He Shall Build the Temple of the Lord…
Thank You Lord; thank You Lord, all I have say is Thank You, Lord. Father, we thank You for the month of June. The...
We Receive as We Give
Today, I will lift up my voice in praise, for I know you are always there for me, Almighty God! You Alone are Worthy...
Welcome to Your Month of “Greater Glory”
Am standing on the Rock x3;
Jesus is the Rock.
Thank You Father for the You are indeed the Rock of Ages; the Rock that never...
The Nails Of The Cross
You are so good, Mighty Jesus I worship Lord You are so good. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise. Father, we come to say thank...
Testing Reveals Your Heart
Father, who is like unto Thee. Thank You for this blessed day before us. Thank for the gift of life, good health of mind...
…………Now Is the Acceptable Time
O my Redeemer, My Redeemer liveth. O my Redeemer; My Redeemer liveth. Serving the living God; Yes, am serving the Living God, Amen! Serving...
Guardian of the Fatherless
Glorious God, how excellent is loving kindness, O God! The One Who is and is yet to come. The Alpha and Omega, the Ancient...
Guard Your Heart
O my Redeemer liveth, He liveth forever more. What can I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is Thank You Lord!...
Thankfulness Or Bitterness
We are grateful, O Lord! x2
For all You have done for us,
We are grateful O! Lord.
You are the Lord that is Your Name, Your...
Serve the Lord with gladness
Good morning Father, good morning Jesus, good morning Holy Spirit. We are grateful unto You for the life You given us. Blessed Redeemer, The...