Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah, You are good. Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You so good.// Thank testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You so good.// Thank You Jesus, Thank You dear Lord, Thank You my Jesus, thank You my dear Lord.

Eternal Rock of Ages, the Ancient One, The Beginning and the End, the One Who is and He is Yet to come, Thank You for a beautiful such as this, Father Thank You and we reverence You for Who You are. Thank You for Your Guidance and Protections all through the week, it was a glorious One, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

We worship You we adore You we glorify Your Holy Name, Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Come and see the Lord goodness, His mercy and compassion, I have seen the Lord goodness alleluia Praise the Lord. Thank You for love and manifold blessings in our lives and situations glory be to Your Name on high forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, it is a beautiful day, come and rejoice with us as we recount every good thing the Lord has done for us all through tomorrow’s Praise gate. Remember to keep a date with us as the Lord liveth, His promise to us will surely come to pass as praise and adore His Holy Name. Yokes will be broken, deliverance will take place as the Lord inhabits the praises of His children, don’t be left out, be among the chosen few that the Lord will decorate before the end of this year, alleluia amen!

Dearly beloved, how has it been with you? We hope you are positioning yourself very well for the delivering of the balance of your glorious manifestations? Yes! Our God has been good to us and all around us are many proofs that are undeniable because they are very evident.

Thank God that gradually we are coming to the end of this year and so far so good we must confess God goodness in our lives, families, career and ministries. There has never been a beautiful yesterday, each day bring forth goodness and blessings that can only be said ‘if not for the Lord goodness,” to Him alone be all the glory, all honour, all adorations in Jesus Name.

Hope you have been blessed by the teachings of this week, I am mostly blessed and I believe someone is saying “Evangelist, I think I am the most blessed.” We encountered this demandingness at the beginning of the year but this week’s teaching brought more clarity and is more explicit, Praise God!

Thank God for putting away ignorance from us and giving us wisdom in its place instead. We are implore to spread this goodnews around to as many as are still held bound in the chains of ignorance and darkness, to bring them to the light of the gospel and therefore liberate souls from hell. For where the Spirit of God is there is liberty, alleluia! Amen!!!

Today’s PLC is considering a common thing find in the life of an average man- “do it yourself.” Are you caught in that web? You want to be in-charge? You want to call the short? But you are no longer doing it and you are not happy about it. You are angry at everything around you including God?

Hummmh, but does it need to be so? We have failed in the place of thirsting after God our Father! satan pull our first parents into this sin and up until now, creatures are still struggling with it. We want to play God in our lives and when it is happening as we thought we blame everybody except ourselves, God’s mercy!

We must go back to the “Beginning” if we must get it right. We must go back to the place of fellowship with God as God made it from the beginning in the Garden of Eden.

When we thirst after the God and be in fellowship with Him; there our thirst is quenched and our needs met as it was in the beginning.

You do not need be afraid; our God is an Able God! He will quench every thirst and feed every hungry soul; He will do it and will not fail (Ps 104:10-15, 27-28).

Beloved, will stop at trying to do it yourself, and wait on the Lord? He holds the key to my life. He also holds the manual to your life, so relay on Him and it shall be well with you. Stop the struggles and see yourself excel because God will show what to do. He always shows me, so yours will not be an exception if you rely on Him.

Come along for more discoveries:

Daniel 4:1-5:31, Psalm 139:1-6, Proverbs 29:26-27, 3 John 1-14

“Do It Yourself”

You have not glorified the God who holds your life-breath in His hand and who controls the whole course of your life.—Daniel 5:23

Most Christians do not pant after God in the way the psalmist described in Psalm 42:1. Now I must attempt to make clear what I mean.

First, let me pull into focus the major problem with which we all struggle as soon as we are born. When God created us in the beginning, He designed us to have a relationship with Him. This means that deep within our being is a thirst for God which will not go away. It can be ignored, disguised, misunderstood, wrongly labeled, or submerged underneath a wealth of activity, but it will not disappear. And for good reason. We were designed to enjoy something better than this world can give us, particularly in the sphere of relationships. No human relationship can satisfy in the way that a relationship with God does.

This deep thirst for God that resides within us makes us dependent on God for satisfaction, and that is something our sinful human nature deeply resents. You see, due to Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden of Eden, we have all been left a legacy called “Do It Yourself.” There is something within every single one of us that wants to take charge and have a hand in bringing about our own salvation. So here is the problem: facing the fact realistically that we inwardly thirst after God puts us in touch with a level of helplessness from which our sinful human nature shrinks. It reinforces the conviction that we are dependent on someone outside of ourselves for satisfaction. And that is something we don’t care to acknowledge.


O Father, I recognize this elemental drive in my nature which causes me to resist standing in utter helplessness before You. But I sense that there can be no breakthrough in my life until I face this issue and deal with it. Help me, Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Ps 42:2; 63:1; 143:1-6

What did the psalmist recognize?

What does it mean to “thirst”?

Have you decide to rely and rest on God? To seeks His counsels and directives before embarking on any project?

When you practice the “Presence of God” all through the day, your struggles will cease. You will stop at doing it yourself and you will receive supernatural help at each cross road. Do you remember David before he went to the throne to rule the children of Israel? At a time he had opportunity to kill Saul, but he decided not to do it by himself even when his orderlies were advising him to do so. He said far it from me that I will kill God’s anointed, and he did not and at the due time and season God took to the throne ceremoniously and as result even when his son Absalom wanted to kill him, this acts of mercy he did to Saul spoke for him. Absalom, his son did not succeed in murdering him because he did not get to the throne by the shedding of blood.

I think this minister to someone who wants to use self help to place or liberty him or herself from a particular struggle, God is warning you and we beg you to heed or else you will regret every bit of it. God have mercy upon us. allow God to do at the right and a glorious time as He did for David, Joseph and the children of Israelite. You will surely come and will not delay.

Don’t forget to be part of our Praise gate tomorrow And as we Praise and worship our Father, His fatherly blessings will rest on us.

Don’t forget we are the chosen generation born forth to show His excellent. If you are part of those choose, be part of this event and God will demonstrate His awesome power in your matter in Jesus Name.

Come along with us as we sing this song to show our full commitment in relying on God in every inch of our living.

He holds the key to my life.

He holds the key to my life.

When sickness and troubles try to take away my life,

He holds the key to my life.

When sickness and sorrow try to take away my life

He holds the key to my life.

Dearly beloved, does He hold the key to your life? Excellent, then an end in trying to do it yourself, just rely on Him and see your glory shines forth, Praise the Name of the Lord!

Alleluia amen. Alleluia amen, alleluia amen. Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you tomorrow if Jesus tarries.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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