You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share Your glory anybody… Almighty God You the Lord.// Glorious God, Wonderful King, Excellent God we bow before Thou Throne… x2 we bow before Thou Throne… we worship at Your feet…we bow before Thy Throne You are a glorious God…

Our Father we thank You we worship You we magnify Your Holy Name…hallow be Thy Name… Let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth… we worship and adore the Only True God … alleluia…  Our Father we cannot thank You enough… Thank You for the gift of a new week, the last week of 2022…. It can only be God Who is able to do all things that made it possible… glory alleluia… in Jesus Name… we worship…

Beloveth here we are in the last week of December … the last lap of Our Supernatural Breakthrough Year… O! Our God is good all the time.… It has been a wonderful time in His Presence… our God has been so loving, so kind and beautiful in all situation…. wonder working God…hallow be Thy Name forever and ever Amen!!!…

Beloveth…still in the festivity mood… the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus… Wow! What an awesome privilege to alive and well … our God is so good… so were you in church yesterday? Hope you enjoyed every bit of your stay… you know hearing listening to my Father in Lord speaking on the love of God …for us … made me to want to have more of God…

There was this song that says… “O the world is lost, As satan has his way… Blinding us with myth that cost Our Lord his special day. Let give it back to Him. No santa, snow or tree… Only Christ our Lord and King was born to set us free… (Hey) Jesus Christ, Jesus Christy was born for and you and me, to save all from sin He came that we might all be free… repeat the chorus.

This song caught my attention… Because of what the world has come to make Christmas look like… that was not the original intent… instead of reflecting on what Christmas is all about we focus on the eating and drinking…. Acquiring new things ranging from gadgets to clothing… all these things are not in itself but the way and manner we go about it…

So many see it as a time to have new cloths, wear new hair and much more… like we said nothing actually is wrong with all these things but it does not end in it… we must cease the opportunity to talk about Jesus… Jesus should be at the centre of its all… not our beautiful clothes… though it is not bad… not our latest hair-do or our new house… all is good… beloveth we must take the good news along as we celebrate with food and drink….

You can gather a small group… not necessary family and friend…. It can be any group that needs to hear about Jesus…

Like what apostle Paul did… in Ephesus…. He drew their attention away from the gods and goddess of the land and pointed them to Jesus… are you ready to do same?…

That is what is expected of us… to tell the world or your circle…    about our Jesus … let them also know why Jesus came and about His second coming…

Let us show forth our light which is from Christ to the dying world… and from there draw our light to Christ… the Only True God… alleluia!!!

Come along for more:                

In this way the Lord’s message flourished and prevailed.—Acts 19:20

Paul’s world worshiped idols. No idol was more revered in Ephesus than the goddess Diana. The great statue was housed in a magnificent temple and was recognized as one of the wonders of the world. An idol-making industry, providing a livelihood for many people, developed in Ephesus to support the widespread idolatry of the day.

Paul did not go to Ephesus to condemn those worshiping idols but to unashamedly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. As Paul shared the truths of God, and as people were set free from sin’s bondage, idol worship began to decline. The contrast between stone carvings and God’s power to change lives became obvious.

The righteous lives of the Christians stood in stark contrast to the hedonistic practices of the idol worshipers. The victorious Christian witness was so compelling that the economy of the entire city was thrown into upheaval as idolatry diminished in favor of Christianity.

An idol is anything that diverts our devotion from God. Our society is as idolatrous as Paul’s was. Rather than worshiping statues, we choose possessions, pleasures, or careers as our gods and pour our time, finances, and energy into these things.

Each of us is called, as Paul was, to live a victorious, joyful, and purposeful Christian life in the midst of an idolatrous society. We do not have to seek out and condemn today’s idols. Rather, as we live out our Christianity, enjoying the abundant life God gives, our lives will discredit the idols around us.

We may face opposition and hostility from those who are angered at the contrast between our God and theirs. People do not like to have their idols dethroned! Yet as we uphold Christ, others will see a difference and be drawn to Him and the life that He offers.

Beloveth… did you get that… people did not want their idol dethrone but as we go about shinning our light to everyone we encounter… Jesus will take it over from us and the Holy Spirit will minister salvation to them and they will come to the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ

You are a salt of the earth…you are light of the world… don’t lose your taste… don’t lose brightness… Jesus is coming back soon….be focus on what is most important “salvation of your soul” Praise the Lord!

On this note beloveth…we declare this week blessed …we will return at the end which is also the end of this year with resounding testimonies in Jesus Name… our supernatural breakthrough must surely manifest in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Further Reading- Ps.72:12, 1Tim.6:11, Eph.6:10, Ps.7;9, Col.3:15..

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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