I have Father, Almighty Father, He is King of kings and Lord of Lord I have a Father.// You are the reason why we are singing Jehovah, You are the most high God 2x . Jehovah, You are the most high, Jehovah You are the most high God, 2x.
Father You are the Most High God, Heaven and earth may pass away but my Father endures forever. Father, Thank You for being there for Your children. You are my confidence and my help. You are everything to me. I cannot Thank You enough Jesus. I cannot honour You enough my Good God. In heaven, You are God, and on earth, You regineth forever, let Your Holy Name be praise forever and ever, Amen!
Beloveth, what a blessed moment I suppose you had yesterday? Hope you pleaded all your cause before Him. I believed the answers are delivered because of the assurance from His Word that we are receiving answers to all our request, praise the Lord.
We are in for a great season, the Lord that answers prayers shall be our God. Our Father does not only answers prayers, He also delivers.
Today in faith clinic, you will be meeting Jehovah-nissi. Exo 17:15. Jehovah is a man of war, Jehovah is His Name. Are you ready?
God is saying today you deliverance is guaranteed. Before now you are struggling with one issue or the other. You have a condition that is limiting your potentials. You have no answer to those asking you where is your God. I have good news for You.
Oftentimes, we engage in battle without the help of the Lord. Without first inquiring from the Lord should I go or should not.” and you are over-powered by your enemies and you are helpless. Everything look confusing and perplexed. Now you are in for deliverance. This deliverance is not limited. A week round deliverance.
The text of the day said it all. Peradventure the troubles come in daily, all through the six days of the week, the seven day is not left to chance, the Lord has promised to take care of it as well. Praise the Lord.
This our God is too much oo! HE will not be limited by your faithlessness because He is ever faithful. He is frustrating enterprise of the wicked and it advance no further.
Methink this call for a great shouting in the house. It calls for rejoicing and dancing in the house. Wow! Is someone making a joyful noise in the house? Is there a clap offering unto the Lord? Someone has gone to wear a dancing shoes, this moment is fill with awe, glory be to God.
If you are in for any miracle, step out in faith and confess those things before God, God is walking on those situations right away in Jesus Name. Blessed be the Name of the Lord forever and ever.
I am in, what about You? Your deliverance is now and can never be limited in Jesus Name. Let’s get going:
“He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.” Job 5:19
Eliphaz in this spoke the truth of God. We may have as many troubles as the workdays of the week, but the God who worked on those six days will work for us till our deliverance is complete. We shall rest with Him, and in Him on our Sabbath. The rapid succession of trials is one of the sorest tests of faith. Before we have recovered from one blow, it is followed by another and another till we are staggered.
Still, the equally quick succession of deliverances is exceedingly cheering. New songs are rung out upon the anvil by the hammer of affliction, till we see in the spiritual world the anti-type of “the Harmonious Blacksmith.” Our confidence is, that when the Lord makes our trials six, six they will be, and no more.
It may be that we have no rest day, for seven troubles come upon us. What then? “In seven there shall be no evil touch thee.” Evil may roar at us, but it shall be kept at more than arm’s length, and shall not even touch us. Its hot breath may distress us, but its little finger cannot be laid upon us.
With our loins girt about us we will meet the six or the seven troubles, and leave fear to those who have no Father, no Saviour, and no Sanctifier.
Do you have a Father? If you have a one come and see what He is able to do:
“Pull me out of the net that they have laid privily for me: for Thou art my strength.” Psalm 31:4
Our spiritual foes are of the serpent’s brood, and seek to ensnare us by subtlety. The prayer before us supposes the possibility of the believer being caught like a bird. So deftly does the fowler do his work, that simple ones are soon surrounded by the net.
The text asks that even out of Satan’s meshes the captive one may be delivered; this is a proper petition, and one which can be granted: from between the jaws of the lion, and out of the belly of hell, can eternal love rescue the saint.
It may need a sharp pull to save a soul from the net of temptations, and a mighty pull to extricate a man from the snares of malicious cunning, but the Lord is equal to every emergency, and the most skilfully placed nets of the hunter shall never be able to hold His chosen ones. Woe unto those who are so clever at net laying; they who tempt others shall be destroyed themselves.
“For Thou art my strength.” What an inexpressible sweetness is to be found in these few words! How joyfully may we encounter toils, and how cheerfully may we endure sufferings, when we can lay hold upon celestial strength.
Divine power will rend asunder all the toils of our enemies, confound their politics, and frustrate their knavish tricks; he is a happy man who has such matchless might engaged upon his side. Our own strength would be of little service when embarrassed in the nets of base cunning, but the Lord’s strength is ever available; we have but to invoke it, and we shall find it near at hand.
If by faith we are depending alone upon the strength of the mighty God of Israel, we may use our holy reliance as a plea in supplication.
“Lord, evermore Thy face we seek:
Tempted we are, and poor, and weak;
Keep us with lowly hearts, and meek.
Let us not fall. Let us not fall.”
And it shall not fall for Jehovah-nissi is our strength and our hope. Our God is faithful and good.
Hold on to your faith and He will never fail you nor disappoint you. He will deliver you from all evil. He will ensure your safety.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.