Who is like unto Thee o Lord! who is like unto Thee, O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing your wonders alleluia, doing wonders alleluia// how excellent is the Name O! Lord, how excellent is Thy Name O! Lord!, how excellent is Thy Name, how excellent is Thy Name, how excellent is Thy Name O Lord! how excellent is Thy Name, how wonderful are You Lord, how excellent is Thy Name O! Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father You are Excellent, You are Wonderful, You are precious, glory be to Your Name. Wonderful are You Lord! How can we thank You enough for Your Goodness and for Lovingkindness towards us. You delivered and You set free, You make a way even where there seem to be no way. You loved us with an everlasting love.
Faithful are You Lord, faithful are You Lord! Faithful are You Lord, you are so faithful Lord. My heart is full of thanksgiving unto Your Holy Name. How Excellent are You Lord! Father we come to say thank You for thus far You have led us for we know that You are Good, and everything about You is Good, therefore we are not afraid of what our future looks like. If You will do this one, Father we are so convinced that You will do the rest. Thank You Lord for another blessed week you have seen us through, we are most grateful and we return to say – thank You Father.
Father, we went to specially hallow Your Name for Your Faithful guidance all through the months of this year, Lord if not for You I don’t know what would have become of us but thank be to Your Holy Name for being true to Your Name. Amen alleluia.
Beloved, wow! Is Friday again, how the days fly, wow! Hope you been blessed with the Word of God that is coming to you through the throne of grace via this platform, thank you for your prayers and your continual spreading the Word to your contacts and as many as you think that should be save through you. Praise the name of the Lord!
Beloved, hope you have been witnessing God’s goodness and kindness as promised Him to us? I don’t know how to thank Him enough, indeed Great is my God; our God Praise Lord. In case you are not seeing His promises in your own life, I will advise you humble yourself before Him and seek His face, You will hear Him speak to you. We study it this week that when we are not hearing then it means we are not waiting, or silent enough to hear Him speak to us.
We are too noisy to hear the Spirit of God, so watch it. Another reason why you may not have seen what God is doing is very possible that you are not Spirit–led. You may be struggling to have your own way. Is that your case then the message of today is going to meet your need. Your self –will will surrender to God if you humble self to God.
You are not the Master planner of your life, why not leave all those loads at the feet of Jesus and see how He leads you all the way. You will have less things to worry about as the Lord will lead you.
Beloved, my life was full of anxiousness, fear and worries; I wake up each day fearful of what is going to happen to me and my family as our income level zero out, so if you are talking about anxious living, I can give you a vivid description of it. But when I told God that I was tired of living that way, I humbled myself before God and laid down my cares before Him, Amazing the Grace of God found me, picked me up, cleanse me and use me.
Beloved, all those fear went away. Do I still have need yes! Of course is a daily occurrence but the goodnews is that I am no longer anxious about them. I am no longer living in the future because that were the fear lies, I live in the ‘now’ and believe me before the need will be overwhelming God Himself walks in and take care of it. He send help and I could see it that it is God doing it.
He is teaching me and leading daily in the career I am presently engaged in, beloved is possible your life is in mess as mine was some years back and I cried to God and He heard and listened to my cry, beloved, today when you hear the voice of God saying to you “my child come to me” turn your cares to me, come and I will heal you of those diseases, come and I will make you whole again, come and drink from my fountain that never runs dry, come to me and you will see those Egyptians no more, come my dearly beloved, come and I will speak for you.
Beloved do not harden your heart, rather go on your knees and surrender it all to Him. The prodigal son did and his father ran to him, our Father; your Father is waiting for you to come back home, He is waiting to show you the brighter future He planned for you. Will you come and be led by the Holy Spirit? Will you stop insisting on your own ways? Come for the Lord is waiting to make your life sweet again, praise the Lord!
Come and stoop down to drink and your life will never be same again come and be bless.
1 Chronicles 21:1-23:13, Psalm 85:8-13, Proverbs 18:9-11, Acts 18:24-19:20
Having Your Own Way
I will listen to what God will say; surely the Lord will … not let them go back to foolish ways.—Psalm 85:8
Although our divine Shepherd seeks to lead us in the paths that are right, often we are so stubborn and self-centered that we decline to follow. We prefer our own way even though it may lead us straight into trouble.
When challenged about this issue, many of us, of course, strongly deny it. Yet in actual fact, comparatively few of God’s people follow continually in His path. We say: “I want to do God’s will and be led by Him in all that I do”—and then promptly proceed to follow our own self-determined desires. We sing beautiful hymns and choruses that contain such words as: “The Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow”—then take the path that we think is best.
This is an issue that we must come to grips with right now, for unless we learn how to give up our self-centeredness, we will fall into serious trouble—no matter how loving and concerned is our Shepherd. I recognize that this is a difficult issue for many Christians, for our civilization teaches us self-interest as the primary motivating force in life—”every man for himself and the Devil take the hindmost.” Actually if self-interest is primary, then the result is self-destruction, for the self-centered soon become the self-disrupted. They are making themselves God, and they are not God, so the universe won’t back their way of life.
Blessed Lord Jesus, You show me how to truly live—help me to live Your way. I want to abound, not drag leaden feet to dead tasks. Purge me of self and make me a committed follower of Your Way. For Your own name’s sake. Amen.
Further Study
Pr 14:12; Col 3; Gl 2:20; Rm 6:11
What was Paul’s confession?
List some characteristics of the unselfish life.
Dear beloved are ready to surrender your life to our Dear and Good shepherd? Then you are in for the great adventure in God, you are in for a season that will last you a life time here on earth and the life after. Praise the Lord. may the Lord help us to obey Him, wait patiently for Him and be blessed always in Jesus Name.
Remember in this class, we are practical enough to do what we learnt, so go on to do like-wise as we are taught and we will be bless at the end. Praise the Lord.
Have a Spirit led-life now and forever. See you next week by God’s grace and we will hear again what the Lord have for us as we match to eternity.
Remain blessed in the Lord.