I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name (I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name) I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name (I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name) I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, above every other gods O! Lord!// Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful, Your Name is Wonderful,  Wonderful, Wonderful. Excellent, Excellent, Excellent Jehovah, our Name is Excellent, Excellent, Excellent.

Thank You Father for You are Wonderful, Excellent, You are Righteous, You are Glorious, blessed be Thy Holy Name. How Precious are You, Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name. Be glorify in Jesus Name. Thank You for the gift of this week, Thank You for Your Wonder working Power walking in our midst, healing everyone, restoring and delivering us from all evil, receive our praises Lord, receive all honour, receive all adorations in Jesus Name.

Beloved, praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! our God is able, yes He is able, I know my God is able to carry me through. Jesus is able yes He is able, I know He is able, I know my God is able to carry me through. for He has heal the broken hearted, set the captive free, heal the sick, the raise the death and walk upon the sea, my God is able , yes, He is able, I know He is able, I know my God is able to carry me through.

Thank God for His Awesome Presence in our midst, thank God for Ever lovingkindness towards us, Thank God for miracles and gifting, thank God for Who He is.

Beloved, let our relationship with God not be only for what He can do but also for what he can do through us. Praise the Lord! When the former is the reason for our relationship with God it will be lopsided and not balance but when we allow God to take delight in us by using us to fulfill His purpose in creations, then we have a balance relationship with him, Praise the Lord!

Today we will be considering what is commonly known as “quenching the Spirit” yesterday, we were taught about “blasphemy against the Spirit” which satan use to hinder our relationships with the Third Person in Trinity but thank God for the light in the Word of God which liberate and set us free from all forms of bondage including ignorance in the Word of God. We learnt yesterday that in the true sense of it, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a rare occurrence rather what we see most often is what we will considering now “quenching of the Spirit”

How can you quench the Spirit, someone is asking. Have a cross examination of your life and see various ways you have been hindering the free flow of the Holy Spirit in your life, and ask God to forgive you and take a decision that henceforth you will not do it again.

Come along with us for further discoverers which you need to know to equip yourself against every assault of satan and his co-horts to frustrate or hinder your race:

Jeremiah 15:5-17:18, Psalm 119:41-44, Proverbs 25:11-12, 1 Thessalonians 5:8-28

Don’t Dampen the Spirit

Don’t stifle the Spirit.—1 Thessalonians 5:19

The sin described in Scripture as “blasphemy against the Spirit” rarely occurs in the life of a Christian. It is rather a conscious resistance, and anyone worrying about it has not committed it. There is, however, a more frequent sin. It is one that almost all Christians have committed and is known as “quenching the Spirit.”

How do we “quench” the Holy Spirit? We can do this in many ways, but the chief way is by refusing to let Him have full control of our lives. The Amplified Bible says: “Do not quench (suppress or subdue) the (Holy) Spirit.” You see, it is possible for you to possess the Holy Spirit without the Holy Spirit possessing you. Dr. Handley Moule, the great Anglican bishop of a past generation, used to say: “The difference between someone who is quenching the Spirit and someone who is allowing the Spirit to have free course in their life, is the difference between a well in which there is a spring of water choked, and a well in which the obstruction is removed so that the water springs up and fills the well.” If we are choked by fears, resentments, indecision, self-centeredness, then we are suppressing the Holy Spirit who resides in us in order to free us.

I know that many are afraid to surrender completely to the Spirit, afraid that they will become what some people call “hot pots.” But the danger to the present church is not from “hot pots” but from “cold fish”! Unless I am greatly mistaken, our churches are more in danger of freezing up than burning up.


O God, forgive me, I pray, for not allowing Your Holy Spirit to have full sway in my life and experience. Let Your divine fire burn within me, and help me not to dampen it. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Further Study

Ac 10:34-48; 2Co 3:17; Rm 8:2; Lk 4:18

What happened while Peter was preaching?

What liberty did this bring?

Beloved, have you seen factors that quenches the Spirit of God? Things like fear, resentments, indecision, self-centeredness, and such like that are what can suppress the Spirit of God from having a free flow in our lives, imagine that? In the other hand some are resisting the Holy Spirit because they don’t want to surrender control to Him else they will not be able to live the way they want to live.

Where are you child of God? Are you quenching the Spirit just the way you live or are you a vessel to the growth of God’s vineyard? Beloved, God is building you up to influence kingdoms for Him, are you ready or are you backing out from the destiny God wants you to achieve while you here?

Do you believe that you can quench the Spirit of God through fear, indecision, resentments and self-centeredness? I never see it in this version, what about you? So what is/are the solutions to these conditions?

We will bring it your way not long from now as we will still continue this series next week by God’s grace. God will grant us true liberation from the grip of satan and his manipulators in Jesus Name.

Have a blissful weekend and operate in the liberation that is in the Spirit of God, see next week by God’s grace. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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