Lord You are so good, You are so kind, You are Wonderful O Lord You are Excellent. Thank You Jesus for the life You have given us, praise be His Holy name.
You have done great things; You have done great things Alleluia! Blessed be Thy Holy Name. In You Light is our light. You are our salvation, our Peace and our life. Thank You and Thank You again and again.
Beloved, hope you had understanding on yesterday topic? Though we narrowed it down to only prayer, there are other things mentioned that worth our consideration like our work with God, in it we have many other things that is worth being mindful of. So check it out again and be blessed.
Gaining by giving is a biblical principal, (Lk 6:38; I kig 17:11- 16; 21-22) There are many ways one can get blessed, one of such we will be considering is “giving”.
What you give and how you give is what determines the blessings that are accrued to you. The Word of God rebuke giving grudging (Deut 15:10; 1 Pet 4:9; 2 Cor 9:7; Phil 2:14). The rewarder of all giving is God and He knows the intent of every heart.
So let us ask God for a willing spirit to give not minding the cost. We should know that we cannot out give God. What ever you give either to missions, to God’s servants, to individuals, all should be to God’s glory.
Sometimes brethren avoid their members because they don’t want be of help . They avoid you like a plague, they give excuse that even a baby knows that they are not saying the truth.
Many genuine children of God in need has gone to seek help from wrong sources because fellow brethren could not help them, while the agents of devil stake and donate funds to sponsor evil in the land while children of light that knows better hoard theirs from noble course or benefiting a fellow brethren. They threaten your life and family if you dare owes them for any services rendered even when what they are expecting will add nothing to their bottomline.
They seems to forget that is God that give grace to be rich and profiting (Deut 8:18; Jer 9: 21-24). May His grace be made available to you if you have not being giving willing to be a blessing.
However, many blessing accompanyings “giving” and one of such is “Healing”. Divine healing is made available to that man or woman that blesses the poor (Ps 41:1-3). Have you seen a stingy person in hour of death, not even his mansion will save him (Job 20:28; Prov 11:4; Prov 10:2)
Abundance also is another package that follows a giver (Lk 6:38).
Beloved, a liberal soul shall be made fat and blessed is he that considerate the poor. Praise the Lord!
“The liberal soul shall be made fat.” Prov. 11:25
If I desire to flourish in soul, I must not hoard up my stores, but must distribute to the poor. To be close and niggardly is the world’s way to prosperity, but it is not God’s way, for He saith, “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty.”
Faith’s way of gaining is giving. I must try this again and again; and I may expect that as much of prosperity as will be good for me will come to me as a gracious reward for a liberal course of action.
Of course, I may not be sure of growing rich. I shall be fat, but not too fat. Too great riches might make me as unwieldy as corpulent persons usually are, and cause me the dyspepsia of worldliness, and perhaps bring on a fatty degeneration of the heart. No, if I am fat enough to be healthy, I may well be satisfied; and if the Lord grants me a competence, I may be thoroughly content.
But there is a mental and spiritual fatness which I would greatly covet, and these come as the result of generous thoughts toward my God, His church, and my fellow-men. Let me not stint, lest I starve my heart. Let me be bountiful, and liberal; for so shall I be like my Lord. He gave Himself for me: shall I grudge Him anything?
Are you willing to give willing especially those God placed around you? Are you worthy to hold “trust” for the Lord? Sometime God gives you a supply that is meant for another purpose though it will pass through you. All giving may not be cash, it can also be a talent. Can you offer it freely to mentor others or empower others around you? Food for thought!
As a child of God you are called to give liberally, are you available for the blessing? God will bless you that you will not have enough room to contain.
“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Ps. 41:1
To think about the poor and let them lie on our hearts is a Christian man’s duty; for Jesus put them with us and near us when He said, “The poor ye have always with you.”
Many give their money to the poor in a hurry, without thought; and many more give nothing at all. This precious promise belongs to those who “consider” the poor, look into their case, devise plans for their benefit, and considerately carry them out. We can do more by care than by cash, and most with the two together.
To those who consider the poor, the Lord promises His own consideration in times of distress. He will bring us out of trouble if we help others when they are in trouble. We shall receive very singular providential help if the Lord sees that we try to provide for others. We shall have a time of trouble, however generous we may be; but if we are charitable, we may put in a claim for peculiar deliverance, and the Lord will not deny His own word and bond.
Miserly curmudgeons may help themselves, but considerate and generous believers the Lord will help. As you have done unto others, so will the Lord do unto you. Empty your pockets.
Empty of pockets is a common thing in days of the apostles, what is happening now? Generosity is not a common virtue any longer. Prayer points are raised to get people to give towards the work of God. It is a common saying among Christians “God will see you through”, and if I may ask “to where”? Another common saying is “God will surely do it” and if I may ask again through “who”?
This is a call to gain through our giving. It is also a call to invite divine intervention in hour of need (Ps 41:1). May we learn to give, desire it as a gift and God will grant it.
Mega blessings are only reserved to those who wants become a channel. Do you want heaven to be open to you? Do you want to enjoy divine providential help, then begin today to give liberally and God will surprise you; God is indebted to you. Praise the Lord!
Remain blessed in the Lord.