Great is your faithfulness, Great is your faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thy Hand has provided, Great is your faithfulness Lord unto thee.// You are that healeth me, You are the Lord my healer, You sent Your word and You heal my disease, You are the Lord my healer.
Father faithful are You Lord, great and mighty are Your works in our lives and all that have made thank You and glory be unto Thee who lives from one generation to another generation. Thank You for the gift of day, we are eternally grateful to You alone in Jesus Name. Thank You for answers to prayers, thank You for Your help in all situations, we Praise O! Lord. Thank You for destroying all the devises of Satan against us in Jesus Name. Be Praise in Jesus Name.
Be praised in Jesus Name. Have your way again as we come before You, bless and honour us in Jesus Name. Remove far from us everything that dishonor Your Name in Jesus Name.
Beloved, you are blessed in Jesus Name. How are doing? Great is He that is in you than He that is in the world. Our God is good all the time; Faithful is His Name. He will never fail you; He has never fail and will not fail us in Jesus Name. His Name is Yea and Amen! In every storm His Eye is watching over you to rescue you, He will never forsake His own in Jesus Name. God is on our side and will not let us dash our feet against the stone, He will ensure that His angel watches over your goings and coming back, be Praise in Jesus Name.
Our topic today is one of the stories of the bible that I enjoy reading. It is full of God’s Presence and miracles. It is also action pack and displays God awesomeness, I learnt also to let God to defend His Name and fight all my battles. All that I am and will ever be is God and nothing about me.
Beloved, our bible character today was very much aware of his weakness and he did not fail to point it out as it were with Moses but in that weaknesses the Spirit of God manifested the power of God through him. Another big lesson for every child of God to know is that God makes a man what He wants him/her to be. In earlier chapter we saw a woman by Name Deborah leading the war and winning in the Name of the Lord. The King recognized his limitation and chose to go with the one who knows and see the heart of God and so preserve his life and the entire Israelites.
Recent events in our time also back up the events of Gideon’s time. Beloved, is God that qualifies a man (Meghan and Harry). It has nothing to with you but have everything to do with God. Gideon was not lying when said that he is from a poor family and he is the least in Father’s house, but in spite of that God who created him knew what He has imbedded in him and thus address Him in like manner. “…thou mighty man of valour.”
Like Mary, he asked for a sign and God in His kindness showed him and afterward Gideon went all out for the Lord. He had not reservation and God was with him all through his life.
Beloved, this is not a fable but the doing of God and God is still waiting for that man and woman of our time who is willing and obedient to display His power through such a one. Can it be you? Are you willing to go to missions in spite of all your weakness for God will deposit in you all that you will ever need? Are will to gospel to upper most part of the world where they are yet to hear the Word of God.
God is saying to someone “I am able to do it again” if you will be willing and obedient to follow me. Do we still have the Caleb and Joshua in our time who is will to bear good report about God. Who will believe God though they are yet to see or receive it as in the case of our Father Abraham?
How much are will to wait? Abraham waited for twenty-five to have Isaac. Moses waited for forty year to rescue the people of God. David waited for forty years get to the throne and interesting like Job he was willing to wait for all the years allotted for him to wait. Beloved, how long do you thing you can wait for that promise to be fulfilled in your life?
God thought me in this school recently and I got the message and I am applying it to my life each time that situation comes up. So I ask you again how long are you willing to wait for that promise of God to come to pass? How long are willing to wait for that unbelieving spouse, child and friend to come to God? Are you going to give up when God is yet to finish His work?
Let the teaching of this day be a guide to us and help us to appreciate the works of God in all situations. Let is help us to know that with God “all things are possible.” May it help us to appreciate who we are in the kingdom work and never discount ourselves for any reason?
Sincerely may this month of mercy speaks in someone’s live and move us from the where we are presently to where God wants to be. Where have satan discounted you? Refuse to believe his lies and push forward, continue the knock and the door will open soon if you don’t give up, for you will soon hear a voice that will say “thou man/woman of valour, go in that your might.
