Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good…// I will lift up Jesus higher… I will lift up Jesus higher… O Jehovah Alpha Omega… I will lift up Jesus higher… O Jehovah Alpha Omega… I will lift up Jesus higher….. Our Father in heaven, we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore Thee, we give You Praise, glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!! Jesus You are my Good God… I will forever follow You… there is nothing He cannot do… I will forever follow You….
Thank You merciful Jesus .. Thank for the blessings of a new week… O Lord… who is like unto Thee… Father there is none to be compared with Thee You are the Mighty Man in battle… O Lord arise and take Your place in this place, in my heart, in my business, in my ministry, in my family and career… Lord show us the way to victory… Father … You are more than what we call You… Jesus… You are our all in all alleluia… Jesus You are Everything to us Father receive our Praise receive all adorations Father be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever…. Amen!!! Beloveth… is a brand new week… can you shout alleluia… yes!!! You made it another glorious week… shout Alleluia… Jesus… You are more than what we call You…. Yes… You are a Wonder to us… alleluia!!!!
The day is bright… is bright and fair…. O Happy Day… the day of Joy… The day is bright… is bright and fair O! Happy day of joy… Alleluia!!! beloveth… we have an important topics all through this week… is promising to be exciting… alleluia somebody….
Our topic said “can we really have it both ways? What do we actually mean by this question? Beloveth… can we truly have it both ways… God’s way and world’s way…
The two cannot run at all… is either you follow God or follow satan… period… Jesus said to us “I am the way, no one comes to the Father except through me” there is a price to pay in pursuit of salvation, the devil cannot go after those that already in his net… beloveth he will come after you if you are still standing for Christ… alleluia… so don’t be surprise when things are not going smoothly for you… if only you will remember that Jesus died for you… He loves you and will set you free if you believe… Amen!!!
Come along with us for more:
Can We Really Have It Both Ways?
So, this middle-aged man comes to Christ. By this time in his life, he has obtained the perks and privileges of wealth and success which have become the very source of his security, ease, and status: “The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it an unscalable wall… They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human ills. Therefore pride is their necklace… always carefree, they increase in wealth.” (Proverbs 18:11; Psalm 73:3b-6,12b) (See Proverbs 10:15; Job 31:24, 25; Psalm 49:6-9; 62:10 ; Ecclesiastes 7:12)
From time to time he has had to compromise his integrity to get where he is. Discretely, of course. That is, he’s “played the game.” Now and then he may have actually taken advantage of a few folks. As James puts it: “Listen, you rich people… Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded… You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you… You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence… ” (James 5:1-5 – selected ) (See Deuteronomy 32:15; Nehemiah 9:25, 26; Job 20:15-29; Psalm 49:6-20)
And now, he has decided to follow Christ. But he faces a dilemma: “Can he truly follow Jesus and sustain his current lifestyle without continuing the very compromises it took to obtain the wealth and status in the first place?” Perhaps that is why Jesus made this comment after the rich young man walked out on Him: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24b) (See John 5:44)
You see, our middle-aged friend wants both the benefits of salvation and the privileges of wealth. In other words, he desires the best of both worlds. But can he in fact have it both ways?
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” (Matthew 6:24) (See Joshua 24:15)
In many parts of the world, obtaining and sustaining wealth is close to unattainable without compromising one’s integrity. The jarring fact is that liars, the greedy, and swindlers will not enter heaven: “Do not be deceived: Neither… thieves nor the greedy… nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God… All liars… will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 selected; Revelation 21:8b)
So tell me, are you radically committed to uncompromising integrity in conducting your business affairs? If you find that juggling a gold plated life style runs counter to living a life of purity and holiness, are you prepared to walk away from the former in order to sustain the latter? You and I may want to consider:
“Without holiness no one will see the Lord… What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Hebrews 12:14b; Matthew 16:26)
Beloveth what can you give in exchange of your soul? Hummmuh… if you ask me I will say anything that exult itself above God… I will without compromise surrender it at the feet of Jesus at the Cross… Alleluia!!! Amen!!!
I want to believe that you will tow the same way… Alleluia!!!
God promised us overflowing blessings with Great exploits … It will come to us but not with contradiction with the Living Word of God… Alleluia!!! so watch it….
Therefore beloveth…. on this note we declare this week open and blessed in Jesus Name… May God guide our steps into His Goodness and His Blessings through which we will give Him a chance to make Name for Himself… Alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Gal.1:4, Ps.30:5, Jas.4:10, 2Chr.6:41, Eccl.8:12, 2Pet.3:15,17-18, Ps.1;6 Ps.124:8.
Remain blessed in the Lord.