Everlasting father, everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be thou glorify 2x.// Jehovah, Jehovah, we praise Your Name 2x.

O Father in heaven we praise Your Name we worship we adore You for Your love and peace in our lives. Blessed be Thy Holy Name. Thank You Father Sun, moon and the stars You have made. Thank You Lord for the wind and rain You have given us. O Lord! We glorified Your Name forever and ever.

Beloved, is good to be good? Our God is good- all the time is a saying that we say either unconsciously or without much thought. While do people say it? Because, God is in His nature is good. Goodness is Who God is. God is not good because you are sinless. He is not good to you because you are righteous. God is not good because you worship Him neither can He be any less because that is His very nature. This also means that God is unchangeable and Reliable too. He is ever faithful and loving (1Jn 4:8).

Therefore looking at God’s Goodness, we can say that God is compassionate. He is Kind too. His kindness made His only Son a sacrificial Lamb for our redemption (1 Jn 4:9; Col 1:22). His kindness made us co-heirs of His Kingdom and made us seat with Jesus in the heavenly places.

Beloved, won’t you desire to be like your Creator to show kindness to Him by evangelizing. Can you show kindness to that man, that woman around you? Can you be reliable enough for God to entrust His wealth to extend to those lacking and hurting around you?

The truth is that you cannot out-give God and whatever you do in His Name and glory has a reward (Matt 6:1-4; 1Cor 15:58; Col 3:17). Don’t forget we are having dominion through our act of kindness. By developing the kindness virtue in you. Beloved, you are to give away poverty by your kindness (Prov 3:28; Deut 15:1).

Beloved, God’s kindness made the saints of old and same kindness is making you a saint today if you will be willing and obedient to His command.

Build up your faith today. Believe God, that flour and oil will not run out till your next rain will come.

Let go for more discovery:

“Called to be saints.” Romans 1:7

We are very apt to regard the apostolic saints as if they were “saints” in a more especial manner than the other children of God. All are “saints” whom God has called by His grace, and sanctified by His Spirit; but we are apt to look upon the apostles as extraordinary beings, scarcely subject to the same weaknesses and temptations as ourselves.

Yet in so doing we are forgetful of this truth, that the nearer a man lives to God the more intensely has he to mourn over his own evil heart; and the more his Master honours him in His service, the more also doth the evil of the flesh vex and tease him day by day.

The fact is, if we had seen the apostle Paul, we should have thought him remarkably like the rest of the chosen family: and if we had talked with him, we should have said, “We find that his experience and ours are much the same. He is more faithful, more holy, and more deeply taught than we are, but he has the selfsame trials to endure.

Nay, in some respects he is more sorely tried than ourselves.” Do not, then, look upon the ancient saints as being exempt either from infirmities or sins; and do not regard them with that mystic reverence which will almost make us idolators.

Their holiness is attainable even by us. We are “called to be saints” by that same voice which constrained them to their high vocation. It is a Christian’s duty to force his way into the inner circle of saintship; and if these saints were superior to us in their attainments, as they certainly were, let us follow them; let us emulate their ardour and holiness.

We have the same light that they had, the same grace is accessible to us, and why should we rest satisfied until we have equalled them in heavenly character? They lived with Jesus, they lived for Jesus, therefore they grew like Jesus. Let us live by the same Spirit as they did, “looking unto Jesus,” and our saintship will soon be apparent.

You read that? Let us also be like Jesus, His compassion for the sick made Him to go about healing all manner of diseases (Matt 8:1- 4, 5-13; Mk 5:1- 19). His compassion made Him to teach until it was late in the night and He was exhausted. The same compassion made Him to feed thousands on different occasion by only giving Thank and God multiplied what He was in His hand (Mk 6:36).

Do you dare trust that same God? As He was in the beginning so He is even now! Our God is good and we must learn to trust Him in every circumstances. Praise the Name of the Lord.

“Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:4


Seeing that we have such a God to trust to, let us rest upon Him with all our weight; let us resolutely drive out all unbelief, and endeavour to get rid of doubts and fears, which so much mar our comfort; since there is no excuse for fear where God is the foundation of our trust.

A loving parent would be sorely grieved if his child could not trust him; and how ungenerous, how unkind is our conduct when we put so little confidence in our heavenly Father who has never failed us, and who never will. It were well if doubting were banished from the household of God; but it is to be feared that old Unbelief is as nimble nowadays as when the psalmist asked, “Is His mercy clean gone for ever? Will He be favourable no more?”

 David had not made any very lengthy trial of the mighty sword of the giant Goliath, and yet he said, “There is none like it.” He had tried it once in the hour of his youthful victory, and it had proved itself to be of the right metal, and therefore he praised it ever afterwards; even so should we speak well of our God, there is none like unto Him in the heaven above or the earth beneath;

“To whom then will ye liken Me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.” There is no rock like unto the rock of Jacob, our enemies themselves being judges. So far from suffering doubts to live in our hearts, we will take the whole detestable crew, as Elijah did the prophets of Baal, and slay them over the brook; and for a stream to kill them at, we will select the sacred torrent which wells forth from our Saviour’s wounded side.

We have been in many trials, but we have never yet been cast where we could not find in our God all that we needed. Let us then be encouraged to trust in the Lord for ever, assured that His ever lasting strength will be, as it has been, our succour and stay.

Beloved the Lord is good! And the just shall live by faith. Hold on to Jesus the author and finisher of your Faith. Trust God and You live above Your pain and trials for His our everlasting joy and strength.

Hold on to what Apostle Paul wrote in Eph 1:17- 22. Let it be your guiding principal. “… having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, and what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power towards us who believe…”

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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