If that is your testimony join me as we uncover more below:
The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and deliver Israel from the power of Midian. Am I not sending you?”—Judges 6:14
In Gideon’s mind, victory over the Midianites was an impossibility, and he was absolutely right! The Midianites, along with their allies, overwhelmed the feeble Hebrews. Yet the moment God told Gideon to fight them, victory was no longer an impossibility!
When Jesus commanded His small group of followers to make disciples of all nations, was that possible (Matt. 28:19)? Certainly, if Jesus said it was! When Jesus told His disciples to love their enemies, was He being realistic? Of course, because He was the One who would achieve reconciliation through them (2 Cor. 5:19–20).
Do you treat commands like these as implausible? Do you modify God’s word to find an interpretation that seems reasonable to you? Don’t discount what is possible with God (Phil. 4:13). When God gives an assignment, it is no longer an impossibility, but rather it is an absolute certainty. When God gives you a seemingly impossible task, the only thing preventing it from coming to pass is your disobedience.
When God speaks, it can scare you to death! He will lead you to do things that are absolutely impossible in your own strength. But God will grant you victory, step by step, as you obey Him. How do you respond to assignments that seem impossible? Do you write them off as unattainable? Or do you immediately adjust your life to God’s revelation, watching with anticipation to see how He will accomplish His purposes through your obedience? God wants to do the impossible through your life. All He requires is your obedience.
Are you willing to obey to the instructions of God in your live? Are you believing that you trun of deliverance is here? Are trusting God that your lifting is here? Are you willing to pay the price? Jesus paid the price for my freedom; your freedom, which one are willing to pay to see sinner turn back to life, from hell to heaven, from destruction to liberty. Let see what another miracle that was astonishing and outstanding. Come along:
“He that was healed wist not who it was.” John 5:13
Years are short to the happy and healthy; but thirty-eight years of disease must have dragged a very weary length along the life of the poor impotent man. When Jesus, therefore, healed him by a word, while he lay at the pool of Bethesda, he was delightfully sensible of a change. Even so the sinner who has for weeks and months been paralyzed with despair, and has wearily sighed for salvation, is very conscious of the change when the Lord Jesus speaks the word of power, and gives joy and peace in believing.
The evil removed is too great to be removed without our discerning it; the life imparted is too remarkable to be possessed and remain inoperative; and the change wrought is too marvellous not to be perceived. Yet the poor man was ignorant of the author of his cure; he knew not the sacredness of His person, the offices which he sustained, or the errand which brought Him among men.
Much ignorance of Jesus may remain in hearts which yet feel the power of His blood. We must not hastily condemn men for lack of knowledge; but where we can see the faith which saves the soul, we must believe that salvation has been bestowed.
The Holy Spirit makes men penitents long before He makes them divines; and he who believes what he knows, shall soon know more clearly what he believes. Ignorance is, however, an evil; for this poor man was much tantalized by the Pharisees, and was quite unable to cope with them. It is good to be able to answer gainsayers; but we cannot do so if we know not the Lord Jesus clearly and with understanding.
The cure of his ignorance, however, soon followed the cure of his infirmity, for he was visited by the Lord in the temple; and after that gracious manifestation, he was found testifying that “it was Jesus who had made him whole.” Lord, if Thou hast saved me, show me Thyself, that I may declare Thee to the sons of men.
Dis you read that “The cure of his ignorance, however, soon followed the cure of his infirmity,..” may that be the testimony of someone today in Jesus Name. enough of ignorance but let the light shine forth in Jesus Name.
Arise and go in that your might. Rise, and take up your bed and walk. Let me hear a resounding Amen form someone for the Lord has visited His people in a great dimension. May His Name alone be Praise in Jesus Name.
Beloved, be faithful with the impossible. Gideon was, Abraham was, David was, Mary was, Samson was, Moses was, Joshua was, Noah was, you are next in line Praise the Lord.
Let your Name be next on the roll …. “It is very possible, if you will be faithful with the impossible.”
Remain blessed in the Lord.