Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good, everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good.// Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing Wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.

How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! Father there is none like Thee, I have gone round eternity, there is no one like Thee, blessed be Thy Name on high in Jesus Name. Thank You Father for Your faithfulness that enduerth forever more. I will magnify Your Name forever more.

All the glory be to the Lord! for He is worthy of our praises, no man on earth should be glory to His Name, all the glory must be to the Lord.// I have the goodness, His mercy and compassion, I have seen the Lord goodness alleluia Praise the Lord!

Beloved are you happy like me? If you shout alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, The ancient of days, the Alpha and the Omega, The One who is and He is yet to come, Praise His Name forever more!!!!! Can you give a clap offering our Father in heaven Who answered all Your prayers , heal all Your disease, Provided for Your needs, cloth you in warmth, who never fail and will not fail till Jesus come back again in glory to take us along so that where He is we will also be, beloved clap for the One who persevered you from January up to November and had never complained about economy or your needs out weighting His income or your hospital bills or rent to much to be accommodated by Him, shout a resounding alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I have gone round the world and I found none like our God, Ever patient, Forever Dependable, Ever Loving, Forever Faithful, He is Jehovah Alpha, Jehovah Shammer, Jehovah Jireh, my God is an Able God, glory be to Your Name forever and ever.

Beloved,  coming our way today is a great message that has ran through the ages but is still relevant in our time –faith, persistent faith, faith that is perennial and never give up come what may, faith that will look steady in the face of death and say “I denial not my God,” faith that will make bold to say come what may “Jesus is mine.” Is that faith we will be considering today.

Faith though bruise by satan or friends will still hold tight to Jesus, and declare Him Lord in the face of the falling world, beloved faith that “stands” come what may.

We have just few days to the end of this month and I tell you if you have such faith as describe above God will work in that situation and you will give Him glory.

Do you remember the woman with the issue of blood? Do you remember blind Bartimaeus? Do you remember Esther? Do you remember the man that was at pool for thirty-eight years? What about the centurion who asked Jesus to only say a word and his servant will be made whole? What about the woman from Canaan  who persisted before Jesus until she received her miracle (Matt 9:20-22, Esth 4:16, Mk 10:47-57, Jn 5:5-8, Matt 15:21-28)

Beloved, those faith were not common, they were not a push-over faith rather each of the recipient demonstrated that without Jesus “they are nothing and asides Him they can do nothing”

As the year is coming to an end, many prophesies has gone out but you are yet to receive that which you are trusting God for. I want you to know that there is nothing that impossible unto God only if you can believe in Him and trust in Him.

There is attitude that mark out a real child of God “Perseverance.” If you must live a godly life, you must preserver under any circumstance nothing can shut you up from declaring that “Jesus is mine” alleluia.

You may be down dearly beloved but you are not out, because He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world, so we need not be afraid of what may be happening to us or around us as God saw men of old and Apostles of old through; so will He will see us through also. Praise the Lord!

Abraham waited for twenty-five years but at the end He has Isaac, Hannah was mocked and despised but she brought forth Samuel, David lived in cave and mountain but at the appointed time he became King over Israel, Joseph went to prison but at the due time he became the Prime Minister, Moses was in Pharaoh’s palace but he never denial to be an Israelite, Paul went to prison, he saw it as an opportunity to preach the gospel, he was beaten and persecuted but he was never afraid to face Jerusalem. (Gen 17:5-17, 20:2-7; 1Sam 1:5-20; 1 Sam 16:13, 21:10-12, 22:1-6; 2Sam 2:4-5, Gen 39:20, 41:39-44; Philemon 1:9, 2Cor 24-33, Acts 16:23-34)

Beloved, what then is a challenge before you? What Red Sea is in front of you or which Pharaoh’s chariots are behind you? I want you to know that an Able God is in the house. The God of Supernatural Wonders is waiting for you to come and before Him with those concerns of yours and He will deliver and make you whole, He has done it in the past, He has done it for me, and He is still in the business of doing good, come before His Presence though you may be down but you are not out, trust God; you are not out.

Come and see more of Him:               

Ezekiel 24:6-26:6, Psalm 129:1-8, Proverbs 28:9-11, James 5:1-20

Down, but Not Out

Since my youth they have often attacked me, but they have not prevailed against me.—Psalm 129:2

The opening verses of this psalm spell out the simple but powerful message that though the world has always harassed the people of God, the world will never win. “Since my youth they have often attacked me,” says the psalmist, “but they have not prevailed against me.” The man or woman who clings closely to God outlasts all oppressors. He or she is provided with an inner fortitude that is enduring. Perseverance, patience, stickablity—this then is the message of Psalm 129.

There is no better way of seeing the persistency of faith than by setting it in the context of history. God’s people have been ostracized, ridiculed, humiliated, scorned, persecuted, and beaten, but in the midst of the most horrific trials they have continued to serve God. If the persistence that flows from faith was merely a fad, then we would not be talking about it now.

Faith—persistent faith, that is—is not a fad; it is a fact. It runs like a thread throughout all history and is shared by the men and women of every generation. Those who think of the Christian faith as a plant that flourishes only in good weather ought to take a look at history.

Faith is a hardy perennial that survives all weather conditions—drought, storm, even floods. J. B. Phillips, in his brilliant paraphrase of the New Testament, sums it up admirably: “We may be knocked down but we are never knocked out!” (2Co 4:9). A preacher friend of mine puts it equally well when he says: “We may be floored but we are not flattened.”


Gracious Father, help me see that my perseverance is not so much a matter of my persevering but Your persevering in me. I supply the willingness; You supply the power. Together we will make it, You and I. All glory be to Your wonderful name. Amen.

Further Study

Jms 1:1-27; 5:1-11; Gl 6:9; Heb 12:1

What is Paul’s exhortation?

What will enable us to persevere?

Beloved, this faith can only be found in our hope in Christ, pick up your bible and search through the pages. Read and find solace in God, above all put your trust, confidence and hope only in Him, hold on to Him and never give up.

Lean on Christ and He will help you by releasing unto you the Holy Spirit to comfort and direct you. I have tasted and I can boldly declare that in Christ you will never be confounded, I have never been disappointed not even once (Isa 50:7, 54:4, 1Pet 2:6).

 I am a testimony; you are next on line. You may be down today but believe God you will not be out say the Spirit of God.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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