in prayer, may God help us all in Jesus Name.

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“But I give myself unto prayer.” Psalm 109:4

Lying tongues were busy against the reputation of David, but he did not defend himself; he moved the case into a higher court, and pleaded before the great King Himself.

Prayer is the safest method of replying to words of hatred. The Psalmist prayed in no cold-hearted manner, he gave himself to the exercise—threw his whole soul and heart into it—straining every sinew and muscle, as Jacob did when wrestling with the angel.

Thus, and thus only, shall any of us speed at the throne of grace. As a shadow has no power because there is no substance in it, even so that supplication, in which a man’s proper self is not thoroughly present in agonizing earnestness and vehement desire, is utterly ineffectual, for it lacks that which would give it force.

“Fervent prayer,” says an old divine, “like a cannon planted at the gates of heaven, makes them fly open.” The common fault with the most of us is our readiness to yield to distractions. Our thoughts go roving hither and thither, and we make little progress towards our desired end.

Like quicksilver our mind will not hold together, but rolls off this way and that. How great an evil this is! It injures us, and what is worse, it insults our God. What should we think of a petitioner, if, while having an audience with a prince, he should be playing with a feather or catching a fly?

Continuance and perseverance are intended in the expression of our text. David did not cry once, and then relapse into silence; his holy clamour was continued till it brought down the blessing.

Prayer must not be our chance work, but our daily business, our habit and vocation. As artists give themselves to their models, and poets to their classical pursuits, so must we addict ourselves to prayer.

We must be immersed in prayer as in our element, and so pray without ceasing. Lord, teach us so to pray that we may be more and more prevalent in supplication.

A man of God once said that if we pray the way we eat when we are hungry than our prayers will be answer. Therefore beloved let hungry fill your mind toward the God and His Word. Let that hungry put you to pray like never before. Pray to have a breakthrough, Pray to be win all your battles, pray to overcome ever hindrances and your way will be through and victory all the way.

May God help us to hungry and taste for righteousness in Jesus Name (Lk 6:21). Father help Your children whose confidence are in You, deliver and blessed them and make Your face to shine upon them in Jesus Name.

Beloved, let nothing go off your hand without prayer. Give yourself up to prayer, ignite your prayer life and ward off opposition and strife in life and you harvest victories in Jesus Name (Col 4:2)

I am a living witness; join us and be an overcomer too.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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