I have seen the Lord goodness, His mercy and compassion… I have seen the Lord goodness alleluia Praise the Lord….O! Lord You are so good… You are so good to me… My God You are excellent..in my life everyday… O Lord You are so good… You are so good to me my God You are Excellent in my life…// Take glory Father, Take Glory Son… Take Glory Holy Spirit now and forever More…. And forever more!!!

Our Father we offer Praise, we offer You worship…we glorify Your Holy Name… we adore Thee O King of Glory… alleluia to You the Most high God… forever and ever in Jesus Name… O Lord we adore Thee… We magnify Thee… We worship and adore Thee O Lord… be Thou glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name…

Forever You will be!… The Lamb upon the Throne… I gladly bow my knees, to worship You dear Lord….

Yes… Father I gladly bow my knees to worship You dear Lord… Who is like unto Thee O Lord… no one, no one… But You Lord is worthy to take away the sins of the whole world…. glory be to God….

Alleluia to the Lord our God Almighty reign… Alleluia to the Lord our God Almighty reign…. 2x

Yes! Jesus shall reign forever more…He shall reign forever more… my Saviour shall reign forever more… He shall reign forever more… He shall reign… He shall reign… He shall reign forever more….

Beloveth… Our God is Good and He is worthy of our praises… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia!!!!!!!!!! Looks like my spirit-man is lifted this morning… just pouring out Praise… am just trying to put it under control so that the ministration can flow….

Clinging to the Lord Your God is our topic today…. are clinging to God?:… Are You holding on to Him no matter may be?… Beloveth, is a command from God, “we shall serve the Lord our God and only Him shall we serve… This is the first commandment… are you obeying it or are you doing otherwise… Praise the Name of the Lord…

This is clarion call to us … to always put our God first in our life… holding on to Him and not let Him go… yes looking upon Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith… is someone hearing me …

What does it mean to cling… you are going to read about it below so am not going to repeat it here…

Adhere to this instructions and you will unending goodness of the Lord as every day occurrence in your life…

Peradventure… is there any other thing you are clinging on to beloveth… Beloveth, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to let it go so that it will be Jesus and Jesus alone….

Come along with us for more:

Clinging To The Lord Your God

You are to cling to the Lord your God.” – These were Joshua’s parting words to wayward Israel, just before his death. (See Joshua 23:8)


To hold fast to something, as by grasping, sticking, embracing, or winding around“.

  • As a wet raincoat would CLING to your back.
  • As a person on the verge of death would CLING to life.

To remain attached in thought or practice“.

To follow close after, pursue hard; to resist separation“.

Jesus put it this way: “If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, he must give up all right to himselfand keep close behind me.” (Luke 9:23a – Phillips)

CLINGING conveys the sense of desperation: That there is no other viable option.


Your bank account?

Your reputation?

Your capabilities?

SELF SUFFICIENCY is the arrogant assumption that I can go it alone… without God.

CLINGING is the humble acknowledgment that I must be intimately connected to God for life to make sense and to be worth living.

In Joshua’s admonition to CLING to God he gives this warning:

If you ever go back and CLING to the rest of these nations (i.e. the world and its values)(they) shall be to you as:

A snare and a trapA whip on your sidesThorns in your eyesuntil you perish from off this good land which the Lord your God has given you.” (Joshua 23:12)

QUESTION: Are you CLINGING to Christ? Or do you have it so together that you can go it alone? If so, are you willing to pay the price of independence?

Oftentimes God takes away from His servant everything that will make them puff up.. up to wealth He takes … so that His servants and handmaids will solely depend on Him for the supply of every need…

So if you serving God and you are wondering “why am not having it full as it use to be”… it very simple… cling to God who will in turn offer all your needs according to His riches in glory… you cannot serve two masters at the same time… you will either love one and hate one…

Therefore… cling to God and serve alone and always…

I guess someone is comforted… God will supply your needs according to His riches in glory… alleluia… somebody….

Further Reading- Heb.11:13, Rev.7:14, Rom.10:17, Eccl.8:12, Ps.38:8, Ps.91:2, Prov.10:28…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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