Let the Living Water flow over my soul…Let the Holy Spirit com and tak control of  every situation that troubles my heart, all my care and burden unto Thee I come…Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…calling Father, Father, Father, Father… calling Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit…// Let power of the Lord comes down in Jesus Name…Let power of the Lord comes down amen! Let the power of the Lord from heaven comes down, let the power of the Lord comes down…

Heavenly Father, we thank You we give You Praise… we adore You we glorify Your Holy Name…thank You for the privilege of a brand new week, brand new day in Your Presence, we worship and adore Your Holy Name…. be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name…

What shall I say unto the Lord…all I have to say is thank You Lord…Thank You Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord…

Yes! beloveth, let us start our day on a note of thanksgiving… yes is because of God’s mercy we are not consumed because of His undying love we stand tall in spite of all we are passing through… so we bow down and worship Him for this Love so amazing; so great. Praise the Lord.

Beloveth, we have an invitation extended to us by our Lord Jesus…will you be among those that will accept it or you have an excuse to give?

I want to believe that you be willing and obedient because there is a reward for obedience. You will eat the of the land. (Isa 1:19).

That is where the work is being obedient…remember last week teaching on “Love Brings Obedience” there we were asked “Do you obey God?” Then the question is “if we will respond quickly as we did when we were asked, “Do you love God”

Sincerely obeying God’s position on a matter may not always be palatable as it will be when is comes loving Him… we have various reasons but whatever the reason we be, however the genuine the reasons will be, beloveth, we discover that obedience to God is only possible when we love God. so if are in love with God; it will be easy and convenient to obey Him… “Are you in with God?”

Today we have another big hurdle before us and it’s saying… “Deny Yourself” someone wants to know how this is going to be… “deny yourself”

You don’t need to go far to fetch your answer…just here you are you… you find the answer to the question(s) you are asking for….join us to discover more:

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.”—Matthew 16:24

Sin causes us to be self-centered, shifting our hearts from God to self. The essence of salvation is bout-face from self-centeredness to God-centeredness. The Christian must spend a lifetime denying self. Our great temptation will be to affirm ourselves while we follow Jesus. James and John did this when they chose to follow Jesus but asked for the two most prominent positions in Jesus’ kingdom (Mark 10:35–37). James and John wanted a discipleship that would not impede their personal desires and aspirations. Like them, we say, “Lord, I want to be pleasing to you, but I want to stay where I am.”

Self-centered people try to keep their lives unruffled and undisturbed, safe and secure. Our temptation is to give our time and effort to the goals of this world. Then, when we are successful in the world’s eyes, we seek to bring God into our world by honoring Him with our success. We may say, “Now that I have succeeded in business [or sports, or politics, or with my family, or even Christian ministry], I want to give God the glory for it!” God is not interested in receiving secondhand glory from our activity. God receives glory from His activity through our lives.

The world will entice you to adopt its goals and to invest in temporal things. Resist the temptation to pursue your own goals, asking God to bless them. Rather, deny yourself and join the activity of God as He reveals it to you.

Beloveth, is very clear to you now, what it means to deny self …in another simple language it means to shift from Self-Centeredness  to God-Centeredness… in other words what are those things that when you do you are in God’s Will… look out for them and invest in it…and when you do, you are honoring God… because for in Him we live and move and have our being… shout alleluia!!!

Beloveth, remember our theme for this month Awesome Amazement through God’s Word… is it becoming Real in your life… is God’s Word making a wonder to behold? Look beyond yourself…look unto Jesus for He is the Author and Finisher of your faith…

On this note we declare this week open and by God’s grace we will return at the end with multiple testimonies…

Keep a date with us as we will be hearing more from the throne of grace by His Great power….

Join us as we sing this song:

I am standing on the Word of God… the Word of God is power…

I am standing on the Word of God … The Word of God is healing…

I am standing on the Word of God …. The Word of God is Mighty…

I am standing on the Word of God … The Word is life…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Next articleTake up Your Cross   
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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