He is alive forever, He is alive. Jesus is alive, forever He is alive Amen.2x// I just want to be where You are, dwelling daily in Your presence I don’t want to worship from afar, draw me near to where You are. I want to be where You are, dwelling in Your presence, Feasting at Your table, surrounded by Your glory, In Your presence, that’s where I always want to be, I just want to be, I just want to be with You.

Heavenly Father we adore You, we worship You, we exalt You for You are God and Your mercies endures forever. O Lord, thank for Your goodness in our life and all around us. Thank You for the gift of live and answers to prayers. We are most grateful that You help us to still be standing in Your court Lord Thank You.

Thank You for watching over us, defending us from the wicked arrows of the enemies. Thank You Father for preserving us from all entice of the enemies, thank You Father, thank You Lord. Glory be to You Lord.

Beloved, good morning, how are doing today? Hope our weekend is fun filled but thoughtful? We are glad to have visit our site today, and our prayer for you is that this week will do you good. You will have many blessings to count by the end of this week in Jesus Name.

Christ is our life. Do you agree with that? For better understanding of the topic, is good you read this potion of the bible from the very beginning. Are you risen with Christ?

The first question is “are you dead in Christ?” If your answer is yes, then come the second question, “are you risen with Him?” If you are risen with Him? Then, we are being encouraged to set our affection on things above, not on things on earth. When we are thinking about those things that are the thoughts and the will of Christ, then when He shall appear, you shall appear with Him in glory.

Is that your desire? Are you ready to share in Jesus glory? If you are, then let’s get into the teaching of the day:

Christ, who is our life.” Colossians 3:4

Paul’s marvellously rich expression indicates, that Christ is the source of our life. “You hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.” That same voice which brought Lazarus out of the tomb raised us to newness of life. He is now the substance of our spiritual life. It is by His life that we live; He is in us, the hope of glory, the spring of our actions, the central thought which moves every other thought.

Christ is the sustenance of our life. What can the Christian feed upon but Jesus’ flesh and blood? “This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.” O wayworn pilgrims in this wilderness of sin, you never get a morsel to satisfy the hunger of your spirits, except ye find it in Him!

Christ is the solace of our life. All our true joys come from Him; and in times of trouble, His presence is our consolation. There is nothing worth living for but Him; and His lovingkindness is better than life!

Christ is the object of our life. As speeds the ship towards the port, so hastes the believer towards the haven of his Saviour’s bosom. As flies the arrow to its goal, so flies the Christian towards the perfecting of his fellowship with Christ Jesus. As the soldier fights for his captain, and is crowned in his captain’s victory, so the believer contends for Christ, and gets his triumph out of the triumphs of his Master. “For him to live is Christ.”

Christ is the exemplar of our life. Where there is the same life within, there will, there must be, to a great extent, the same developments without; and if we live in near fellowship with the Lord Jesus we shall grow like Him. We shall set Him before us as our Divine copy, and we shall seek to tread in His footsteps, until He shall become the crown of our life in glory.

Oh! how safe, how honoured, how happy is the Christian, since Christ is our life!

Is that true with you? Jesus Christ is not only our life, He is also our shepherd.  Come for more discovery:

“He shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord.” Micah 5:4

Christ’s reign in His Church is that of a shepherd-king. He has supremacy, but it is the superiority of a wise and tender shepherd over his needy and loving flock; He commands and receives obedience, but it is the willing obedience of the well-cared-for sheep, rendered joyfully to their beloved Shepherd, whose voice they know so well. He rules by the force of love and the energy of goodness.

His reign is practical in its character. It is said, “He shall stand and feed.” The great Head of the Church is actively engaged in providing for His people. He does not sit down upon the throne in empty state, or hold a sceptre without wielding it in government. No, He stands and feeds. The expression “feed,” in the original, is like an analogous one in the Greek, which means to shepherdize, to do everything expected of a shepherd: to guide, to watch, to preserve, to restore, to tend, as well as to feed.

His reign is continual in its duration. It is said, “He shall stand and feed”; not “He shall feed now and then, and leave His position”; not, “He shall one day grant a revival, and then next day leave His Church to barrenness.” His eyes never slumber, and His hands never rest; His heart never ceases to beat with love, and His shoulders are never weary of carrying His people’s burdens.

His reign is effectually powerful in its action; “He shall feed in the strength of Jehovah.” Wherever Christ is, there is God; and whatever Christ does is the act of the Most High. Oh! it is a joyful truth to consider that He who stands today representing the interests of His people is very God of very God, to whom every knee shall bow.

Happy are we who belong to such a shepherd, whose humanity communes with us, and whose divinity protects us. Let us worship and bow down before Him as the people of His pasture.

Beloved, the Lord made us to lie down in green pasture, he leadth us beside the still waters. Is that where you are at the moment? Jesus said, ‘’where I am, my servant will be also”. Are you where He kept you? or you are observing to do your own will?

This is beginning of the week and my desire for you is that you start the week right with this assurance that Jesus is everything you will ever need all through the week, so call on Him and He will anything You want from You.

This week is declared blessed in the Name of the Lord, go forth and be fruitful therein. Be calm  and you will overcome.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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