January 28
Our heavenly Father, we thank you most gracious father for all you have done for me, You gave me life – health and sound mind, You place food on the table, a shelter over my head, you guide me as walk along the way and you whisper into my ear how much you love and care for me. What a wonderful father you are!
We discussed about righteousness yesterday, please read it in case you miss out. However, we learnt that our receiving good things from God depends largely on our righteousness. For our Father is holy and so also we are expected to be holy as well.
Interesting today we are going to be talking about “Our Father” “No one comes unto me except my Father draws him” Jesus said. Can that be said of you my dear reader, have you been drawn unto Jesus by God? Another angle to it my beloved, when last did you eulogized Your Heavenly Father?
Someone is saying, am guilty here my sister, what do I do? Good, “Praise” is not common to some people, some people find it very difficult to appreciate someone, thing or place that looks good. When last did you acknowledged your spouse, child, or friend? Some others try only on special events after that no more. Appreciate will not only be based on appearance even good manners should be acknowledged.
So if you seldom do it that man, woman or a child sitting so close to you, how will you remember to say it to Your Father, Who is in heaven. Someone is saying, I will repent of it, good, that’s the way to start.
Singing praises, acknowledging the Sovereignty of God is one way to say Lord, am nothing; but You are everything. It is another way to say, God, You are “Alpha and Omega”. So come on, let’s go and consider the message below to know whether you have been drawn by Your father? Also take this opportunity to eulogize Your Father, Who art in heaven:
He said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless it is granted to him by the Father.”—John 6:65
Throughout Jesus’ ministry on earth, He never seemed intimidated by the crowds. Instead, He looked into the multitudes and focused on those whom His Father was sending to Him. Jesus knew that because of sin, no one naturally seeks after God. Sinful man’s inclination is to hide from God, rather than to come to Him (Gen. 3:8; Ps. 14:1–3). Therefore, whenever Jesus saw that the Father was drawing a person to Himself, Jesus immediately began relating to that person.
Jesus observed the great lengths to which the despised tax collector, Zacchaeus, had gone in order to see Him pass by. In response, Jesus immediately left the crowd and spent time with this man in whom the Father was obviously working (Luke 19:1–10). When Jesus noticed a man following after Him, Jesus spoke to Andrew, “Come!” (John 1:39). Every time the disciples experienced a new insight into the truths of God, Jesus recognized that it was the Father who had been at work in their lives (Matt. 16:17).
As the multitudes gathered around Jesus, He spoke some truths that were difficult for the people to grasp (John 6:60). So challenging were His words that many of His listeners departed, but Jesus did not become discouraged. He saw that the Father was working in the lives of His disciples, and that is where Jesus invested His time.
As you desire to spend time alone with Jesus, recognize that this is the Father drawing you to His Son. You do not seek quiet times with God in order to experience Him. The fact that He has brought you to a place of fellowship with Him is evidence that you are already sensing His activity.
As you read the Scriptures and pray, trust that God will honor your response to His leading by teaching you more about Himself. And that will bring you to the point where you will acknowledge Him as your heavenly Father indeed. And there is a double portion for every child of God, read further for more discovery:
“Your heavenly Father.” Matthew 6:26
God’s people are doubly His children, they are His offspring by creation, and they are His sons by adoption in Christ. Hence they are privileged to call Him, “Our Father which art in heaven.” Father! Oh, what precious word is that. Here is authority: “If I be a Father, where is mine honour?” If ye be sons, where is your obedience? Here is affection mingled with authority; an authority which does not provoke rebellion; an obedience demanded which is most cheerfully rendered—which would not be withheld even if it might.
The obedience which God’s children yield to Him must be loving obedience. Do not go about the service of God as slaves to their taskmaster’s toil, but run in the way of His commands because it is your Father’s way. Yield your bodies as instruments of righteousness, because righteousness is your Father’s will, and His will should be the will of His child. Father!—Here is a kingly attribute so sweetly veiled in love, that the King’s crown is forgotten in the King’s face, and His scepter becomes, not a rod of iron, but a silver scepter of mercy—the scepter indeed seems to be forgotten in the tender hand of Him who wields it. Father!—Here is honour and love. How great is a Father’s love to his children! That which friendship cannot do, and mere benevolence will not attempt, a father’s heart and hand must do for his sons. They are his offspring, he must bless them; they are his children, he must show himself strong in their defence.
If an earthly father watches over his children with unceasing love and care, how much more does our heavenly Father? Abba, Father! He who can say this, hath uttered better music than cherubim or seraphim can reach. There is heaven in the depth of that word—Father! There is all I can ask; all my necessities can demand; all my wishes can desire.
I have all in all to all eternity when I can say, “Father.” Are you saying that with me or you need to make it right first by accepting Jesus as your Saviour than you can as well be able to call Him “My Father” Click here to accept Jesus now!
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu