Everlasting Father, thank You, Immortal Redeemer, thank You. What shall say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord. What a marvelous God we serve, He has done marvelous things for me… things that are impossible, that man cannot do; they are things He has done for me, what my father cannot do, what mother cannot do, He has done it again and again.
O my beloved, shout Alleluia, I am in a rejoicing mood this morning, because our God is forever sure. His word are yea and amen! And it standeth sure. Man may fail you but the God we serve never fails. His promises does not depend on forecast or economy of any state but every of God’s promises are based on Himself, I mean His size. Are you there still with me (2Pet 3:9).
When He send forth His word to you through the Living Word – the Bible as you encounter Him when you read or as you walk on the street or through flyers. If the Word addresses your situation and you hold on unto it and pray it to the One Who has the capacity to do above all you can ever imagine. Watch out it will be unto you as you have requested from Him (Isa 45:23).
The message we have before us today is a follow up of last week message. When you have a principal within You and you pledge your commitment to God, The Holy Spirit of God takes you over and establish you as you will further read in text before us today. Is that all? No.
You will experience peace and prosperity. Why? Because Jesus said so and it is inheritance in Christ Jesus. The peace here may not be as the world speak of peace but even in that very challenging situations in life; you are not moved. Why? Because, you know whom you serving; you know whom you called your Father. You know He will never leave you nor forsake you neither will He leave you to suffer shame. Praise the Lord.
Come along with me to see God’s goodness in the land of the living. Heaven on earth order of living for a child of God. Are you one?
How happy is the man
who does not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path of sinners,
or join a group of mockers!
Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.
He is like a tree planted beside streams of water
that bears its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.—Psalm 1:1–3
It is possible to spend your whole life knowing about the truths of God and never experiencing any of them. Simply knowing about the truths of God does not mean that they have become a part of your life. Here is the important question: What are you doing with the word of God? Some people allow themselves to come under the influence of ungodly thinking to the point that God’s Word makes no difference to them. If you seek your counsel from ungodly persons, you will find yourself moving away from the direction God’s Word commands. If you intentionally seek out sinners as your companions, they will lead you down paths that take you far from God. If you choose to join those who are scornful, you will eventually become cynical.
The righteous man does not find encouragement in the opinions of others but in God’s Word. He is not content with a surface knowledge of Scripture but meditates on it day and night until he is satisfied that what he reads reflects his own experience. He becomes like a fruit tree standing firmly on the bank of the river. The tree is well nourished and produces delicious fruit and bountiful leaves. People come from miles around to sit in its shade and eat its fruit.
If you allow God to implement His Word in your life, others will draw encouragement from you. The more you grow in God’s righteousness, the stronger you will become. Some people would look in vain to find anyone they were encouraging, but not so the righteous person. A constant stream of people will seek you out because they know that your life will be a blessing.
Is that your experience? Are you a blessing to those round you? Is some glad at your presence or ever which you never come around? (Am not referring to the godly thinking of some wicked people).
The message above is saying that is not enough to know the Word of God- head knowledge rather it is also good to experience same in your life. Are firmly rooted in the Word of God that even drought will not scare you? Hear me child of God, in all these we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us (Rom 8:37). Even if your peace is threatened, you not be afraid because when you sold your life out for the kingdom work your Father is committed to keep His own end of the bargain (Ps 34; 37:23-26):
Personal Peace And Prosperity
According to Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer, peace and prosperity are the two preeminent values of American Christians. As believers many of us seem to believe God to be the “Omniscient Bellhop” Who roams heaven, anxiously waiting to respond to our every whim.
If you doubt your concern over personal peace and prosperity, analyze the content of your prayers these past two weeks. What percentage of them focused on your personal well-being and what percentage were spent agonizing over the winning of the lost or the maturing of the saved?
But did not Jesus promise us PEACE? “My peace I give to you… These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace… ” (John 14:27; 16:33)
How then do Jesus’ (and Paul’s) other statements fit in with our near obsession for personal well-being:
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth… but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)
“We are afflicted in every way… perplexed… struck down… always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus… ” (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)
Following Jesus means entering Satan’s territory and attacking his strongholds. And that may spell the sacrificing of our personal comfort: Running the risk of trauma over peace; poverty over prosperity.
If you question this to be true:
- Stand up for morality in your neighborhood or at the office. Openly question the rightness of soft porn or abortion.
- Speak out at the office for ethical business practices that if implemented, introduce the real possibility of cutting into personal and corporate profits.
Could it be that at the moment we become openly identified with Christ and His values, we will begin to understand Paul’s unsettling statement, “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12). Hardly a recipe for personal peace and prosperity!
Let us be committed to our walk with God and see Him fulfill the desires of our lives. This week is declared blessed in the Lord. The Lord will ensure you going and coming back. The inhabitants of your house is mark out for signs and wonders. You will testify to the goodness of God in the land of living. Amen!
Remain blessed in the Lord.