For all the things You have done, for all the things You have done, thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all the things You have done, Thank You Lord for all the things You have done. You can never never fail, You can never never fail, You can never never fail, You can never never fail. thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all the things You have done, thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all the things You have done.// Glorious God Wonderful God, Excellent God, I bow before your throne, Glorious God Wonderful God, Excellent God, I bow before your throne. I bow before Your throne, I worship at Your feet, I bow before Your throne, You are a glorious God, I bow before Your throne, I worship at Your throne, I bow before Your throne You are a glorious God.
Father, we thank You, we blessed Your Holy Name, we adore You, we give You Praise we glorify You, we adore You forever and ever in Jesus Name. Thank You for all what have done in the time past, you are still doing, You will continue to do in us through us in Jesus Name.
I am specially thank You for today for Your faithfulness and blessings in my life, family and ministry glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how was your weekend, hope splendid? Praise the Name of the Lord. Our Lord is good; all the time. Bless be the Name of the Lord on whose Word faileth not. I am glad to announce to someone this morning that God is ever faithful, join me to shout alleluia!!!!!!!
Beloved, the year is gradually taken off as most activities begins today, like I also advise in our PCL forum to look up seminars, trainings, books, associations that will enhance our productivity level this year so as to be everything the Lord has made us to be in Jesus Name and where ever each of us needs grace, may the Good Lord of heaven make it available to us in Jesus Name.
The topic before us this morning is such that has been going on from the bible days. Great servants and prophets of God had in one time or the other fallen victims to such situation and it is still happening in our time till now.
Daniel fell a victim to that and God delivered Him. The three Hebrew boys also fell victim to it, the Lord also indentified with them even in the furnace of fire and delivered them. Jeremiah was not left out of it, Nehemiah was also a victim, Peter was a victim but the Lord rescued Him, even our Lord Jesus was nailed on the cross based on false accusations and God raised Him up from death and gave Him the keys to death and hell.
Beloved, I may not recount all the people that have fallen victims to one form accusation to another. Some you know, some you have heard or read about, some manage the situation well and some did not.
However, the topic before us today is to comfort all those passing through such a trying situation as “False Accusation,” that there is still Balm in Gilead; our Lord Jesus is here this moment to identify with you at such time like this, He is touch by our infirmities (Heb 4:15). He is not unmindful of the devices of the evil one to pull you down and mar your Christian race, be rest assured that heaven is at your sides and will not let you down.
The Host of angels will fight your battle as they did for Daniel and you will be delivered. Most of us will have Jesus visitation as in case of the Hebrew boys and many will be unchain by the angel of God as in the case of Paul and Sails. Beloved, many will still have a way of escape as the case of Joseph and Mary with child Jesus and Peter.
Remember God is still in business of doing good and yours will not be an exception, so be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might (Eph 6:10). Never never give up, for our Lord God will not give up on you until He rescue you and deliverers you.
He will give you peace by all means for He is the prince of peace. (2Thess 3:16) (KJV)
16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all. On this note dear beloved I encourage you today and always to be strong and courageous thus says the Lord of Host. Amen amen amen, alleluia alleluia, alleluia, Praise the Lord.
Let us discover more:
Genesis 9:8-10:32, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:10-14, Matthew 4:21-5:12
False Accusation
You are blessed when they … falsely say every kind of evil against you because of Me.—Matthew 5:11
Today we examine a hurt that often arises within the human heart—false accusation. Has someone accused you of a wrong for which you were not responsible, and though you try to explain or defend yourself, no one seems to believe you? It hurts, doesn’t it? I have known many Christians who, when faced with the hurt of false accusation, turned away from the Christian life altogether. How sad! I have a friend who was falsely accused by fellow Christians in a church, and although I and many others knew the accusation was not true and passionately defended him, he broke down and was placed in a mental institution.
People (even Christians) have their own ways of trying to cope with the feelings that arise when they are falsely accused. Some turn to liquor. They want to dull the pain inside them, and so they take what seems to them to be an easy way to that end. But it doesn’t work, for there is always the morning after.
Some turn to books. That was the advice Edmund Gosse gave to his friend Robert Ross when he became involved in the Oscar Wilde scandal at the end of the nineteenth century. “Turn for consolation to books,” he said. But it didn’t work. Others might turn to nature, to art, or to music.
There is, however, a better way. If you are a Christian, and your heart is heavy because of a false accusation, then I assure you that the blessed Comforter is alongside you even now. Offer the hurt to Him. He delights to heal.
Blessed Lord Jesus, You who knew the hurt of being falsely accused, draw near in the power of Your Spirit and heal me now. I take—and You undertake. Thank You, Savior. Amen.
Further Study
What is the hardest thing to tame?
For what should we use our tongues?
May the Lord help us and abide with us beloved, as we make bold and stands on the victory Christ has won for us on the cross of Calvary and delivered us from all evil in Jesus Name.
Our glorious manifestation has been established and we must show forth His Praise in us, through us in Jesus Name. On this note beloved, we declare the week open and we will return at the end with divers testimonies in Jesus Name.
Be blessed in the Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name