Jesus! What a Wonder You Are! Thank You Lord for yet another opportunity to worship You and praise Your Holy Name. Indeed You are God and there is none as You Are. And this poor man called and the Lord answered him and deliver him from all his troubles that will be your portion this day in the Name of Jesus.
Today is the last Wednesday of the month and something must happen as we call on our Father, Who art in heaven. Whatever blessings the Lord packaged for you in this month must location you before the last day of this month. Every hands that held your blessings hitherto, a greater than you is coming to overcome for you and you will receive all that God had prepared for you in Jesus Name.
The Lord will rebuke every devourer in your camp today. Every of your oppressor must bow to their knees this day in the Name of Most High God. Like we were told in one of our messages this week “that God will not give the choicest things to the heathen and leave His own to suffer” likewise the Lord will not give ear to their prayers for it is an abomination before Him. He saved us from sin and called us with a holy calling that He will answer us when we call (2 Tim 1:9).
Jesus paid dearly for you (1 Cor 5:7) therefore He will not allow you to be destroyed with the evil ones. He gave you liberty by His death on the cross therefore you are no longer bound by the enemies. Whatever that insist to resist the blood must perish like the stubborn pursers of the Israelite in the Red Sea and that is portion this day in the Name of Jesus.
You will not be destroyed with the evil ones for there is a demarcation between you and them. Never give a thought to it for you will not be gathered with the evil ones but He will gather you and put in His barn (Jn 14:3) then will the evil ones be gathered and be burnt (Matt 13:30).
Beloved, call upon the Lord your Saviour and He will answer and show you great things which thou knowest not. You will cry unto God …, Who performs all things for you and He shall send from heaven and save you from reproach of him that would swallow you up (Ps 57:2-3). Do you believe He is able to do it? (Matt 9:28). Our God will come and will not keep silent (Ps 50:3):
“Gather not my soul with sinners.” Psalm 26:9
Fear made David pray thus, for something whispered, “Perhaps, after all, thou mayst be gathered with the wicked.” That fear, although marred by unbelief, springs, in the main, from holy anxiety, arising from the recollection of past sin. Even the pardoned man will enquire, “What if at the end my sins should be remembered, and I should be left out of the catalogue of the saved?”
He recollects his present unfruitfulness—so little grace, so little love, so little holiness, and looking forward to the future, he considers his weakness and the many temptations which beset him, and he fears that he may fall, and become a prey to the enemy. A sense of sin and present evil, and his prevailing corruptions, compel him to pray, in fear and trembling, “Gather not my soul with sinners.”
Reader, if you have prayed this prayer, and if your character be rightly described in the Psalm from which it is taken, you need not be afraid that you shall be gathered with sinners. Have you the two virtues which David had—the outward walking in integrity, and the inward trusting in the Lord? Are you resting upon Christ’s sacrifice, and can you compass the altar of God with humble hope? If so, rest assured, with the wicked you never shall be gathered, for that calamity is impossible.
The gathering at the judgment is like to like. “Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” If, then, thou art like God’s people, thou shalt be with God’s people. You cannot be gathered with the wicked, for you are too dearly bought. Redeemed by the blood of Christ, you are His for ever, and where He is, there must His people be.
You are loved too much to be cast away with reprobates. Shall one dear to Christ perish? Impossible! Hell cannot hold thee! Heaven claims thee! Trust in thy Surety and fear not!
Is your heart heavy this day? What is it that is troubling your spirit? Is all your bones weak and weary? Are like Nehemiah crying unto God to remember you for good? (Neh 13:31). You are overwhelmed with the challenge before you, do not worry for as many as touch him were made whole (Mk 6:56). Just ensure that you positioned yourself well to touch even if is the border of His garment today and be made whole. Remember what is written cannot be broken, so if has happened in the bible time you are still entitled to enjoy it again even today; so go to the Rock that is higher than you are and be healed:
“When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
Most of us know what it is to be overwhelmed in heart; emptied as when a man wipeth a dish and turneth it upside down; submerged and thrown on our beam ends like a vessel mastered by the storm. Discoveries of inward corruption will do this, if the Lord permits the great deep of our depravity to become troubled and cast up mire and dirt.
Disappointments and heart-breaks will do this when billow after billow rolls over us, and we are like a broken shell hurled to and fro by the surf. Blessed be God, at such seasons we are not without an all-sufficient solace, our God is the harbour of weather-beaten sails, the hospice of forlorn pilgrims. Higher than we are is He, His mercy higher than our sins, His love higher than our thoughts.
It is pitiful to see men putting their trust in something lower than themselves; but our confidence is fixed upon an exceeding high and glorious Lord. A Rock He is since He changes not, and a high Rock, because the tempests which overwhelm us roll far beneath at His feet; He is not disturbed by them, but rules them at His will. If we get under the shelter of this lofty Rock we may defy the hurricane; all is calm under the lee of that towering cliff.
Alas! such is the confusion in which the troubled mind is often cast, that we need piloting to this divine shelter. Hence the prayer of the text. O Lord, our God, by Thy Holy Spirit, teach us the way of faith, lead us into Thy rest. The wind blows us out to sea, the helm answers not to our puny hand; Thou, Thou alone canst steer us over the bar between yon sunken rocks, safe into the fair haven.
How dependent we are upon Thee—we need Thee to bring us to Thee. To be wisely directed and steered into safety and peace is Thy gift, and Thine alone. This day be pleased to deal well with Thy servants (Ps 119:76-80; Ps 118:8).
Finally brethren do not forget that Christ in you is the hope of your glory (col 1:27) and the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Job 28:28).
And this will be your testimony Ps 28:7-9
Remain blessed in the Lord.