I will magnify the Lord who is worthy to be Praise, I will glorify the Lord, who is worthy to be Praise, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted, the Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of salvation be exalted.// I will lift Your Name, I will gladly sing, not for what You have done but for who You are, You are the song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to Praise the Lord! He reign, Jesus reign, yes He reign forever more. Yes! He reign, Jesus reign eee, yes! He reign forever more, forever more.

Father You are lifted high above other names, Jesus you are lifted high above all other gods yes You are lifted above all other names. Our gracious Father You are truly lifted up above all other names in heaven, on earth, blessed be Thy Holy Name in Jesus Name. What shall I render to You O Lord! I will exalt Your Name and shout alleluia, what shall I render to You O! Lord, I will render praises to You, I will render praises to You, I will render praises to You O! Lord!, I will exalt Your Name and shout alleluia, I will render praises to you O Lord!

Beautiful God doing Beautiful things, how Precious are You Lord! How Precious are the works of Your Hand Dear Lord, receive our Praise, receive our Honour, adoration to Your Holy Name O Lord!. we say Thank You, thank You, thank You, Thank You Dear Lord! Come and join sing alleluia, Jehovah-Jireh has done me well, come and join me sing alleluia, Jehovah Jireh has done me well. Lord You are faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful are You Lord! Lord You are Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful are You Lord!// I am thank You Lord for who You are what You have done in my life Lord, I am thank You Lord for who are what you have done dan Sakari Baba. I will lift Your Name higher, I will lift Your Name higher, I will lift Your Name higher, I will lift your Name higher, shout alleluia, shout alleluia, shout alleluia, shout alleluia, alleluia.// everybody Praise the Lord is alive, every body Praise the Lord is alive, everybody Praise the Lord is alive, everybody Praise the Lord is alive, eeee, hahaha, everybody Praise the Lord is alive, eeee, hahaha, everybody Praise the Lord is alive.

Are you wondering what is happening? Our Praise gate of seven day ends today, and the last day is always the best day, and sweetest day. Hope you enjoy yourself in God’s presence, Praise the Name of the Lord! shout a seven thunderous alleluia!  Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!!!!!!!

Beloved we welcome you again into another glorious week in God’s Presence, hope you had a joyful weekend? Mine was good and I know you have the same testimony, Praise the Lord! We concluded last week with a teaching on “Shield of faith,” however, in a quick succession, we want to link the teaching of today to it in other for us to understand the practical application of that teaching.

What is the function of a shield? Its chief objective is defense. The topic of today says “Flaming Arrows.” Who attack you with arrows? How do you defend yourself against these flaming arrows thrown at you by satan and his cohorts? We took time to write on Shield of faith last week and the application of the same so that you don’t lose sight of it. So in order to successful withstand the “flaming Arrows” thrown at you by satan, you must know how to use your shield of faith else it will be useless carrying it.

What form can arrows be? How does it happen? Beloved, the truth you know will sets you free (Jn 8:32), that why we are encouraged to ready, study and meditate on the Word of God. Do you want to be free from further molestation from satan, then come along with us to discover the secret:


Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, Psalm 119:89-95, Proverbs 26:7-9, 2 Timothy 4:1-22

“Flaming Arrows”

The Lord stood with me and strengthened me … So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth.—2 Timothy 4:17

The main purpose of the Roman shield was to protect soldiers from the fiery darts thrown at them by the enemy. These darts, made either of wood or metal, were covered with inflammable material and set alight immediately before being thrown. Enemies would throw these at each other in great numbers and from all directions so as to produce confusion. When thus attacked, a soldier would hold up the shield in front of him, allowing the fiery darts to land on the fireproof metal surface, from which they would drop away harmlessly.

The apostle says that we Christians need a “shield of faith”—in order “to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.” An understanding of what these “flaming arrows” are is essential if we are to stand firm against the adversary. Have you ever gone to bed at night feeling perfectly happy, only to wake in a sad mood? If there was no obvious physical or psychological reason for this, the chances are that you have experienced one of Satan’s “flaming arrows.”

Sometimes they come as evil thoughts that intrude suddenly into our thinking, often at the most incongruous times. We may be reading the Bible, we may be praying, when all of a sudden some filthy thought flashes into our mind. It is a “flaming arrow” from the Devil. These do not come from inside us but from outside us. They strike us. Some thoughts do arise from within our carnal nature, but these of which I am speaking come from without—from Satan. And we are foolish if we do not recognize this and deal with them in this light.


O Father, help me to be alert and able to recognize the “flaming arrows” of Satan when they are hurled at me. For I see that it is only when I recognize them that I can deal effectively with them. Give me insight and understanding. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Jms 1:1-22; 1Co 10:13; 2Co 11:3

What is the progression in temptation?

What was Paul’s concern?

Beloved, have you seen how these arrows come about, they come from outside of us not within us. it flashes in our mind, it cut in between our thoughts, and when it does it strike us and leave us helpless, we get engrossed in the thought then gradually we are hit.

However, if we are aware of this flawing arrows targeted at us and we rebuff it, if we recognize it and send it back to the sender or where it was sent from, then we must use the shield, we shall also use the sword of the Spirit. The Sword of the Spirit is the – Word of God, which we were taught to learn to quote precisely in our last prayer session last Wednesday.

We learnt that Jesus did not just quote or utter a newly formed statement or something that came at the spur of the moment, but rather He quote a test already given by God and was written down and as you can see Satan is not rebuffed by clever phrases that are made up on the spur of the moment and sound theologically sophisticated and refined. He is defeated only when we quote to him the precise words of Scripture.

As you see, dearly beloved the weapon we were advised by Paul to put on and pick up as at when necessary all works hand-in-hand. We cannot fight with one weapon leaving the other behind, all must be put on and pick up spontaneously. May God help us. If we must win the battle, we must be battle ready all the time not sometime, Praise the Lord.

On this note we declare this week open and we will return on Friday with testimonies, also watch out for your “Eleventh Hour Miracle”  We believe God that our Eleventh Hour Miracles will begin to roll in now. Be on alert, the God of Supernatural Wonders has started His work in our midst, am yet to recover in the wonders He did for me just yesterday. It will go around but you must believe that nothing is impossible unto Him. Praise the Lord!


Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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