Thanks, thanks we give You thanks for all You have done. Father we are so blessed. Our soul has found rest O! God we give You Thanks.// Let the living praise the Lord; let the living praise the Lord 2x.
Father, we come with thanksgiving today to praise Your Holy Name, to worship and adore You Who is worthy of our praise.
Beloved, lift up your voice to worship God with thanksgiving songs. He is our Helper. He is our Healer, God is our Deliverer, if you are saying yes to these shout a big alleluia! Beloved did you listened to the song you just sang ‘let the living praise the Lord, let the living praise the Lord.’
Are You a living soul this morning? Then lift up your voice and shout a thunderous Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, i believe you prayed yesterday as we were encouraged to pray? Because prayer is a legal ground to defeat the enemy of your soul. Through prayer kingdoms of darkness are chattered, deliverance come and gates are lifted.
Beloved you cannot afford to be slothful on in the place of prayer. Glorify God with your voice this moment, worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. You who is saying in your heart the Lord has forsaken me.
Hear what the Sovereign Lord said in our topic of today “I will never forget you.” Is that not comforting beloved?
The kindness of the God towards us that He has made in His image and delivered us from the claws of evil ones and brought us into His marvelous light is unlimited.
Child of God walk in faith and not by sight. We are delivered from darkness into God’s marvelous light.
Come to the living God, Who not forget you. God said in His Word that before you call, He answers. Won’t you rather believe the One Who made you in His image than listen to the voice of the greatest deceiver ever lived- satan. Glory be to God.
It is time to put your faith to work. Bestir yourself and be on alert. Do not doubt God rather doubt your doubt and honor God with your faith by repeatedly saying to yourself ‘I know whom I believe…’ 2Tim 1:12.
Surely, He will not forget you, He will not forgot your husband, God has not forgotten that way-ward child of yours, He has not forgotten about that needs of yours that makes you unrest. God says I will keep my Words to You. God sworn by Himself to keep His Words to you, why are you still allowing doubt to becloud your mind?
He is coming with deliverance on His wings, come-on, God will not forget you, has He said it, He will also do it. Come along with me as we run along for more discoveries:
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the child of her womb? Even if these forget, yet I will not forget you.”—Isaiah 49:15
God never becomes preoccupied or neglectful toward one of His children. God said it would be more likely for a nursing mother to forget the infant at her breast than for Him to forget one of His children! The nursing mother has a keen sensitivity to her baby. Even if the infant is in another room the mother’s senses are in tune with her child. The mother knows when it is time to feed and care for the child. The mother never becomes so preoccupied with other things that she neglects the needs of her child.
It is fitting that God chose this imagery to describe how He looks after His people, for He is more sensitive to the needs of His children than even the most loving mother. He anticipates every cry for help. Even before we can call out in need, God is responding with His answer (Isa. 65:24). This is one of the most comforting promises God has given to us: that He will never forget us.
Don’t let the difficult circumstances you are facing convince you that God has forgotten you. Don’t ever assume that God is more concerned with the needs of other, more significant, more spiritual people than He is with yours. Scripture teaches that God looks upon you with the same love, interest, and concern as a nursing mother would look upon her infant. It should reassure you to know that your Father loves you like that!
God is love and His mercies lives forever. Do you want to see the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ? Don’t be like the people of the world who pretend as if everything is going well with them and you who is of God is imitating them instead of them imitating you- the ambassador of Jesus. Come as we learn from below:
Alice And The Mad Hatter
Yesterday I had lunch with a friend who said the wheels were coming off his personal and professional life as he struggles to juggle all the balls in the air. His life, he said, seemed to consist of one mad rush to keep up with the rest of the pack.
As he talked, I was reminded of a scene at Disneyland where Alice in Wonderland dances with the Mad Hatter. Actually, it is only an illusion inventively created with lights and mirrors. A hologram.
We live in a world of holograms — where Christians are often caught in an enslaving scramble to keep up with those smooth characters who seem to be two or three steps above us on the professional, social, economic or educational ladder… Just out of our reach…
From our vantage point, “they have arrived,” while the rest of us mortals, (who are numbly unaware that the hologram is only an illusion of reality) sweat, scrabble, and puff, to get where we think they are, as we spend money we do not have to purchase things we do not need, in order to impress people we do not like.
Talk about enslavement!
So why are we chasing the holograms in our frantic pursuit to “arrive“. Because we love what we perceive to be their “Designer” lifestyles: There are never any holes in their socks; their teen-age kids are never plagued with acne, and there is never a cash flow problem in their business. And they always vacation in the exotic spots. In blissful harmony, of course.
The true disciple of Jesus who is walking by faith however, sees through the holograms to the reality of the eternal, (“we walk by faith, not by sight“ — 2 Corinthians 5:7) and as such is increasingly becoming a “stranger” and “pilgrim” on the earth — out of step (and sorts) with societies’ fixation on the revered hologram:
“These people… living by faith… admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth… (and were) looking for a country of their own… longing for a better country—a heavenly one.” (Hebrews 11:13, 14a)
QUESTION: Judging by your lifestyle, would you say that you are captivated by the illusive and illusionary holograms? Or by a vision of the eternal? How would the folks next door answer that question of you? (Adapted from FOTM)
Do you dare to seek God and believe all He is saying to you? Get ready because you are in for an explosive miracles in your life time.
Praise the Name of the Lord. Have faith in God, “He will never forget you” Faithful is He that….” (Heb 10:23; 1 Jn 1:9; Deut 7:9).
Remain blessed in the Lord.