I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love….i will lift up Your Name… (I will lift up Your Name) I will lift up Your Name above every other gods… Amen!// Arise O! Lord let my enemies be scatter… arise O God let my enemies be scatter… arise O God let my enemies be scatter… O Lord my God arise!!!
Great is Thy faithfulness… Great is Thy faithfulness… morning by morning new mercies I see…. All that I needed Thy hands provided.. Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee…. Alleluia!!! Father we thank You for this beautiful morning You have made … O Lord You are Great, You are Mighty… You are Wonderful, You are Gracious… alleluia O God! for the answers to prayers, for deliverances, for protections, for safety and provisions… alleluia to You O God… Amen!!!
Let Thy living water flow over my soul… get the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart… all my care and burden unto Thee I come….
Beloveth good morning… for you are great love by your fathr Who art in heaven… Praise the Lord… our God is good… all the time…
He has promised He will never fail… He has promised He will never fail… He has promised He will never fail… His faithfulness is for ever more… His faithfulness is for ever more…
What God says He will do… surely must come to past if you believe…. One thing I know that God stands on His Word… we mighty twist it… we mighty bend it… but in all God’s Word must surely come to past… no power can upturn it… (Isa 55:11).
Oftentimes we let the world set the standard of success including God… we measure God’s performance with the mundane things around us… we assess God by what we achieve or possess beloveth how can that ever be…
Auditing God by any standard at all… in fact this is too big for me to dwell on …. For the earth belongs to God; and all that in it… (Ps 24) Praise the Name of the Lord…. so satan brings in dissatisfaction into our lives and we judge God by our performance….
God’s standard no man can attain, except by grace we can be use of Him… at the fall of man…nothing could appease Him except the Blood of His own Son Jesus therefore we come before God not on our merit but by the merit of the Blood of His Son- Jesus … alleluia…
So don’t be misguided by satan, world standard or even my men rating… always remember that God loves you and will not desire that you perish rather He wants to see you succeed… He want to see happy, He wants to hear sounds of rejoicing in your camp… He wants to see you made whole… He wants to help you leap over the walls…. His plan for you is for good and not evil… to give you an expected end… which is your heart desires….
Therefore, beloveth hold firm His promises and it shall all manifest in your life and in my life in Jesus Name….
Has He said it; He is able to bring it to past… in every place you are hurting Jesus is touching it now …. Receive His healing Word… and be made whole in Jesus Name….(Mk.6:56, 2Cor.5:19).
Praise the Lord… beloveth… your daily bread will supply according to His Word… come along with us for more:
Give us today our daily bread.—Matthew 6:11
Jesus often reminded His followers not to worry. He told them not to be anxious about tomorrow’s needs or potential problems (Matt. 6:25). Rather, Jesus stressed a daily reliance on the Father, who provides for His children day by day.
As the Israelites wandered in the desert, they had no way to get food. Miraculously, God provided manna that appeared on the ground each morning. God’s provision was sufficient for one day at a time. Each day the children of Israel received fresh manna as a tangible reminder of God’s love for them. If they attempted to store it for the days to come, they found that it had spoiled by the next day.
It was impossible to stockpile God’s provision, because God wanted them to trust in Him, not in their pantry. God’s grace was sufficient for each day.
God wants us to trust Him daily with our needs. This trust does not make us poor planners or careless with our futures, unprepared to face what may come. Rather, it keeps our relationship with the Lord in its proper perspective as He reminds us daily of our dependence upon Him.
God is aware of what tomorrow will bring and how we should prepare for it. He knows the problems we will face, and He has already made provision for us to overcome them. He asks us to trust in Him daily.
Our faith in Him today cannot substitute for our trust in Him tomorrow. If we walk with Him closely today, we will be in the center of His will tomorrow.
Did you read that… if you walk with Him today you will be in the center of His Will tomorrow…
Simply put … God wants to your trust in Him… His Name… is it too much to ask of us beloveth….
Come along with us as we sing this song to His glory…
Your Name is a Strong Tower Jesus
To You belong all glory Jesus
Whenever I call Your Name.
You make a way…
Your Name is a Strong Tower Jesus….
Yes His Name is a Strong Tower… the righteous runs into it and are safe… therefore whatever be your need beloveth call the Name of Jesus and he will provide for you, He will help you, He will heal you, He bless you, He will favour you..
Favour is your portion today child of God… arise up from that point where your head is bow… Jesus is making a way for you… He will help you… He will restore unto you all you have loss to canker worms, palmer worms, caterpillars, locust… His great army He sent in your midst… He is turning everything around for you… alleluia… Amen!!!
Further Reading:- Ps.119:130;173, Ps 29:11, Ps 92:10, Dan.3:17, 2Chr.31:21, Ps.149:4, Rom. 8:31.
Remain blessed in the Lord.