Come the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good! There is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. He gave victory, He gave me peace of mind, come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, I have seen the Lord is good!// we give You honour, glory, we worship You our God You are worthy to be Praise!

Our Father we thank You we bless Your Name! Alleluia to your Holy Name! Great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise, Father You reign, great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign! Thank You and thank You everlasting King of glory, we worship You we bow down before Your throne, be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name!

Beloveth, our God is so good to us in all circumstance, in all situation, in sphere, He is so Kind to us, alleluia to the King of Kings, the Ancient of days, the I AM that I AM, Blessed be his Holy Name forever and ever.

Is another day for prayer, “men ought to pray always and not faint.” Beloved when you get the understanding of what our Lord Jesus meant in this verse of the Bible you will constantly want to pray.

Pray not because you are faithless, but pray because you want to see God and hear Him always. And the only place it is very possible in the altar of prayer.

Beloveth do you know that small decisions – repeated over time- have big results? Great athletes understand that the food they eat fuels their performance. Have you ever wondered how an athlete sticks to their diet? Or how they curb a sweet tooth? Better yet, how they master those cravings in such a way that they actually begin to desire the right fuel over indulgences?

The right food fuels your body and produces better results. When repeated over time, this has a compounding effect. This effect makes the results easier to see.

When we get results, we begin to hunger for whatever fuels the results. This is why high performers track their progress. There is a momentum to making the right choice. The same is the true spiritually

Beloveth what is the best way to increase our hunger for prayer, is simply to pray more?

Jesus hungered for prayer. More than 40 times in the gospels we see Jesus withdraw to pray. Luke notes, that Jesus often withdraw to pray (5:16). In fact, prayer proceeds some of the biggest ministry moments in Jesus’ life. He is alone praying before walking on water (Jn 6:15), before choosing His disciples (Lk 6:12), before teaching His disciples to pray (Lk 11:1), before the transfiguration (Lk 9:28), before multiplying the fish and loves (Lk 9:16), and before traveling throughout Galilee to preach and perform miracles (Mk 1:35-38).

And to prepare for the most critical moment of His life, facing the cross, Jesus repeatedly seeking the Lord in prayer (Matt 25:36-45).

Prayer was the fuel for Jesus’ ministry and life. He craved connecting with Father in prayer. The results are obvious.

If you are looking to build your hunger for prayer, it starts with …..praying! Consistently. The more you pray, the more you will hunger for prayer and its’ blessings. Prayer is the fuel for a connected and hope-filled life. And like a high performing athlete, track it.

Write down your prayers and rejoice at how God moves in your life. Your hunger for prayer will grow over time! “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:8a) (NIV).

Come on for more discovers:

“Get thee up into the high mountain.” Isaiah 40:9

Each believer should be thirsting for God, for the living God, and longing to climb the hill of the Lord, and see Him face to face. We ought not to rest content in the mists of the valley when the summit of Tabor awaits us. My soul thirsteth to drink deep of the cup which is reserved for those who reach the mountain’s brow, and bathe their brows in heaven.

How pure are the dews of the hills, how fresh is the mountain air, how rich the fare of the dwellers aloft, whose windows look into the New Jerusalem! Many saints are content to live like men in coal mines, who see not the sun; they eat dust like the serpent when they might taste the ambrosial meat of angels; they are content to wear the miner’s garb when they might put on king’s robes; tears mar their faces when they might anoint them with celestial oil.

Satisfied I am that many a believer pines in a dungeon when he might walk on the palace roof, and view the goodly land and Lebanon.

Rouse thee, O believer, from thy low condition! Cast away thy sloth, thy lethargy, thy coldness, or whatever interferes with thy chaste and pure love to Christ, thy soul’s Husband. Make Him the source, the centre, and the circumference of all thy soul’s range of delight.

What enchants thee into such folly as to remain in a pit when thou mayst sit on a throne? Live not in the lowlands of bondage now that mountain liberty is conferred upon thee. Rest no longer satisfied with thy dwarfish attainments, but press forward to things more sublime and heavenly. Aspire to a higher, a nobler, a fuller life. Upward to heaven! Nearer to God!

“When wilt Thou come unto me, Lord?

Oh come, my Lord most dear!

Come near, come nearer, nearer still,

I’m blest when Thou art near.”

beloveth, let us not be slothful in the place of prayer, let us be on fire by praying more and all the time. When you pray as we have been told or in most cases experienced the prince of hell shudder and gave way as we come along.

Let us walk in high places of life than living in dungeon. Keep the fire blasting dearly beloved and the Lord will give insight in what He is about to do. Praise the living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Father Who art in heaven as Your children we have come and we know will not leave the same way we came, glory adoration to your holy Name Amen! Alleluia!! Amen!!! Alleluia!!!

Beloveth let su pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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