Worthy, You are worthy, King of kings, Lord of Lord You are worthy. Worthy(Worthy) You are worthy, King of kings, Lord of Lord I worship You.// Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thy Hand has provided, Great is Thy faithfulness. Unto Thee O Lord! I lift up voice to worship You and glorify You. Blessed be Thy Holy Name. Thank You for Your love and peace upon Your children. Thank for watching over us, thank You for Your Divine protection against the works of darkness and wicked world. Thank You Father for being there for me glory be Thy Name forever and ever.
Beloved, how was your weekend? Our God is good, forever O Lord Your Word is settle. Yes the Word of God is settle concerning us. His Word must accomplish that which it has been sent to do, it will never return to Him void. That is our confident in Him that when we call on Him He will answer us. Praise Jesus!
Thank God for another beautiful week before us, Him alone is worthy of our Praise. Only Him can do what no man can do! Great are His works. The Name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runneth into and they are safe. Yes safe under the shadow of his wind. Firmly secured by the blood of the lamb. Wow! Praise Jesus!
Are firmly planted according to our topic for the day? Where are you planted? The revelation of Psalms 1 will help you to go a long way in your walk with God.
Are you living a Psalm 1 verse 1 – 3 life style? The bible said happy is the man. Are you happy? Write down the three categories of people stated therein. Beloved this is soul searching. The work God committed into your hand, how faithful have you been?
Often times we start very well only to get midway and change strategy and style. We are going to list out various things that might lead to it.
According to our text today when you begin to follow the counsel or advice of the wicked or stand in way of the sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful/mockers. Then your confession as a child of God will be questionable.
The Word of God said that a man who does these things can never be counted as a born again child of God.
Every child of God must not delight in sin or act of sin. We are call to influence the world for Christ not for the world to influence us. We are the light of world and must not be hidden under a bushel else the essence is loss. Praise God. Every child of God is called to be a salt, and must not lose its taste else we will no longer fit for anything but to be trodden under foot by men.
Considering our topic, “firmly planted.” When you stay away from the advice of the wicked, do not stand on the path of the sinners nor sit in their seat, instead, His delight is in the Lord’s instruction and he mediates on it day and night. The Word of God said, “He is like tree planted beside streams of waters that bear its fruit in season, his leaf does not wither and whatever He does he prospers.
The next verse said the wicked are not so; …. The second ministration will help your further understanding of the consequence of not nibbling sin on the board. Calling sin by its name is one of greatest challenge of this generation and we must therefore chose to live the Romans 12 verse 2 lifestyle. Then if that is your heart desire then come along with me because we must not tolerate sin or condole it, the Word of God is against it and you must live the standard of the Word because in God, there is no compromise.
Let discover more:
How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the Wicked, or take the path of sinners, or join a group of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.—Psalm 1:1–3
It is possible to spend your whole life knowing about the truths of God and never experiencing any of them. Simply knowing about the truths of God does not mean that they have become a part of your life. Here is the important question: What are you doing with the word of God? Some people allow themselves to come under the influence of ungodly thinking to the point that God’s Word makes no difference to them.
If you seek your counsel from ungodly persons, you will find yourself moving away from the direction God’s Word commands. If you intentionally seek out sinners as your companions, they will lead you down paths that take you far from God. If you choose to join those who are scornful, you will eventually become cynical.
The righteous man does not find encouragement in the opinions of others but in God’s Word. He is not content with a surface knowledge of Scripture but meditates on it day and night until he is satisfied that what he reads reflects his own experience. He becomes like a fruit tree standing firmly on the bank of the river. The tree is well nourished and produces delicious fruit and bountiful leaves. People come from miles around to sit in its shade and eat its fruit.
If you allow God to implement His Word in your life, others will draw encouragement from you. The more you grow in God’s righteousness, the stronger you will become. Some people would look in vain to find anyone they were encouraging, but not so the righteous person. A constant stream of people will seek you out because they know that your life will be a blessing.
If you are not doing that then you are going the opposite direction. Let see what the “The Law of Psychological Acceptance has to say:
The Law Of Psychological Acceptance
Perhaps you recall in Gone With the Wind (1940) when Rhett Butler told Scarlett O’Hara “Frankly my dear, I don‘t give a damn.” We all gasped in shocked disbelief, while today we yawn at four-letter words and explicit bedroom scenes.
The Law of Psychological Acceptance: “When, in our minds, we habitually tolerate sin, our senses become dulled, thereby diminishing our ability to discern good from evil. Consequently, when faced with choices between the two, we may well choose evil over good, without the slightest awareness of sin or tinge of conscience.”
Because of our magnetic attraction toward that which is depraved, God calls us to nip sin in the bud before we have time to embrace it:
“Abhor that which is evil; cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9b)
“Flee youthful lusts.” (2 Timothy 2:22a)
“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil.” (Proverbs 8:13a)
But we live in an “enlightened age” where tolerance is a mark of sophistication. It seems so uncivilized… so dogmatic to “abhor” or “hate” anything.
Are you mentally tolerating evil by:
- Flowing with the crowd when questionable values are put forth as normative?
- Accepting the notion that you have to bend the rules to survive in business?
- Embracing the idea that it’s OK for a married person to develop an emotional relationship with a friend of the opposite sex?
Remember the story of the camel, who on a cold night poked his nose under the tent and begged his master to let him keep it warm? “Surely allowing the camel to warm his nose isn‘t so terrible,” thought the Arab. Before he realized it, he was sleeping outside and the camel was in the tent.
QUESTION: Given the present TREND in your thinking of either toleration or abhorrence toward sin, what will you be doing a decade from now: LIVING IN SIN OR CONFORMING TO THE IMAGE OF CHRIST?
On this note beloved this week is declare open in the Name of the Lord. Go in the strength of the Lord and return with testimonies. May God help us to be all He want us to be this week in Jesus Name.
Glory be to God on high and peace to men of goodwill. May the Lord be with us in Jesus Name. Amen.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.