“He hath said”
February 25
Gracious God, what a wonderful day you made us to be part of. We are grateful unto You for all You have done...
“I will never leave thee…
February 24
O Lord, am very grateful unto You for all You have done for me. How Excellent, how Mighty You are. I lift You...
Spiritual Failure
February 21
And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. 6 And the Lord passed...
God Will Answer
February 20
Our Father in heaven, who is like unto Thee Lord. Thank You for You are a great God. You Word is Yea and...
Thus saith the Lord God…
February 19
Thank You father for today. You gave us lives that we will glorify Your Holy Name. God of mercy and hope, we come...
“Behold, what manner of love…
February 18
We bow before Your Majesty O! God of heaven and earth. We exalt You above all power and dominion for You are the...
Learning to Love
February 17
Internal father, hallow be Thy Name. Thank You for the love You bestowed unto us. Thank You, Father for everything You have done...
Love Assumes the Best
February 14
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a...
God Always Hears
February 13
Father, in heaven, You are God. On earth, Your God. In the deep, You are God. Amidst the storm, You are God. In...
And David enquired of the Lord
February 12
Dear father in heaven, we are grateful unto You for everything we are. Thank You for making us Yours, loving and caring for...