Come let’s Praise the Lord, come let’s Praise the Lord. Come let’s Praise the Lord come let’s Praise the Lord. He is Jehovah, tell him of His faithfulness spread the news around of his Name come let us Praise the Lord Praise the Lord. forever and ever my God He is the same, He never change from eternity to eternity, He is my God, Praise Him Jehovah, Praise Him El-Shaddai, Praise Him.// come and see the Lord is good. Come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.
Faithful Father, we bless Your Name forever. Thank You for Who You are Lord. We bow before Your Throne this morning to worship You. Blessed be Your Name, Father. Thank You for answer prayers. We are grateful for the opportunity given us to minister to Your people and to minister on Your behalf too. Glory be to God on high.
Beloved, you are priest. I hope you also know you are gods. God created us in His image. Glory be to Your Name on high.
Beloved, we are in faith clinic and according to our topic “Faith sees the Bow.” Is your faith seeing the bow? Are you seeing the rainbow?
Is your faith seeing the power of God in that situation? Is only your faith that can move mountain in your situation? The year has kicked off, what and what are you trusting God for? Has it started happening for you?
Beloved are you seeing it, if not now then your faith must see it for you to have it in your hand. Whatever your desire is without you backing it with faith may not come to past. You need to see it with your faith eyes. When God spoke to Abraham about His future, He told him to look at the sky and numbered the stars. He followed it saying by “as the stars of heaven is so your seed will also be.” That’s God saying it and did God bring it to pass. Every promise of God to Abraham came to pass and we are part of it today.
Same thing happened to Mary, when the angel told her that she is going to bear a Son, Mary simply asked a question, “how could this be” and that settles it for her.
Is your faith seeing the bow? The iron did swim? This is not possible when you look at from your mind but for those who trust in the God, all things are possible. They will do exploit in the Name of the Lord. Come let discover more:
“And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud.” Gen. 9:14
Just now clouds are plentiful enough, but we are not afraid that the world will be destroyed by a deluge. We see the rainbow often enough to prevent our having any such fears. The covenant which the Lord made with Noah stands fast, and we have no doubts about it. Why, then, should we think that the clouds of trouble, which now darken our sky, will end in our destruction? Let us dismiss such groundless and dishonoring fears.
Faith always sees the bow of covenant promise whenever sense sees the cloud of affliction. God has a bow with which He might shoot out His arrows of destruction; but see! it is turned upward. It is a bow without an arrow or a string; it is a bow hung out for show, no longer used for war. It is a bow of many colors, expressing joy and delight, and not a bow blood-red with slaughter, or black with anger.
Let us be of good courage. Never does God so darken our sky as to leave His covenant without a witness; and even if He did, we would trust Him, since He cannot change, or lie, or in any other way fail to keep His covenant of peace. Until the waters go over the earth again, we shall have no reason for doubting our God.
“The iron did swim.” 2Kings 6:9
The axe-head seemed hopelessly lost, and as it was borrowed, the honour of the prophetic band was likely to be imperilled, and so the name of their God to be compromised. Contrary to all expectation, the iron was made to mount from the depth of the stream and to swim; for things impossible with man are possible with God.
I knew a man in Christ but a few years ago who was called to undertake a work far exceeding his strength. It appeared so difficult as to involve absurdity in the bare idea of attempting it. Yet he was called thereto, and his faith rose with the occasion; God honoured his faith, unlooked-for aid was sent, and the iron did swim.
Another of the Lord’s family was in grievous financial straits, he was able to meet all claims, and much more if he could have realized a certain portion of his estate, but he was overtaken with a sudden pressure; he sought for friends in vain, but faith led him to the unfailing Helper, and lo, the trouble was averted, his footsteps were enlarged, and the iron did swim. A third had a sorrowful case of depravity to deal with. He had taught, reproved, warned, invited, and interceded, but all in vain.
Old Adam was too strong for young Melancthon, the stubborn spirit would not relent. Then came an agony of prayer, and before long a blessed answer was sent from heaven. The hard heart was broken, the iron did swim.
Beloved reader, what is thy desperate case? What heavy matter hast thou in hand this evening? Bring it hither. The God of the prophets lives, and lives to help His saints. He will not suffer thee to lack any good thing. Believe thou in the Lord of hosts! Approach Him pleading the name of Jesus, and the iron shall swim; thou too shalt see the finger of God working marvels for His people. According to thy faith be it unto thee, and yet again the iron shall swim.
Will the iron swim in your case? Build your faith, and let it see the bow and let the iron swim in Jesus Name. Praise God!
Remain blessed in the Lord.