I will lift up your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, above every other Name O Lord! 2x. Blessed my soul; blessed the O my soul. Blessed the O my soul; blessed the Lord O my soul.

Father in heaven O God will bless Your Name we are You, we glorify Your Name, we exalt You for Who You are, glory be to Your Name on high. Thank You Jesus, Thank You for Who You are, glory be to Your Name forever. I will continual worship You because You are my God. Let all glory, all honour, all adoration be given unto thee alone in Jesus Name.

Arise O God let Your Name alone be glorified forever and ever. Thank Matchless Jesus. Thank Father for ever O Lord You Word is settled and is settle for ever more. I have looked around but there is no God like You and none will ever be like my God whose Hand is not shortened to deliver and to make whole, Father arise and be God indeed unto us that all may know that we are serving the only True God. Be Thou Magnify in Jesus Name.

Beloved, thank God for allowing us to be part of today, It can only be His mercies and great grace that kept us may He forever be adored in heaven and on earth. We bless His Name and His will continual be in our mouth. Glory be to Him forever and ever.

Beloved, are you bless? I sincerely want to appreciate God for diverse ways He has been good to me and I believe someone is saying same thing. Let us exalt His Mightiness together and glorify His Name forever and ever. Excellent is His Name. Prophet Amos said “can two walk together except their agree?” Amos 3:3. Same way if you cannot trust God in simply things, it will be difficult to trust Him in big things.

What I am saying is that if you cannot trust God in simply things like your “salvation package and provisions,” it will be very difficult to trust Him in big things like “eternal life.” I think that is big enough because that is the end of the matter. Nothing can be compare with it, therefore I think is a big stake for every child of God.

If God is able to do all things, I believe we should also trust Him in everything. He is able to keep all that you entrusted into His hand. Last Saturday, God surprised me beyond my imagination. I never knew that my son was ill because he was in boarding school, and I simply went to see him but on getting there I discovered that he was ill. He did not call, the housemaster did not call. I was shocked and immediately commenced treatment for him, before we left home on that day he was stable and better but I needed to take care of him and ensure that his treatment was completed as well.

Later on I kept wondering what will have happened if God did not order my step to the school because the temperature was 38 degrees on examination and that shocked me but you know that our God cannot be late in anything concerning His own, He held him up and on and made me to go visiting which I have been planning and never go until that day.

Beloved, our God is a good God. He became stronger few minutes his treatment was commenced and I give God Praise.

Our topic said “God will not forget.” Do you think God will ever forget your labour of love in His vineyard? Do you think He will destroy the righteous with the ungodly? Do you think that He is not aware of your needs? Do you think that He has forgotten you? I don’t know about other gods but my God will never forget you because He made you in His image. He has your destiny planned out; He knows that you will be satisfied by His goodness if you believe and never give up.

Daniel 11:32b said “but they that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Do you know your God? I mean the Living and Only True God? Whose Name is Jehovah? The Mighty Man in battle? The Beginning and the End, He is the Alpha and Omega. What Name do you call our God?

When you know God, you will understand that God is too faithful to fail, beloved you can go to bed and sleep. Satan can his work but you know that it will not come near you rather you will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked (Ps 91:7-8). You will also know that God will disappoint the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise (Job 5:12). Beloved, always have this in your mind “God will never forget,” and He will always be true to that man or women that trust Him.

Let us discover more:


Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. Isaiah 49:15


God never becomes preoccupied or neglectful toward one of His children. God said it would be more likely for a nursing mother to forget the infant at her breast than for Him to forget one of His children! The nursing mother has a keen sensitivity to her baby. Even if the infant is in another room the mother’s senses are in tune with her child. The mother knows when it is time to feed and care for the child. The mother never becomes so preoccupied with other things that she neglects the needs of her child.

It is fitting that God chose this imagery to describe how He looks after His people, for He is more sensitive to the needs of His children than even the most loving mother. He anticipates every cry for help. Even before we can call out in need, God is responding with His answer (Isa. 65:24). This is one of the most comforting promises God has given to us: that He will never forget us.

Don’t let the difficult circumstances you are facing convince you that God has forgotten you. Don’t ever assume that God is more concerned with the needs of other, more significant, more spiritual people than He is with yours. Scripture teaches that God looks upon you with the same love, interest, and concern as a nursing mother would look upon her infant. It should reassure you to know that your Father loves you like that!

I don’t know what is bothering your heart; I want to reassure you that God has not forgotten you. Beloved, He will never forget you. More dearly:


And God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name Lord I was not known to them.” Exodus 6:2–3

As God has walked with His people through the generations, He has progressively revealed His nature according to His purposes and the needs of His people. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew Him as God Almighty, because they needed His mighty power to protect them from their enemies. Moses and the Israelites learned that God was Lord, Master over every nation and every thing. God not only delivered them from the most powerful ruler in the world, but also brought them into the Promised Land. They came to experience Him as Lord, preeminently powerful over the pagan gods of their day.

God will continue to reveal His character to you according to your needs and according to His purposes. You will come to know more and more about Him as you obey Him. When you grieve, He will come to you as Comforter. When you are in need, He will demonstrate that He is the Provider. When you face a serious challenge, He will reveal that He is God Almighty.

Your understanding of God’s character ought to be greater now than when you first became a Christian. You ought to know Him today better than you did five years ago. Sadly, some Christians continue to live year after year with the same basic knowledge of God that they had when they first began walking with Him. Whatever your present situation, view it in the light of what God is teaching you, through circumstances, about Himself and you will come to know God in dimensions you have never known Him before.

The children of Israel knew God’s act but Moses knew His ways. Do you know the ways of God or is it only His acts? Are you only set to receive miracles and desiring to know and keep God’s commandment? Will today decides to be a worker in His vineyard. Remember Jesus said “I will not cast away anyone that come to me. God will not cast away a perfect man (Job 8:20). Praise the Lord!

Let that be your confidence in God. Praise the Lord!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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